America’s future is not about taking a side within the two party political system that has betrayed our trust, and ignored everything ‘constitutionally correct,’ but taking a side that has nothing to do with picking one of two when they both appear to be the one and the same is not the perfect ‘forced’ scenario when voting to make America great again!
There are two distinct ideological differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, but it appears that these two parties have either unwillingly merged to take down the outsider nonpolitician President, or have decided on their own, that the American people missed the boat they should have been on when it came to accepting the global and Socialist future path for America, but will make sure that we don’t miss that boat the next time around!
When it Comes to the Truth About the Differences of These two Political Parties, Just the Facts Mam, Just the Facts!
The Progressive left continues to want to work through bipartisanship with President Trump in resolving the healthcare issues, but still hasn’t come up with their recommendations to fix, but not to replace Obamacare, and never chooses not to mention that the $7 Billion Dollars that Obama unconstitutionally gave to the Insurance companies for subsides that were never authorized by congress, and proven illegal through the court system. This is the excuse being used by the Liberals to pull at the heart strings of honest and generous Americans, and the large lie the left’s using to take that moral high ground they so desperately lay claim to while undermining the rule of law, the Constitution, and the checks and balances that prevent the possibility of a dictatorship being created!
Obama’s Obamacare paid insurance companies $7 billion dollars while the American people’s premiums and deductibles sky rocked! I call this double dipping, and that’s because the insurance profits doubled since the beginning of Obamacare because of the unconstitutional bail out of the insurance companies, and then collected a huge amount of cash from the American people in need! If the American People on Obamacare never met their deductible, then the insurance company never had to pony up a dime, so, give the private sector the ball, and let them do what they do best, compete, come out with a better cheaper product, and feel good about making a buck or two while the beauracracy’s bottomless taxpayer pit gets a break for once.
All of you have to do is ask yourself where would we be now if Hillary would have won, and continued on in Obama’s footsteps? Do you think that the record producing job numbers, the record breaking stock market, and the unprecedented rebuilding of our military, after Obama tried his hardest to disarm America and taking back a back seat on the world stage, would have been accomplished by the new Socialist American Party being led by Hillary?
For all of you deep in debt families and millennials who are up to their necks in college debt, know the total tuition at public colleges and universities amounts to about $70 billion per year, and know now that it cost the taxpayer, per year on illegal immigrants and refugees, who only contribute around $18.5 Billion in tax revenue, about 135 Billion – Illegal immigration debacle
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck-e Schumer have failed their base by backing Obama’s message of ‘Socialist’ change back in 2008 when they didn’t bother to educate the public to what their intent and interpretation of change was! I don’t know about you, but it’s obvious to me that with Sen. Dianne Feinstein in her mid 80’s looking to run again, Nancy Pelosi not knowing what was in the healthcare act known as Obamacare, and telling her party to vote for it so they could see what’s in it, and then condemning President Trump for Sabotaging Obamacare with his executive order opening the sale of insurance over state lines, and then admitting she didn’t hear what President Trump said before she responded. All of this should be enough to replace these irresponsible over the hill, no longer relevant, outsiders who are no longer listening, or for that matters not intending to listen to the ‘basket of deplorables’ peoples mandate!
If you haven’t noticed yet the Progressive Left is sticking to their 2016 platform, and nothing has changed! Schumer keeps wanting to look like he cares about the peoples mandate, but have yet to come up with a domestic, economic, or foreign policy that’s new and encompassing anything that has a shot of making America great again.
You have to wonder if the American people actually know what’s inherited by being a Democrat, Progressive, or Liberal, and that goes the same for being a Republican, conservative, or what now appears to be RINO’s who are hidden deep in the ‘Swamp’ to push the globalist agenda for the greater good of the world, and their pockets, but not for the American people!
Doom and gloom is the message of the RINO’s on the right should tax reform or the repeal of Obamacare ‘not’ happen, but who, if neither of these two ‘musts’ don’t happen, because of the obstruction and resistance of both party’s ‘Never Trumper’s,’ will cast their vote for the possibility of Socialism taking over our Constitutional Republic, America giving up its sovereignty, and the Constitution being scrapped? …..HOW ABOUT NOBODY!!
The ‘Swamp’ needs to be drained of both Democrats and Republicans who won’t work through bipartisanship to remedy American’s problems, don’t work toward the peoples mandate as expressed by the election results, and choose to sit on the fence giving lip service or voting just ‘Present’ instead of that ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ to protect themselves from any negative criticism that might ruin their chance to get reelected!
When it Comes to the ‘Left,’ it’s All About Control!
When it comes to Obamacare and the left’s steadfast fix and not repeal narrative, it’s 100% about control! If you recall the Alinsky 8 steps to transforming a country to socialism, controlling healthcare is the most important! I think that we all would agree to repeal and replace Obamacare with both parties working through bipartisanship for the greater good of the American people is not only the right thing to do, but the only thing to do!
President Trump has shown the American people the truth behind what makes the ‘Swamp’ tick, and how the Liberal left’s self-proclaimed superior moral high ground, its hypocrisy, and its inability to follow the ‘Will’ of the American peoples mandate will continue as long as this outsider nonpolitician stays in office and undo’s every Obama Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum that controls the free will of the American people! Hillary’s continuation of Obama’s agenda would have kept our corporations over taxed and regulated, the continued loss of jobs, the unconstitutional funding of the failing Obamacare, and anything and everything that is unconstitutional when it comes to bypassing the America’s immigration laws that were already on the books before Obama, the first Black unconstitutional President of the United States!
Progressives have coerced and threatened financial abandonment of any member of the Progressive branch of the Democratic Party that doesn’t fall lockstep in line with its globalist agenda, and will back any upcoming progressive candidate that does, if they don’t.
There are 601 key positions that require confirmation, and as of October 5, 2017, and after 9 months, only 133 out of the 299 nominated by President Trump have been confirmed, and you say you want America’s healthcare for both the American people and our vets to be run by this “Swamp’s’ overblown beauracracy?
Because of control being the life blood of the Progressive Left, Liberalism will not allow President Trump to give the people back their god given liberties, freedoms and rights, and will never surrender any gained ground that Obama acquired during the last 8 years of his political correct divide of everything that America stands for in the world. Obama has been on his anti-Christian, his anti-American exceptionalism, and anti-men and women in military garb and blue from the first day he took office, which is the first day he started planning for his anti-America world apology tour!
To break it down to the basics so its easy to understand, check out the meaning and differences of these different ideological ‘ism’s’ below, and let me know which one is represented by the success of the last 244 years of America.
Socialism is a concept that individuals should not have ownership of land, capital (money), or industry, but rather the whole community collectively owns and controls property, goods, and production. Ideally, in this system all share equally in work and the fruits of their labor. Ideally this is a Christian version of help the poor and needy, sharing equally, but in the real world this can cause some problems as we will see later.
Communism is a similar concept, in that ownership of land, capital and industry can not be owned or controlled by the individual. However, under Communism the control of these things is not by a local community but by the State Government. Under this system the government has total control of everything produced and control what is made, and who will receive the goods and services produced. Under this system you are not allowed to own your own home, your own car, your own furniture, or even the food you eat. The State decides what you can use and where you will work. You have few if any rights.
Under Capitalism, individuals own and control land, capital, and production of industry. Individuals are free to purchase and own their own homes, cars, furniture, and other goods such as TV, radios, computers, boats, or any thing else you might want. You have total freedom to live where you want and what type of job field you want to pursue. If you have an idea for a new business or invention, you are free to pursue this without government interference. Under this system you have the maximum number of choices in life. This is the ‘pursuit of happiness’ from the Declaration of Independence.
President Trump is slowly dismantling anything and everything that Obama unconstitutionally created, and with every signature on every repeal of Obama’s Executive Orders regulating America, President Trump is, and will continue to make America great again by giving the people back control of their own lives!
Causes of Federal Bureaucratic Failure
The key to understanding bureaucratic failure is to look at the incentives created by the structure of government. People often blame government scandals on slothful or inept bureaucrats, who have poor management skills. But the personal attributes of federal workers are not the key to understanding bureaucratic failure.
Federal workers pursue many of the same sorts of self-interested goals that the rest of us do, such as higher pay and career advancement. But in the government, those self-interested goals interact with bureaucratic incentives to explain many failures. Government workers and managers face incentives that induce them to act counter to the general public interest. They do not operate within a system that rewards the creation of value.
80% of Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Donors
President Trump signed an executive order last week to allow healthcare coverage to be sold across state lines, and when the private sector sees a way to make a buck or two, they usually do, and with competition now able to deliver the best and cheapest healthcare coverage, and more than likely getting cheaper and better as time goes on. The biggest thing it will accomplish, will be getting government out of our healthcare needs, and life!
Pelosi and Schumer got to go, Progressivism needs to get out of the Democratic Party, antifa members need to be unmasked so that ‘free speech’ can see who is silencing ‘free speech,’ and poor Hillary has got to go back into the woods.
Republican Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee is having a war of words with President Trump, and proving by not running for reelection, that RINO’s are still running wild in the “Swamp!’ These pro globalists are rising to the surface every time they contradict the ‘will’ of the American people so we can vote them out of office, or like Sen. Bob Corker, forcing him to throw in the towel because he knows he can’t win again in the state of Tennessee!
There is More Taxpayer Dollars Being Wasted on the Liberal Bureaucracy than any other ‘Money Pit’ in government!
Bureaucratic Failure in the Federal Government
The following are some of the failure-causing features of the federal bureaucracy:
- Absence of Profits. Unlike businesses, federal agencies do not have the straightforward and powerful goal of earning profits. That has a profound effect on efficiency and innovation. Without the profit goal, agencies have little reason to restrain costs and stem wasteful spending. Nor do agencies have a strong incentive to improve the quality of their services or the effectiveness of their management. It is easier for agencies to live the quiet life than to take risks and try to enhance performance.
- Absence of Losses. Poorly performing agencies do not go bankrupt, so there is no built-in mechanism to end low-value activities. There is no automatic corrective to programs that have rising costs and falling quality. In the private sector, businesses abandon activities that no longer make sense, but “the moment government undertakes anything, it becomes entrenched and permanent,” noted management expert Peter Drucker. In government, resources remain stuck in obsolete activities, rather than being reallocated to better uses. Drucker said that “the strongest argument for private enterprise” over government is not the role of profits, but the role of losses. Losses send a powerful signal to businesses that they need to make changes. Failing government programs do not send such a signal.
Monopoly. Adding to the problem caused by the absence of profits and losses, many federal activities are monopolies. That further reduces incentives to restrain costs and improve quality. It also means there are no alternative sources of information for people to gauge the efficiency of a government activity. In competitive markets, people can compare the performance of different companies and products, but with monopolies, poor performance is harder to identify.
- Output Measurement. Business output can be measured by profits, revenues, market share, and other metrics. But government output—the quantity and the quality—is more difficult to measure. That makes it hard for Congress and the public to judge performance, or to set goals for agencies, managers, and employees. The missions of federal agencies are often multifaceted and vague. And agencies tend to describe their activities in opaque language with lots of buzz words, which makes it difficult to hold officials accountable for results.
- Monitoring and Transparency. Businesses produce audited financial statements, and their products are usually in the public realm for everyone to see. Shareholders, creditors, and other players in capital markets monitor companies, as do consumers and competitors in the marketplace. Ironically, private organizations are often more transparent and easier to monitor than public ones. With Britain’s privatization program in the 1980s, for example, hidden financial troubles of government companies were exposed when companies were floated on the stock exchange. A current example of opaqueness is our National Park Service (NPS). The agency provides to the public few details about the budgets of its individual parks. A report by Sen. Tom Coburn in 2013 noted that the NPS produced a 2,400-page study on dog-walking options in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, yet the same park provides the public virtually no information about its budget. For a contrast to the NPS, look at the private Mount Vernon in Virginia, home of George Washington. The Mount Vernon Ladies Association publishes detailed and audited financial statements for the estate showing how money is raised and spent on each of its activities. Why is this important? Without transparency and outside monitoring, organizations will receive less feedback, and that will make them more likely to fail.
Rigid Compensation. Federal employee compensation is based on standardized scales generally tied to longevity, not performance. The rigid salary and benefits structure makes it hard to encourage improved employee efforts or to reward outstanding achievements. Rigid pay scales reduce morale among the best workers because they see the poor workers being rewarded equally. With rigid pay scales, the best workers have the most incentive to leave, while the poor workers will stay, decade after decade. But attempts to introduce greater pay-for-performance in the federal government have not worked very well either. A recent effort to give bonuses to outstanding employees in the senior executive service has led to the great majority of them being judged “outstanding.” That dubious result was presumably facilitated by the lack of good output measurement in federal agencies.
- Lack of Firing. Disciplining federal workers is difficult. They have strong civil service protections, and about one-third of them are represented by unions. When surveyed, federal employees themselves say that their agencies do a poor job of disciplining poor performers. An investigation by Government Executive noted, “There is near-universal recognition that agencies have a problem getting rid of subpar employees.” Federal workers are virtually never fired for poor performance. Recent data show that just 0.5 percent of federal civilian workers a year get fired for any reason, including poor performance or misconduct. That rate is just one-sixth the private-sector firing rate. The firing rate is just 0.1 percent in the senior executive service, which includes the top career people in the government. By contrast, about two percent of corporate CEOs are fired each year, which is a rate times higher than the senior executive service.
Red Tape. Federal agencies and programs are loaded with rules and regulations, which generally reduce operational efficiency. For example, people have complained for years about the heavy paperwork involved in federal recruiting, but this problem never seems to get fixed. Large private organizations also have “red tape” problems, but the problems are worse in government. One reason for all the federal rules is to prevent corruption and fraud, which are big concerns because the government hands out so many contracts and subsidies. Government has enormous power, and so layers of rules are needed to safeguard against abuse. Another reason for all the rules in government is that there is no profit goal, and so detailed rules provide an alternate way for superiors to monitor workers. In the private sector, headquarters will monitor a regional office by seeing whether it earned a profit. In the government, headquarters will monitor a regional office by seeing whether it handed in all its paperwork. Finally, government workers themselves have reasons to favor red tape: if they follow detailed written rules, they can “cover their behinds” and shield themselves from criticism. In sum, red tape is an unavoidable feature of the government and one reason why it will never be as efficient as the private sector.
- Bureaucratic Layering. American businesses have become leaner in recent decades, with flatter management structures. Research has found that the average number of executives reporting directly to corporate CEOs has increased substantially in recent decades, while the number of management layers in major corporations has fallen. By contrast, in the federal government, “layering has become very extreme,” says Peter Schuck. Paul Light found that the number of layers, or ranks by title, in the typical federal agency has jumped from 7 to 18 since the 1960s. The federal workforce has become top-heavy with a growing number of executive designations (such as “principal associate deputy undersecretary”). Light concluded that today’s “over-layered chain of command” in the government is a major cause of failure. Overlaying stifles information flow, and it makes it hard to hold anyone accountable for failures.
Political Priorities. The federal executive branch is headed by an elected president who appoints about 3,000 people to top positions across the bureaucracy. Political leadership of federal agencies has some benefits, but it also causes failures. New administrations come into office eager to launch new initiatives, but they are less interested in managing what is already there. Political appointees think that they know all the answers, so they do not bother learning the lessons from past efforts, and they repeat mistakes. As each administration yanks agencies in new directions, past investments are thrown down the drain. The average tenure of federal political appointees is short—just two and half years—and so appointees tend to push superficially appealing initiatives that look good on their resumes, but they shy away from tackling longer-term, structural reforms. Another problem with appointees is that many of them are political partisans who lack management or technical experience. One of the reasons for the failed response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was that many executives in the Department of Homeland Security were inexperienced party loyalists. This lesson from Katrina has not been learned. Today, for example, many U.S. ambassadors are political donors with no experience in the countries they are posted. Another specific example is the current acting head of the 900-employee Federal Railroad Administration, who seems to have no background in railroads or transportation, or apparently any technical qualifications. The ticket to the top for this official appears to have been a decade of media relations jobs for members of Congress and the White House.
Agency Capture. Federal agencies get influenced or “captured” by special interests, such as businesses. Interest groups may gain influence by providing gifts or benefits to federal employees, or by using their relationships with legislators who oversee the agencies. Lobbyist influence also stems from the power of the revolving door, meaning the possibility of officials gaining lucrative private-sector jobs after leaving government. Another power that interest groups often have is control over information and expertise that a federal agency needs. Economist George Stigler developed the idea that interest groups would “capture” regulatory agencies, meaning that agencies would work on behalf of regulated industries, rather than the general public. By being regulated, businesses can use government to give them monopoly power, keep prices high, and gain other benefits. A classic example of capture was the Interstate Commerce Commission, which regulated railroads between 1887 and 1995. Milton Friedman said that it “started out as an agency to protect the public from exploitation by the railroads,” but eventually became “an agency to protect railroads from competition by trucks and other means of transport.” Similarly, the Civil Aeronautics Board “managed and enforced a cartel among air carriers” to the detriment of the general public between 1940 and 1978. In a more recent example of capture, the federal agency supposed to be overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac leading up to the recent financial crisis overlooked problems at the government-tethered companies. Another captured agency was the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS). MMS employees had very close relationships with, and often received gifts from, employees of the energy companies that they were supposed to oversee. That closeness appears to have been a factor in MMS’s failures leading up to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.
Principal-Agent Problem. Numerous relationships in the economy involve a person (the principal) paying someone else (the agent) to do a job for the principal, but the agent instead pursues his or her own goals. In the government, employees are paid to faithfully execute the laws, but they often pursue goals counter to those of legislators and the public. Unionized federal workers, for example, actively oppose legislators who support trimming worker pay or program budgets. Meanwhile, agency leaders try to maximize their budgets in underhanded ways. They exaggerate problems in society to gain support for their missions. They leak biased information to the media to ward off budget cuts. They put forward the most sensitive spending cuts in response to proposed budget reductions, which is called the “Washington Monument” strategy. They signal to the public that they are solving problems without actually solving them—for example, security agencies use “security theater” techniques that are visible to the public but do not make people safer. Agency leaders trumpet the supposedly great job they are doing, but hide agency failures from the public. And officials stonewall congressional requests for information that may shed a bad light on them. What is missing in the federal bureaucracy is critical self-examination, and that is one reason why agencies often find themselves in major failures and scandals that could have been avoided.
By Chris Edwards, a Friend of America!