As we watch the confirmation hearing of Brett Cavanaugh I’m thinking why don’t the Democrats on this committee that are doing the questioning believe in anything that they’re actually saying when they talk about defending and protecting the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution when they haven’t moved their agenda or platform away from the Socialist ideology that they ran under and lost in the 2016 presidential elections? The Democratic Members of the Committee who are questioning the nominee for the Supreme Court by President Trump, Brett Cavanaugh, when they don’t intend to vote for his confirmation anyway, and have said so, and not because of who and what he represents, but who he was nominated by!
The Schumer and Pelosi led Progressive Democrats keep stalling, obstructing and resisting anyone’s common sense by using the number of documents that are being released are being released too late, and that’s after a grand total has been released that equal 5 times the total of documents released is more than the last 5 nominees combined! What you’re not being told though is that the documents that were being held and not released in a timely manner are not Brett Cavanaugh’s documents but the documents that have to be vetted for the 3 years that he was working with the George Bush Administration that need to be screened for classified information for the purpose of National Security!
What we have here is not an attempt by the Trump Administration to hide anything, but just another attempt by the left to accuse the Trump Administration of something they are actually guilty of themselves, and doing it solely for the purpose of obstructing and resisting anything and everything Trump again, while doing nothing to advance the ‘Will’ of the American people that was mandated by the results of the last election!
“Interpretation and Intent by individuals who represent an alternative ideological view of governance that is not in line with the ‘Rule of Law’ is not promoting the ‘Rule of Law,’ and far from it, and for the ‘Swamp’ to embraced such a possibility as they and the American people have witnessed happening, and doing nothing for the American people to stop it for the last 8 years of the Obama Administration, just proves how badly the ‘Swamp’ needs to be drained, and how desperately America needs to be first and great again!!”
It’s not about interpretation or intent, it’s not about a partisan ideology, it’s not about right vs. left, It’s about our founding father’s Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law,’ and our Constitutional Republic! Like Obama’s dividing and conquering through the use of Political Correctness, and Implicit Bias, and now the ‘
Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media trying to convince the American People on either side of the debate that the partisan part of the argument holds some kind of merit and justification, know that it’s a lie and about our Founding Fathers “Letter of the Law” as written, and having justices that apply that interpretation and intent as written for today’s issues that affect the American People!
Why is it that all of a sudden after 247 years of ideological success and our elected officials accepting the responsibility of following the ‘Rule of Law’ and the ‘Bill of Rights’ as laid out in our Constitution, is now, according to the ‘Left,’ supposed to be suddenly considered taboo? Why did our appointed officials by our elected officials , especially during the Obama Administration, think that, like Eric Holder, that his argument deserved to be the only interpretation of what the law should be when there’s only one opinion and interpretation that matters, and that’s the letter of the law, and constitution as written?
As I listen to questions of SCOTUS nominee Cavanaugh I’m taken back how when there is nothing but partisanship when fighting this nominee because he might have an opinion about abortion and ‘Roe v. Wade’ and the possibility of this Constitutionalist nominee Jurist overturning the Law because it is and was jammed down the throat of common sense, and all the rights that the constitution grants when talking about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
I’m pro-choice and always will be, but if you’re going to have the ACLU systematically defend the separation of church and state, then the same should hold true when the taxpayers are expected to continue funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars to the tune of $500 Million a year! Planned parenthood was originally set up for the sole purpose of the euthanasia of blacks by the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, and in a way still continues to this very day when you recognize the fact that Planned Parenthood mainly funds Democrats through their Super Pacs to the tune of about 97% of those ‘shell game’ taxpayer funds while at the same time attempting to euthanize Conservative values!
The American People witnessed the Progressives intent and interpretation when Hillary announced that she was committed to putting some kind of regulation on the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and doing it with the backing of her fellow Alinskyite Barack Obama! These two poor excuses for Pro-American representatives of the American people wanted to hide behind their ‘bait and switch’ battle cry of ‘Hope and Change’ by transforming this country to Socialism so that the proposed New World Order could pick its bones as they did Venezuela, and then continue with open borders, dismantling our military, our Christian beliefs, and doing everything in their power to prevent America from ever being first or great again because it goes against the grain, and unfortunately not something that the rest of the world has had the chance to experience!
This Supreme Court Nominee if confirmed, with the Neil Gorsuch, will make the Supreme Court great again, and hopefully bring us back to the original purpose for why the Supreme Court was established in the first place, and not a pawn for political gain and power to change the very ideological direction that our founding fathers envisioned for the future of America,
and leaving our children with the same advantages and rights that have been given to us by our past generations, land what’s made America that one shining city upon a hill that all others around the world want to imitate.
This candidate for the Supreme Court has turned over a total of documents that are equal to the total of the last 5 nominees combined, he has made roughly 307 decisions that are public knowledge to anyone who cares to examine those decisions! but continue, like the leadership of Schumer and Pelosi that even admit that they’ve haven’t had time to even look at the budget, the Obamacare subtractions or additions to the proposals, and could care less about anything unless it’s their way or the highway!
The American People aren’t as stupid as the new Democratic Socialist Party think they are, and many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claimed to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary was simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and said whatever it took back in 2016 to gain power.
Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite. Trained by Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation, Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project. Later, he worked with ACORN and its offshoot Project Vote, both creations of the Alinsky network.
Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer.
That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama share an Alinskyite background tells us two things. First, they are leftists, dedicated to overthrowing our Constitutional system. Second, they will go to any length to conceal their radicalism from the public, and with the Media in on the plot, Americans have no clue.
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule.
Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots.”
The Useful Liberal Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
If people can read this and still say everything is just fine. they are useful idiots. “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
As I continue to listen to the old over the hill Democratic guard who are still in office and out of touch with reality because of the lack of term limits continuing to accuse this people’s choice President of his Law breaking and divisiveness towards America’s supposed National Security Agencies, and who continue to support the blocking of every attempt by the Senate and House oversight committees for the last 2 years by not releasing the documents which they are entitled to by law from our nations INTEL Agencies, and then using the Sessions recusal to gain a blocking and obstructing foothold on preventing the American people from hearing the truth about how corrupt the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA truly are, I’m reminded just how corrupt and desperate the Progressive Left has to be in order to stop any further investigation or appointment of a 2nd Special Prosecutor that would expose the ‘Deep State’ attempt to undermine our Constitutional Republic!
I have to believe after the stonewalling, obstruction, and resistance coming from the Progressive Left that the American People are beginning to finally see how both sides of the aisle are in bed and in mutual agreement with each other when it comes to accepting the Globalization and Socialist policies that our elected officials have been forced to shove down every American’s throat no matter if they’re a traditional Democrat or a conservative Republican that still believes in a bipartisan resolve when it comes to solving America’s problems!
The American people who believe in the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party should be more than pissed off about progressives running the show, and that’s because they believe the American people can’t be responsible enough to make the right decision when it comes to the future path for America, or know where their dollar gets the biggest bang when spending it on the future of the world, and not for individual enhancement or gratification!
I’m not a big fan of Trump and never was, but I can rise above that like I did teachers, bosses, and other leaders in my life who I didn’t particularly care for or respect, but whom I learned a lot about myself and who I wanted to be! I also know that the American people who have relied so much on the checks and balances built into our constitution that protects our founding fathers vision, and the Mainstream Media who is supposed to keep us informed about anything and everything that might threaten our Constitutional Republic,
seems to have dropped the ball, and for some reason has decided to not turn in the elected officials that took the oath of office to protect and defend those constitutional checks and balances, which their not, and now turning it all around and blaming this outsider non-politician President with the same accusations that they are guilty of!
This outsider non-politician President who keeps living up to his promises, his commitments, and his continued pointing out of all those ‘things’ that have nothing to do with making America first and great again will go down in history of being the one President who wasn’t Presidential, but stepped up to the plate when it came to saving our Republic from the fate of other countries that fell into the abyss of Socialism and lost forever!
As Democratic Senators try to eliminate another perfect Constitutionalist from being confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice they keep grandstanding, and as I watch Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse list some 70 something times that 5-4 decisions out of about 307, which to him shows a Cavanaugh pattern of what’s best for Republicans, but at the same time supposed to believe that the remaining three quarters of his decisions weren’t what’s best for Progressive Democrats, Hmmm?
Senator Whitehouse also doesn’t mention that all of Cavanaugh’s decisions can be viewed by anyone who wants to see how our constitution is supposed to work, how he came to his conclusion, and the reasons why he came to those conclusions! This Senator’s interpretation and intent of nominee Cavanaugh’s rulings shows you just how untruthful and obvious the Democrats are as a result of protecting, obstructing, and playing the Obama ‘Race’ card when trying to make Americans think that what they say are rights, aren’t rights, and never were, and than using that untrue information to find a reason to blame a Supreme Court nominee instead of taking care of business as a Congressman by doing their job instead of being that noncommittal fence sitter who is no longer going to be tolerated by Democrat or Republican voters because the American people now know that the ‘Swamp’ needs to be drained on both sides of the aisle!
The truth of the matter is that the American People already confirmed Cavanaugh by voting for candidate Trump and his list of future Supreme Court Justice possibilities before another Supreme Court Justice was needed to be nominated, and that’s why the American people voted for now President Trump!
**Here are some observations that were revealed over the last couple of years that more than likely can’t be found today because of Social Media’s attempt to silence the conservative voice that’s represented by the deplorables who elected President Trump over Socialist Hillary Clinton!
**Click on any of the topics below to find out a little more about the ‘Left’s’ actual cause and effect on America’s last 8 years!
Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland was just another attempt to bypass the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law!’
It’s always been about protecting the Constitution, right?
Is America inherently Conservative or Liberal?
Harry Reid’s Effect on the Courts!
Hillary Said There is Room for Regulation when it comes to the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Can the American People Afford to lose the Supreme Court to the Progressive Left?
Progressives Don’t Get to Rewrite History on Responsible Governance!
Please feel free to do your due diligence in uncovering the facts that the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is never going to give you!