(Post Labor Day Series Part 7)
**New Poll: Most Say 2020 Election Was Totally Loaded with Fraud! (Townhall/Matt Vespa)

First, when it comes to the selection and election process that’s supposed decides who will lead America into the future, just know that 44% of ‘We the People’s’ input into who’s running for the Presidency of the most powerful country in the world don’t even get a say, and as a result you now know why Pelosi and her radical left has been pushing for a Hugo Chavez like Venezuelan ‘Packing of the Court,’ which is exactly what a George Soros theft of the 2020 election was looking to do, but with a government that’s of, by and for the People, the attempt to ‘Pack the Court’ is what their version of H.R.1, which is known as the For the People Act of 2019, is supposed to do that would be the equivalent of ‘Packing the Court!‘
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
H.R.1, Obama’s 3rd Term, Biden’s Unconstitutional Policies,…..CPAC!!
24 February 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Independents: The 44% of All Voters That Can’t Vote in 17 State’s Primaries!

The Democratic and Republican parties in these states jealously guard their taxpayer-funded primary elections by treating independents as outsiders. In reality, independents outnumber both Democrats and Republicans nationwide, in January 2020 we had 44 percent (September 2021 Gallup Poll) of Americans self-identifying as independents.
Leaders in both parties may wake up and realize it is in their self-interest to roll out the red carpet to independent voters whose votes they will desperately need in November in closed primary battleground states like Florida, Pennsylvania and Arizona. The DNC (Democratic National Committee) and the RNC (Republican National Committee) penalize state parties if they attempt to move the date of their presidential primary too far forward. They could adopt a similar posture towards the inclusion of independents, penalizing state parties that don’t allow them to cast a ballot. After all, it’s harder to say “vote for us” in November after asserting “no independents allowed” in March. HELLO!!!

Do the American people understand that what’s going on in America as reported by the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is pure BS! Do the American people understand, especially after what we’ve witnessed with the selection process that 44% (September 2021 Gallup) of the American people who’ve decided to break away from being affiliated with either political party and become ‘Independent’ due to the fact that both Republicans and Democrats have moved so far away from the middle that the chance of anything being resolved through bipartisanship is, as we’ve been witnessing impossible, especially now when we have Mitch McConnell who is the Senate Minority Leader, but was the Senate Majority Leader under the Trump Administration, but with his ‘HUGE’ ties to Communist China being hidden by the MSM, and him deciding to declare that ‘Bipartisanship’ is dead one has to question his motives along with his loyalty to the oath he took to protect and defend the Constitution, especially with the power and influence he’s had and controlled in those bragged about positions that those Chinese Professors laughed about when they said that they had agents working for them in high places of power in ‘We the People’s’ government!

If you’re an Independent you basically have a limited to no say at all in the selection process because the primaries decide the candidates who will be running for the Presidency, but in a lot of instance generally closed to Independents and anyone else who is not a member or registered with that particular party, and therefore don’t get a chance to vote, which means they have no say in who’s running for any political position including who’s running for the Presidency of the United States of America!
Please note that political Parties aren’t mentioned in the Constitution and the term Democracy, which both sides of the aisle use frequently to make a point, is also not in the Constitution! We are a ‘Republic!’ Talk about subconsciously trying to ditch our founders ‘Electoral College’ seems to be just a little too obvious to me!
An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic!

When you hear Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer state they’re defending our Constitution and fighting for our Democracy, know that they’re just blowing smoke up the American People’s ass! First, the term Democracy doesn’t appear in the Constitution, and when it comes to them believing in the Constitution, know that the same Democrats, because of the illegal votes they say don’t exist, but do, pushing the ‘popular vote’ results instead of our constitutional ‘Electoral College’ to decide the leader of the free world!
These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority as we shall now see.

The Democratic Party is pushing a Progressive Socialist Agenda and not our founders Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law,’ or protecting the rights outlined in our Constitution’s ‘Bill of Rights, but instead continues to move further left because of not only their new ‘House’ recruits, but also trying to make the American people believe that they care about America’s Middle Class when the definition of a Middle Class doesn’t exist, let alone being fought to be protected anywhere in the world that’s being led by a 3rd world Socialist dictator!
Pelosi and Schumer along with the now Progressive Democratic Party, and now with the help of Republican Mitch McConnell, Chief Justice Roberts, and of course the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff after Obama back in 2013 fired just about the whole upper hierarchy of our military in order to replace them with the military leadership that when asked will shoot Americans, have stepped up their attacks on our founder’s Constitutional Republic while the surrendering Republicans under the 8 years of Obama is, because of the most accomplished campaign promise filler in American history, were supposedly growing a backbone after doing nothing to stop Obama from all his unconstitutional and illegal actions against our founder’s ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution!

In 2016 the Democrats relied largely on opinion polls, as they did ‘Fake’ news, ‘Fake’ Sources, innuendo, half-truths, and outright lies to try and convince the American people to join Hillary’s pro-Socialist team! Election forecasters put Clinton’s chance of winning in 2016 at anywhere from 70% to as high as 99% and pegged her as the heavy favorite to win several states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that in the end were taken by Trump.
Did anybody notice that after the polls said 51% of Americans want Trump impeached, and that was a FOX pol at the time, and that O’Biden came out in support of impeaching President Trump! O’Biden’s days have got to be getting numbered in the same way Hillary’s were for her missing 33,000 emails and her unsecured illegal and unconstitutional server, and we know with using a little 20:20 hindsight that James ‘the Traitor’ Comey gave Hillary a pass before hearing from the last 17 witnesses who were scheduled to be interviewed, or Hillary herself, the subject of the investigation!
Looking back now we should all know, and along with the rest of the world that AG Lynch abandoned her constitutional responsibility to decide the punishment for Hillary based on her crimes, and FBI’s Comey ignored his constitutional responsibility to only investigate Hillary’s emails and unsecured server, but then only turning over the FBI’s findings to the DOJ and AG Lynch!

I believe that when the leadership of the Obama Administration’s FBI, DOJ, IRS and CIA are doing whatever they have to do to protect Obama’s clandestine mission of destroying America from within, that there is no way in Hell that both the leadership of the Republican Party along with the most powerful position in the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice, has to be part of the decision making process, and that’s because once you look at the unconstitutional and criminal behavior of Barack Obama starting with the Speaker of the House Pelosi having to alter Obama’s documents to show he was eligible to be the President of the United States of America, when he wasn’t, should prove to every American that it’s Bush 41’s signing on the dotted line with another 178 nations leadership back in 1992 to destroy not only America’s, but the world’s ‘We the People’ by 2030, and by 95% as you can read about in the mission statement of the George Soros sponsored United Nations Agenda 21!
I guess anything is possible, and ‘Pigs fly,’ but for FBI Director James Comey, whose only job was to oversee the investigation into Hillary and her missing 33,000 emails, her unsecured server that she never should of had, and getting a free pass after AG Lynch coincidentally ran into Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton just days before Comey’s ‘reveal’ on the tarmac in Phoenix Arizona’s airport to discuss their grandchildren for a half hour!
While the Dems and front running Biden fall for the bait, and that 51% poll results for Americans wanting impeachment coming from a FOX Poll, and then sitting watching President Trump praising FOX and the individual Show’s personalities by name, I think I would be just a little suspicious of the man who wrote the ‘Art of the Deal,’ and the network that is owned by Rupert Murdock who is an open border advocate and friends with George Soros, but in my opinion a business man first, and like Donald Trump has that winning, winning, and winning and a flair for the dramatics!

The 51% poll numbers to impeach President Trump, if real, wouldn’t be about scrapping our founder’s ‘Blueprint’ for America for these Progressive Dems candidates for Socialism, which is what these Pelosi led Anti-American Democrats actually believes it means, but means that these Americans would vote for another Republican or American hero like ‘Kermit the Frog,’ who could easily beat a candidate whose running under the hammer and sickle that has long been a common theme in socialist realism! In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released in 2018, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate.
I would have to say that those numbers, especially with what’s been coming out about the ‘Deep State’s’ exposed agenda due to Hillary’s loss, are higher when it comes to ‘NOT’ voting for a ‘Socialist’ political candidate then voting for one!
Newly Released NPR/PBS Poll Proves Absurd Fox News ‘Impeachment Poll’ was Garbage at the time!
I’d love to see the Dems and the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media try to ‘SPIN’ this one!!

What you need to understand today is that Americans that affiliate with Republicans as of September 2021 is now only 25%, Democrats 30%, and the most recognized by Americans who have either jumped ship or decided to come out of the woods as a member of the ‘Silent Majority,’ a.k.a. Independents, 44+%!
Independents have come to the realization that enough is enough, and to support a two-party political system that’s chosen to abandon our Founding Father’s blueprint for a new nation that has not only been embraced by its people, but has been working for the last 245 years, is the reason why registered Independents declared their Independence from the ‘Swamp!’
Polls are used to psychologically steer the people who consider themselves not ‘popular’ to being accepted by agreeing with these ‘Faux’ polls that are meant to support the negative connotation of Hillary’s ‘Deplorables!’ These polls are intended to not only divide, but to encourage people to fall in line with the status quo whose main mission is to destroy America from within!

Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’ had nothing to do with supporting our founder’s constitutionally guaranteed individual rights, but to eliminate the teaching of our children about the history of why America is great, and why Conservative values and the benefits of Capitalism are what has made America great way before the ‘Deep State,’ and Obama and his self-proclaimed Half-wit at the time and now President Joe O’Biden (Biden) decided it was necessary to apologize for America’s past actions to the world, and then to come home and declare to the American people who just elected him to lead us into the future that America is not exceptional, and in his opinion, never was!
It’s time to drain the ‘Swamp’ of any politician who’s been sitting on the proverbial fence for all 4 years that President Trump was in office, and for all Americans, no matter what their party affiliation is, need to realize that the ‘Swamp’ will never vote for term limits, and as a result knowing it’s time for the ‘American’ people as one to come together as we were able to do as a nation for WWI and then again for WWII and drain the ‘Swamp’ in its entirety that occupies both sides of the aisle in 2020 so that ‘We the People,’ and not the government, can assist whoever comes out swinging for the fences to either be or follow in the footsteps of President Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda!
America needs to get away from the ‘Swamps’ feckless control of the status quo’s failure to follow the lead of the American voter’s mandate and direction that should have been the guiding force after the last 2016 election results!
Republicans/ Independents /Democrats
September 2021: 25% / 44% / 30%

The American people have decided that no matter what their political affiliation is or was in the past, that they are no longer going to support those elected officials that don’t support America’s Constitutional Republic, our borders, the ‘Rule of Law,’ the Constitution, and finally, the ‘Will’ of the American people!!
The ‘Swamp’ on the other hand has decided to support the clandestine undermining of our founding fathers America in exchange for the Obama and Hillary’s Karl Marx Socialist/ Communist transformation of America that started way back in 2008 by Obama’s ‘Deep State!’
What comes next is to understand that the ‘Swamp’ is no longer supporting America’s 245 years of successful governance under our founding father’s experiment in governing that has made this country the greatest, most respected, and the most envied country in the World, but all happening because that experiment is based solely on a government of, by, and for the People!
So, if you consider yourself Independent, which I’ve been registered as from day one, it gives you some valuable opportunities, but at the same time takes away other benefits that are unforeseen by the dumb and blind pollsters who use their polls to justify their existence.
The job that these pollsters are given is to make their client’s position look plausible and rational in the eyes of the American voter, while at the same time attempting to back their clients unconfirmable narrative using past tendencies of voters that more than likely will vote, and the reason they’ll vote is because they’re getting paid the big bucks!

Not only have the times changed, but the once consistent playing field has changed immensely, and when these pollster’s records and documented past research, along with history’s definable parameters were simply aimed at Democratic and Republican voters, then those once predictable and expected calculations might still be considered relevant and backing up their hypothesis that used to be working all these years, but in a time when Independents are beginning to outnumber the Democrats and Republican voters by just shy of the two parties combined, then it’s time to do away with the lesser of two evils, which in my mind, and because of their do nothing ‘Party of No’ should be the Democrats who have become Socialists and now threatening everything that’s made America what it is today, and that’s great again behind this outsider non-politician who is not only living up to the promises he’s made, but doing it on his own against both sides of the aisle who refuse to acknowledge the need for term limits or legislation that will ensure that our election process isn’t compromised because of the lack of any Federally mandated Photo Voter ID Law by either side!!
The problem today with these once reliable pollsters is that when it comes to the facts behind what makes people vote in a certain way are still accurate and a reliable truth to follow when they are not, and is what makes the rest of the ‘suckers’ who don’t have the time to do the 10 minutes’ worth of research it takes to understand the truth, to now be forced to trust the ‘Deep State run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media to give all the news that the MSM believes is fit to print to encourage the people they’re targeting to vote the way they want them to!
I’m getting up there in age myself but feel very sorry for those lazy people that believe that this 73-year-old Billionaire doesn’t care about the future of this country, and those same lazy people are the ones that don’t care if their children are guaranteed the same lives that they were able to enjoy themselves!~

But can we assume, when Independents who are now occupying the catbird seat and almost topping the combination of the Democratic and Republican parties combined, that their resolve is more than likely going to be declared flawed for the sole purpose of denying them a say in the Selection Process?
You must believe that this 44% of possible voters who affiliate with being Independent are not being represented in the polls, but more importantly not being represented in the selection process when it comes to whose running for President of the United States!
The problem that these ‘Paid to Poll’ pollsters are having today that they didn’t have before, is that the members of these two major political parties are out of touch with the American people, and this statistic is backed up and verified by the 12.8% Congressional approval rating that the American people gave to the ‘Swamp’ before the 2016 elections!

Where this blatant scenario is problematic is when the 44% of Americans that are Independent voters are forced to choose between just two major party candidates who were voted for by their separate party’s constituents without the input of 44% of the America’s electorate, and that’s probably intentional and always will be! This rigged and bipartisan selection process is forcing Independents to have to choose from the lesser of two evils to be the President of the once before both Obama and now Biden, the most powerful and respected nation in the world!
Like Yogi says, “It’s like Deja Vu all over again,” and just what happened in the 2016 primaries when Democrats had to choose between two Socialists who were either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton! Hmmm, did anybody notice that an option to vote for a candidate that supports the defending and protecting our founding fathers ‘Constitutional Republic’ was never an option?

With the onset of the Internet and Social Media and now knowing that 44% of the total electorate don’t get a say in the selection process, and who will be leading our nation into the future, and then ask yourself why polls still exist today, especially when they were basically wrong to the tune of about 99.9% when they predicted that Hillary would be the next occupant of the oval office back in 2016!
They were only wrong because back in 2016 we discovered the same Soros’s voting machines that won the day for Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez’s Socialist Agenda back in 2004 trying to be used to deliver the same socialist agenda to ‘We the People’s’ Constitutional Republic before the 2016 election!

But in 2020, and with the help of a man-made and custom designed COVID-19 Virus that was specifically prepared for the 2020 election that would cause the call for a mass distribution of blank ballots to be sent out without being requested to every ‘Blue’ City and around the world that resulted in the new technical George Soros election fix by using his new and improved Communist China’s Cyber-Attacking abilities that Soros himself has been fine tuning since Obama was inaugurated in 2009, and by coincidence the same 2009 that George Soros switched his attention and allegiance to his new Economic Superpower of choice whose self-imposed dictator for life, had a dream of one day ruling the world, and that’s none other than Xi Jinping of the same Communist China that Mitch McConnell has had huge financial ties with since the time Obama arrived on the political scene on 2004!
That 99.9% of anything, at least in my opinion is foreboding, and the reason for that might not only be a shock to you but should be telling ‘We the People’ that the same 99.9% is rearing its ugly head again with…

Our Constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ along with our ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Taker’s’ oath taking commitment to protect and defend those same constitutional ‘Checks and Balances,’ haven’t existed since Bush 41 signed ‘We the People’ up for the United Nations series of Agendas back in 1992 that voluntarily and without the American people’s knowledge or permission, has for the last 29 years has intentionally and gradually eliminated and/or surrendered our constitutionally guaranteed rights without even thinking about what ‘We the People’ thought about the idea, and all for the intentionally being shoved down every American’s throat for the eventual as it appears, to be the the George Soros bought and paid for New World Order!
Even though I watch FOX News, but nowhere as much as I used to, FOX News, at least in my mind, has always been about being the ‘FAIR AND BALANCED,’ and with this primetime and weekend line-up of the highest ranked commentators out of all those other Cable News Networks they still only speak about the Democrat’s obvious and somewhat accurate assessment that it is the Democrats who are attempting to destroy America from within, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is exactly what’s going on, ‘BUT,’ and that’s a huge ‘BUT!’

All I have to say is that like those close to 100% of the Mainstream Media back in 2016 had Hillary winning in a landslide against the outsider non-politician billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump but ended up losing due to what I must believe was the discovery of the same George Soros doctored voting machines that won the day for Hugo Chavez’s Socialist, in 16 Swing States in 307 voting districts before the 2016 election!
My point here is that today about how the same 100% of the Mainstream Media, and now the most recently revealed Big Tech that seems to be censoring anything and everything that has to do with making America ‘Great Again,’ but even more than that not even mentioning the option of the root of all this evil is the United Nations series of Agenda, the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s ties to Communist China, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roberts manipulating or blocking anything and everything that has to do with advancing the future of our founder’s America, our founder’s Constitution, or our founder’s vision for a nation of, by, and for the people who are the only ones that will control their own and their country’s futures of both ‘We the People,’ and ‘We the People’s’ next generation of children and grandchildren!
Polls seemed to be just another ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media’s ‘Never Trump’ partisan perp walk for the elites that still can’t believe candidate Trump won the election! The Dems are trying to undo the 2016 elections because they didn’t see it possible that the American people would give them a 12.8% approval rating, but guess what, they did, and the Mainstream Media along with their counterpart who at the time was still hiding in the wings and yet to revealed at the time ‘Big Tech’ didn’t bring it up!

When it comes to a ‘Mandate’ it’s not about the American People but Pelosi’s Dems, who either don’t understand or could care less about what the peoples ‘Mandate’ even means! The people’s mandate is what’s established by the results of America’s election, which is determined by our founder’s ‘Electoral College’ selection process that has always been, and that is until we learned that both sides of the aisle starting with Bush 41 condemned ‘We the People’s’ constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms by signing on the bottom line with another 178 countries that were looking for another handout from the always giving and generous to a fault American taxpayer!
What’s different this time around is that these 178 countries is looking for a forced handout by our very own elected officials (Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers) who supposedly took an oath to protect and defend the constitution but instead went into business for themselves and now selling off America’s exceptionalism a.k.a., Intellectual Property to the highest bidder with examples being 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia, America’s missile technology to Communist China, an giving away our number one piece of Intellectual Property to the United Nations for absolutely nothing, that is of course the ‘Good Faith’ gesture ahead of his promotion to the position of Secretary General of he United Nations, which if you haven’t figured it out yet will be the eventual headquarters of the George Soros inspired, and Obama and Hillary’s financial backer all these years, New World Order…. Ta Da!!!

The Dems would have you to believe that they actually care about due Process and the Presumption of Innocence, care about our sovereignty by protecting our borders, care about protecting our elections process from the influence of foreign nations, and doing it all while at the same time encouraging illegals to vote, lowering the voting age to 16, and changing the individual states selection processes, as did California in 2018 when the ‘do nothing’ Dems did nothing for 3 years to advance the people’s mandate to make America great again, but still managed to take back the House and Pelosi her 2nd Gavel!
The Dems will go back to the ‘Voter Fraud’ ‘Well’ again in 2022, even though they’ve been the beneficiary of the ‘Consent Decree,’ transitioning the Obama Administration with the help of Bush 43 before the 2008 election were even held, and the reason why Wikileaks was targeted for exposing those incriminating emails, and then the RINO’s of Romney and Ryan who wouldn’t even question the truth behind Benghazi of not being caused by a video just months before the 2012 elections, and in the same way the Mainstream Media wouldn’t release the information about Biden not only knowing when he knew about his sons overseas businesses, but getting his fair share!
2016 was all set up for a Hillary coronation until George Soros’s same fixed voting machines that won the day for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela were discovered before the 2016 election to be in 16 Swing States within 307 voting districts!

And then we have what we all should know already that I mentioned above and in other articles over the years about California’s 2018 ‘Rule Changes’ when it came to how votes were cast and counted, and then of course 2020 when George Soros’s Communist China not only stole ‘We the People’s’ election, but set up the ballot harvesting and the not requested by legal voting citizens that were not verified ‘Mail in Ballot’ dump to everywhere and anywhere because of the same George Soros’s Communist China’s customed designed ‘China Virus’ that successfully enabled Pelosi to stuff the ballot box with unsolicited absentee ballots that were being cast by illegals, or the other countries looking for that constant flow under the Obama Administration’s of ‘We the People’s’ taxpayer dollars to aid these nation’s ‘We the People’s’ failed leadership, and that President Trump’s Administration put a stop to!

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