September 11th will be, if accurately reported and remembered by the Media, a dark place in the hearts of all that remember that day!
But 16 years after September 11th, I doubt that DACA Dreamers remember very little to nothing about that day because of the Progressives and RINO’s attempt to erase that unpolitical correct possibility of the implication of a certain race and religion being held responsible for that American day of infamy!
America’s moral high ground, a.k.a. exceptionalism, and the President’s Administration is now under fire for the financial costs of these two most prepared for in advance, by any Administration in the history of America’s Hurricanes!
According to the agenda journalists, who are always nipping at President Trump’s toes and the common sense of every American citizen, are still in disbelief that this man is President, and that Social Globalism isn’t the driving force behind the political future of America! Eight months of being President, breaking records in terms of his legislative accomplishments, creating jobs, repealing over 800 Obama regulations that are allowing the country to grow to the point of almost raising America’s GDP to a predicted 4% in the first months, and rebuilding our military is still not good enough, but when you hear these top Progressives rethink their position, you have to begin to wonder if there could possibly be a chance for a bipartisan reality of working together to make America great again, but on the other hand it could be about Nancy Pelosi covering her ass because of her lying to the 2008 election committee about Obama citizenship debacle.
A Chink in the Armor? No way!
Mrs. Feinstein refused to endorse impeaching the president and told the crowd they should be “patient” with Mr. Trump, and that he “could be a good president.” While her comments were condescending and patronizing of Mr. Trump, she apparently wasn’t mean or unhinged enough for the crowd who started to boo and hiss Mrs. Feinstein, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
A day later, on Aug. 30, Mrs. Pelosi, also of California, sat with the Denver Post’s editorial board and declared that voters didn’t want to hear them criticizing the president.
Really? This from a woman who has been one of the most unhinged among Trump critics, and that’s saying a lot. Among other attacks, she endorsed censure of the president over his comment about Charlottesville, said he is unworthy of the office of president, said that she is “worried” about his fitness for the office, and has called him “reckless.”
But suddenly on this day she was in retreat, and even complimentary of the president. On his handling of Hurricane Harvey, she said he had been “gracious” and noted, “He went to Corpus Christi, which is sort of appropriate for him to do, because in the heart of the storm, it would be a challenge to accommodate a president.”
Mrs. Pelosi also went so far as to warn about criticizing Mr. Trump.
[The voters] don’t want to hear us criticizing the president,” she said. “This was a choice; they made a decision. And to criticize the president personally is to disrespect their judgment. So I say to my members, This is about what we’re going to do.”
There is only one thing that politicians like Mrs. Feinstein and Mrs. Pelosi care about: their jobs. This sudden turnaround tells us one thing: The Democrats realize their scorched-earth policy not only isn’t working; it’s backfiring. ~~By Tammy Bruce, a Friend of America!
While we remember the 16th anniversary of September 11th, the worst terrorist attack in the history of America, and then trying to recover from two of the worst hurricanes to hit this country, back to back, over a two-week period of time, we are reminded that when Americans are called upon to act for the best interest of other countries, like we did in WWI and WWII, that Americans finally get a chance to answer that rally call to make America first and great again. and come to the aid of their fellow American citizens!
September 11ths tragedy should be a reminder to us of how vulnerable, as a country we truly are, but at the same time, via the ‘Swamp,’ realize how far we’ve politically ideologically fallen. Too many political decisions over the last 8 years by our elected officials have to had been questioned, but without the agenda journalist reporting on the obvious misleading actions of our elected officials, are not reporting the truth so Americans can respond in the appropriate manner! It’s obvious that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is actually being paid to mislead, and being bought to feed the American people an alternative reality, which by the way is a reality against our founding father’s rule of law and Constitution! Where did we go wrong, and who is responsible for letting this anti-Constitutional Republic conspiracy happen?
The symbolic images we see to remember September 11th are not what they appear to be!
But more of a warning, and when you see the physical two towers being hit, or the two light beams rising into the night sky it should be telling us that we now have two strikes against us, and can’t take a called third strike because we’ve promised our future generations that America’s Constitutional Republic’s will guide and lead them, just like they did for us!
If we took the time to see where we went wrong as a country, it would have to be because in our blind trust that our elected officials would be following the Constitutional blueprint that was left for us by our founding fathers, and that the Media would be holding our elected officials accountable by being that eye in the sky to keep them on track, and last, but not least, ‘ourselves’ for thinking that the first two, even with the influences and financing by outside interests, would follow in the footsteps of their honest predecessors.
There had to be an encompassing insider multi Administration plan that both parties agreed to, and through bipartisanship, tried to drag the American people kicking and screaming into the night and into an alternative existence that would force America to give up our sovereignty, our Constitutionally granted freedoms, liberties, and rights, and allow moral side of issues to rule over the rule of law, while accepting lawlessness to silence and undermine our first Amendment rights!
I could point out the pieces to this anti-American puzzle that’s been ongoing for decades, but what got me off the couch, and the beginning of my 10-year awakening, and what the trusted media would have pounced on and probably resulted in the disqualification of Barack ‘Insane’ Obama’s run for the presidency, but that didn’t happen, and while he openly flaunted his relationship with Rev. ‘God Damn America’ Wright, and ‘Weather Underground’ bomber, Bill Ayres, nobody questioned his motives or intent, and I say ‘why?’
The next obvious observation to me was when President Trump, back in 2007, questioned Barack ‘Insane’ Obama’s eligibility to run for the presidency due to the citizenship requirement! Contrary to the intent and interpretation of Trump’s objections, and the allegations towards the eligibility of Barack Obama, it had nothing to do with race, which the ‘Paid to Report’ Media used immediately to play the racist card against citizen Trump, but in truth, for Obama not being a natural born citizen, which is a Constitutional requirement, and which Obama is not! If we had pulled the plug on Obama back 2007 just think of how unimportant this past election to the future of America might have been, and that’s because the rules and regulations of our elected officials would have probably stayed within the boundaries of our Constitutional Republic, and within the rule of law, …maybe?
President Trump hasn’t been able to do his job by delivering on his promises to the American people, and the main reason is twofold, first is Mitch McConnell who for 35 years built his reputation on the contributions, contacts, and the arm twisting of his fellow congressman that has helped his over rated longevity, and the second is Paul Ryan who is trying to be to Mitch McConnell, what Chuck-e Schumer is to Harry Reid, which is inheriting the next Political Boss’s obstructionist thrown who cares more about the fringe benefits of office, then the protection of the Constitution, our rule of law, and the rights granted by that same Constitution for all legal American citizens!
“Who will govern the governors?
“There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves. They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray. They alone are the safest depository of the ultimate powers of government.” ~~Thomas Jefferson
There’s really a lot to say when it comes of the knit picking of ‘Never America’ when it comes to these spoiled millionaire athletes who were able to make it big time in the only country where they could possibly make it big time, but still choose to target anything Trump, disrespect the National Anthem by either kneeling or sitting it out, and not respecting the office of the President of the United States! What these spoiled ‘Paid to Play’ athletes don’t understand, and choose not to, is that this President, who by the way also achieved the American dream, and made it big time, is grateful for the things this country enabled him to do, and chose to make a positive difference, and that’s at the age of 71, not taking his salary, and all because the ‘Swamp’ had dropped the ball and decided to move over to the ‘dark side,’ and down play the exceptional past and present of this great country!
There’s one big difference when you compare President Trump to past Presidents and Party bosses, and that’s President Trump has the ability to see that the feckless bureaucracy of these other Presidents makes them seem to be more interested in the protocols and procedures of the ‘Swamp’ than they care about the American people’s mandate! President Trump is a get’er done, ‘damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead’ Patriot and the reason why Americans voted for him, and not the preexisting ‘Swamp’ who has been given that incredible unacceptable 15% approval rating!
I think we all know by now that President Trump is a huge outsider who has an extra buck or two so that he can afford to spend anything he wants, and gives his salary to charities dealing with the wellbeing of our vets, and then being criticized for only donating a million of his own dollars to the Hurricane Harvey rescue effort when he could have given more! At the age of 71, he could have retired playing golf, and sitting on a beach sipping Ice tea, should say a lot to you about his dedication to America, and its failing elected officials who have decided that the constitutional path is not a path they no longer want to travel! Common sense should be telling you that anything and everything that this President is being accused of has nothing to do with the protocols and procedures he chooses not to acknowledge, but the continual abandonment by America’s elected officials and party bosses to discredit what the Constitutional Republic’s Constitution stands for! The observant and oppressed peoples of the world want to follow the America example of the freedoms, liberties, and rights that every human being on earth should be granted, and being given the opportunity to take advantage of for themselves and the rest of their families!
The world leaders agree and seriously believe in the complete dominance and necessity for a one world order! These leaders can’t afford to have their people being drawn to a political system that doesn’t give them the ability to control the masses, and can’t afford to have this distraction because it will negate their ultimate goal of having one size fits all ruling power for all peoples of the world. Competition and innovation needs to be controlled and not allowed to be an individual triumph and honey hole for a select few, but for society as a whole! These ‘one world order’ believers believe that the rate of advancement should be controlled and not allowed to give one country a leg up over any other country because of its superior financial prowess, which are due to an individual countries exceptional technical advancements, entrepreneurial talents, and a free market place!
An individual country’s character and heritage, along with its traditions are no longer important when a countries sovereignty no longer belongs to its citizenry! Individual freedoms, liberties, and rights are no longer needed when everyone is marching lock-step to just the one size fits all ideological control of the masses!
We have political party bosses who have been in office so long that their ass prints are etched in the seats they occupy in the House and Senate, and we have a political ‘Swamp’ that can’t or won’t except President Trump’s and the deplorable American people’s populist movement mandate.
McConnell and Ryan hated the fact that 15 months of anti-Trump distraction, before the 2018 midterms, had been eliminated from the ‘Swamps’ maneuvering because, god forbid, President Trump worked with the other side of the aisle who had a better answer to get by the upcoming debt ceiling negotiation out of the way so that the ‘focus’ of the Federal Government could be on the largest recorded Hurricane in history that’s now causing havoc in Florida, and continuing to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas!
Agenda journalists are pumping up this common sense presidential negotiation as a traitorous assault on President Trump’s supposedly ‘got his back’ Republican Party, but in reality, a decision he made under his ‘America First’ Party, the Party now controlling the actions of the gutless Republican Party leadership that decided it was easier to make money and join the Progressive left in their attempt to make America ‘not’ so great again, then it is to follow their ‘fake’ conservative value lies!
It’s up to us now to drain the ‘Swamp’ and protect our past, present, and future’s ability to maintain what’s made us great and respected around the world, and that’s our Constitutional Republic’s Constitution! As legal American citizens, we must protect the sovereignty that our elected officials have chosen not to protect! What the clueless leadership of the European Union have done, and now regret because of 20/20 hindsight, is that there is no going back, and will never be able to put the unvetted illegal immigrants and refugee toothpaste back in the ‘never happened’ tube!
As a sovereign nation, one of the last still standing, we must insist on ‘free’ voter ID card to every legal citizen to vote!
We must take it upon ourselves to vet the idealistic values of these possible candidates for public office who think they know what’s best for America and our future! Americans must take it upon themselves to enforce term limits on their own because the members of the House and Senate will never give up their cushy job while building up a very profitable self-employed business for themselves, where they can sell their vote and influence for a price, just like Hillary did using the Clinton Foundation, and intentionally setting up an unsecure server so that her customers could easily hack into to get the intel and secrets they paid for, just like someone would go through a checkout line in a grocery store!
When if comes right down to it, September 11th, 2001 was just a warning!
God knows, after the last 16 years, that our enemies don’t need to hijack commercial airplanes to destroy America’s exceptionalism when they can now just walk across our borders freely and hide in our Sanctuary Cities while raping, pillaging, and murdering our innocent men, women, and children right here at home on American soil, and then being set free to do it another day! When it comes to the 1st Amendment, protecting our past history, or even having an opinion that’s not parallel to the dominant and aggressive branch of the Democratic Party, known as the Progressive branch, you have to know that freedom of speech, like Hillary campaigned on, has room for regulation, and actually in place as we ‘don’t’ speak today out of fear, retribution, and physical harm!
When it comes to the DACA dreamer’s case against the rule of immigration law, is that there is one lesson they have decided not to learn, and that’s the law of common sense, where the rule of law still rules, but lawlessness has saved them from their obligation to go the route that other immigrants and refugees have done before them so that they can adjust, assimilate, and understand the language, while adjusting to the different law abiding cultures that already occupy this exceptional country!
When it comes to the moral argument over the rule of law and the ‘Dreamers,’ know that the legal ‘process and protocol’ of obtaining entry to this country will be the only welcoming mat, under this President, that you will ever get, hopefully, and not one based on the right and moral thing to do! I can sympathize with their plight, but when it comes to the immigrants and refugees who have come to this country legally, and waited patiently to receive their chance to receive their ‘legal’ American citizenship, which is their ‘American Dream, I have my concerns. The only thing I can say is that the only moral obligation any unvetted illegal immigrant or refugee should expect to get from this Administration, is to hope and pray that their temporary stay didn’t result in creating a criminal record, which will more than likely eliminate the opportunity to get a second legal bite at the American apple!
There Is No Such Thing As a ‘Deserving DREAMer’
Over and over again, from the mouths of politicians in both parties, identity politics purveyors and cheap labor lobbyists, we hear the same refrains about President Obama’s 800,000 amnestied illegal alien youths:
“They don’t deserve to be punished.”
“They deserve protection.”
“They deserve the American dream.”
Deserve, deserve, deserve.
Over and over again, in countless cookie-cutter op-ed pieces published over the past month, so-called DREAMers have vociferously lamented President Donald Trump’s push to eventually undo their unconstitutional five-year reprieves from deportation plus coveted work permits:
“DREAMers like me have flourished under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Trump might take it all away.”
“If Trump ends DACA, DREAMers like me will return to a life of anxiety and doubt.”
“I feel exhausted, I feel frustrated, I feel angry, and in the worst moments, I feel helpless. I feel terrified that at any moment this program is going to be taken away and once again I won’t be able to work — how will I pay my bills? … What is going to happen to me if I get stopped on the street and I no longer have DACA? What’s going to happen to me if I get put into deportation proceedings and I don’t have thousands of dollars to hire an attorney to stay in this country?”
“I will lose my job, my ability to finish college, my driver’s license, and will be subject to deportation. I am not alone either. Almost one million young immigrants like myself will be affected in the same way and possibly even worse.”
I, I, I. Me, me, me. My bills. My ego. My education. My job. My anxiety.
Since when did DACA become the Depression and Anxiety Cure for Amnesty-seekers?
It’s this insatiable appetite for collective entitlement that demonstrates the perils of blanket amnesty. Give a privileged political class an inch and they’ll take, take, take until feckless public servants give away their country.
The proper response to illegal alien activists demanding that Washington act “NOW!” to preserve their comfort, allay their anxieties and extend their unconstitutional protections indefinitely is this:
Americans in uniform who’ve dedicated their lives to defending our nation are struggling to gain access to quality health care they’ve earned by action, not by accident or circumstance. Imagine their stress.
Five million American young people between 16-34 were unemployed last year and 50 million more are not even in the labor force. Imagine their anxiety.
Hundreds of thousands of law-abiding people from around the world are waiting patiently for their backlogged visa and green card applications to be reviewed. Imagine their frustration.
Why don’t their dreams come first?
Nancy Pelosi called on House Republicans to help her “safeguard our young DREAMers from the senseless cruelty of deportation and shield families from separation and heartbreak.”
Never has this Bay Area elitist called on House Republicans to join her in shielding native-born and law-abiding immigrant families from the senseless and preventable violence committed by criminals in this country illegally who’ve caused immeasurable heartbreak for decades in her overrun California sanctuary.
Jamiel Shaw Sr., whose son was mercilessly shot to death by a sanctuary-protected gang member living in outlaw-coddling Los Angeles illegally, administered a bracing reality check:
“You want to talk about families being separated? Try spending your holidays talking to a grave!”
The left-wing DREAM racket is a self-perpetuating political marketing machine. Its primary contribution to American society? Lashing out at how cruel, racist, ignorant and ungrateful the rest of us are for not bowing down before the hallowed angel children of the Obama administration’s amnesty program. It’s no coincidence that the publicity-hungry leaders of the DREAMer movement are full-time fulminators in government-funded academia, community organizing outfits, immigration law foundations and the grievance-nursing media.
A deserving DREAMer would respect the sovereign right of an independent nation to determine who stays and who goes based on its national interest and constitutional obligations to put its citizenry first.
The deserving DREAMer, in other words, would admit he or she is owed nothing and deserves nothing.
~~By Michelle Malkin, a Friend of America!