I’ve been away for 2 months recharging my Conservative Constitutionalist batteries only to come home and have sleepless nights of old come back on my first night home with a early morning heads up video being sent to me by a long time fellow Conservative Constitutionalist. The video was one of Tucker Carlson’s many on the topic for over a year now, but like many of today’s issues that should concern every American, intentionally hidden by the Mainstream Media!
With what’s going on at our Southern Border today and the talk of doing away with the filibuster, everything old is new again, and ‘The New Way Forward Act’ should concern every American no matter if you’re a future legal or illegal immigrant because this also one day will be a concern for your children, and the ultimate reason why you, like all of the generations that came before every American and wannabe American that came to America to be part of the greatest experiment in the history of the world, but to also get away from the policies of the country you left behind! ‘The New Way Forward Act’ will bring the country that you intentionally left behind back into your lives, and we as Americans and future Americans can’t let that happen!
Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

With the Obama Administration’s known to be obstructionist and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid changing the rules of the Senate after he first intentionally tabled Bills passed by both the House and Senate so he could use the ‘Nuclear Option/Reconciliation/ Simple Majority, to first pass Obamacare and then to appoint progressive justices to the lower courts to block any attempt to undo Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda’s, and then watching Pelosi change the ‘Rules’ to steal the 2018, 2020 Presidential Election, and the 2021 Senate runoff in Georgia to sweep the power grab for the nefarious reason of supporting the ‘Radical Left’s’ New World Order, and then the same Nuclear Option to pass a $1.9 Trillion supposed to be for the intentionally man made Xi Jinping designer ‘Communist China Virus’ that’s known as COVID-19 where only 9% of the passed legislation was allocated for the Virus!
March 20, 2017:
Hindsight is 20:20, and now knowing that Harry Reid’s Republican replacement and new Senate Majority Leader with huge Communist China ties Mitch McConnell has said from day one that he wouldn’t put anything on the floor of the Senate for debate or to be voted on if he knew President Trump wouldn’t sign it into law makes me wonder how many bills had to do with election integrity that dealt with a federally mandated voter ID Law?
Every American should already know the answer to this question by now:

Now when the Senate was under the watchful eye of Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid the do-nothing Senate was drawing criticism:• “Senate Democrats proposed 676 amendments in the last year but were allowed votes on all of seven. Republicans proposed 812 and got votes on 11. Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee has been allowed twice as many amendment votes (15) in the Republican House in the last year than Mr. Reid has allowed his entire Senate caucus.” (The Wall Street Journal)
Obamacare was passed with smoke and mirrors by using the same reconciliation for the new upcoming $3 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill that today’s ‘Radical Left’ is intending to use to get control of congress and the Supreme Court in perpetuity with legislation known as H.R. 1 through and everything else when it comes to Climate Change, Open Borders, the now hidden by the mainstream media most recently revealed ‘The New Way Forward Act!
Now add to that the defunding and replacing our nations local, county, and state police after using their unfounded racist attacks, and then our fighting men and women in the military in exchange for the unconstitutional and illegal approved by Obama’s 2nd term AG Loretta Lynch that threatens America’s sovereignty and the safety of the American people, which Obama couldn’t care less about, in order to be on American soil by AG Loretta Lynch before the 2nd Obama Administration exited ‘Radically Left’ with the United Nations now Communist China’s manned ‘Strong Cities Network!

Obamacare was passed using reconciliation and then adjusted later by Obama using the corrupt leadership of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA’s ignoring/bypassing our founder’s constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ to protect Obama unconstitutional and illegal Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda from possible impeachable offenses, and for Ryan to sit there and tell the American people that it will take three phases, because that’s what the ‘process’ dictates, is just another excuse to slow walk the ‘Will’ of the American people’s mandate, and undermine Trump and his America first agenda by President Trump’s supposed ally’s, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell!
If the ‘Paid to Report’ Media were doing their job and weren’t hiding behind the ‘reliable source’ line of defense, and lecturing the American people about how the free press is important to our Democracy BS, but maintain the two lane fair and balanced highway to reporting, and not taking the one way road to a dead end, then this country, under this past unconstitutional elected President would have turned out much different, and President Trump would never of had to come out of the shadows and out of his tower to help make America be first and great again!
I think all Americans can now understand why the Obama and Biden Administration’s corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA who protected Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal actions against our Republic are still walking free, and why the Durham-Barr Investigation was pushed back until after the 2020 elections!
The game has to do with that old adage of being out of sight out of mind in the hopes that the American people would forget, and that as a reward Obama’s loyal soldiers would get to keep their freedom and out of those orange jump suits and our of those 5X8 jail cells!

The Mainstream Media and Big Tech have done more than their fair share of concealing the ‘Deep State’ Agenda from the American people, but after what the yet to be certified by congress Biden Administration’s bungling every common sense protection of America’s borders and keep the American People safe, we are beginning to see some in the Mainstream Media questioning themselves about their once loyal to the ‘Never Trump’ making America first and great again agenda!
It would be impossible for what’s happening to America today to happen without both sides of the aisle being part of the treasonous 29 year old United Nations series of Agenda’s commitment to the completion of the George Soros sponsored New World Order, and it would be impossible to pull off without eliminating our founder’s Constitutional ‘Checks and Balances,’ and finding a way to eliminate the protectors of the ‘Rule of Law’ and the Constitutions dictates without finding a way to get rid of our men and women in Blue, and our oath taking fighting men and women of the military who fight our wars overseas!
Chief Justice Roberts and McConnell Render the Constitution ‘Null and Void!’
3 March 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
When it comes to our men and women in Blue the plan of attack is racist accusation and defunding, and when it comes to our men and women in the military it’s about Social Engineering, restrictive rules of engagement, and the Obama and Biden Administration’s sequestration that shrunk America’s military to levels not seen since WWII, but more than that the Navy being intentionally being shrunk to levels not seen since WWI, and all while George Soros’s new declared to be Economic Superpower back in 2009, and as of Obama’s 1st inauguration, Xi Jinping’s Communist China’s now number one Navy in the world!

Is Soros’s China Sponsored United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ going to be America’s Death Nell that after 29 years comes home to roost, and are Chairman of the Joint Chief of staff Gen. Milley words …
We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe or a religion…”We take an oath to the Constitution!”
…going to fall on deaf ears that will make them ‘Null and Void’ and not reassuring because Gen. Milley, like all the other members of the Joint Chiefs were Obama ‘Yes’ Generals who replaced the ‘No’ Generals when it came to having to believe in Obama’s foreign policies that resulted in the firing of:
What Obama called “my military” was being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful.
“One if by Land and Two if by Sea,” is ’45’s’ ‘Censored’ Message!
11 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

One has to wonder if our founders hadn’t done such a great job with what has turned out to be the greatest experiment in the history of the world, which if you haven’t figured out or know what that is yet, it’s all about the first country and only government in the history of the world to be of the people, by the people, and for the people, would we the people still be clinging on to those guaranteed rights that the ‘Deep State’ Bush 41, Bill Clinton 42, Bush 43, and finally the ‘plant’ Barack Obama that Pelosi had to alter his documents to show he was a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen in order to sneak him in to the White House to carry out his Alinsky plan of destroying America from within by dividing not only the country, but the people using Alinsky’s 8 steps to a better life through a Socialist world!
Since Bush 41 back in 1992 signed on to the United Nations beginnings of Agenda 21, which as you know if you’ve been reading along was updated back in 2015 in the anticipation of Hillary winning the attempted to be fixed election of 2016 until George Soros’s fixed Voting Machine take down of the once 4th richest country in the world Venezuela back in 2004, but were discovered in 16 Swing States in 307 voting districts before the 2016 elections that spoiled the nearly 100% landslide victory for Hillary predictions of the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, that opened the door, but instantaneously, and even before his inauguration, put a target on this outsider non-politician President Elect Donald J. Trump whose only goal was to make America first and great again!
Would the US have a border crisis or rioting in Democrat-run cities if the US Constitution – specifically Article 4 Section 4 – were enforced?

What if our Constitution was fully enforced? What if our politicians mandated that all our laws were enforced? What if those with the responsibility to enforce those laws did what they are mandated to do?
The Obama Administration began its war on America in every which way imaginable. The Obama regime created spending bills that only gave money to their cronies, created sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, created confusing laws that differ between the federal government and the state, and then created methods to steal every election from now through the end of time.
Now Obama, after it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Biden stole the 2020 election, is using Joe Biden for cover to continue its assault on the US and the US Constitution. The Obama team instituted open borders with the nonsensical argument that anyone should be allowed to enter this country. Countries like Hong Kong only let individuals through their doors if they have money or a job. Not so with the Obama plan. Anyone can come in, whether a terrorist or a gang banger. The borders are open.
The same goes for Black Lives Matter. Under Obama, this group grew and destroyed and killed, but there were no penalties. This continued as well under President Trump in Democrat-led cities like Portland, where these BLM goons with Antifa goons destroyed billions in property with no penalties. Cities were burned to the ground, but the perpetrators would be released from custody within hours. More death and damages, no problem.
But what if the US Constitution were really given the same adherence it has for more than two centuries? What if it were enforced, rather than enforced selectively?

Under Article 4 Section 4 there is a remedy for this madness. This section of the Constitution reads:

- This section of the Constitution says that the US will guarantee every state in this Union a Republican form of government – but the Democrats just stole the 2020 election.
- The Constitution states the US will protect each state against invasion but the borders under the Democrats are wide open.
- The Constitution protects every state against domestic violence but Democrat-led cities allow BLM and Antifa to burn them to the ground.
It is clear Democrats will not enforce this one section in our Constitution, disregarding our Constitution and making it worthless. Americans believe in the law, not the lawless Democrat destructive policies. It’s time for our politicians to change and uphold our Constitution or be removed from government and/or arrested.

It’s time for Americans to decide. Are we going to live in a lawless society or will we live according to the US Constitution? The choice is ours!

For information about how America was blind sided by our own elected officials that started with Bush 41 back in 1992, and then the next 3 administrations, check out ‘The ‘End Game’ Updates.