How disingenuous and deceiving are Schumer and Pelosi when they talk about the middle class, when there is no middle class in Socialism, Communism, or the left’s future Socialist plans for America should they ever take back the House, Senate, or White House?
I guess the word ‘Sucker’ comes to mind when Schumer and Pelosi start talking about caring about the money going back into America’s ‘middle class’ pockets, and targeting the tax reform coming out for consideration by the ‘Deep State’ and ‘Swamp!’ Their apparent innuendos and whole hearted lies are all about the same old ‘new’ Socialist window dressing of the once honored and respected Democratic Party that they weren’t able to slip by the last election voters. The Liberal Left have now decided that Socialism’s is the better path to take where only the rich class, poor class, but no middle class exists, and like back in 2008, when they lied about their version of change just to get the vote, are doing it again by trying to appeal to the Middle Class by defending the money they say they won’t get if Trump’s tax reform is passed.
Schumer and Pelosi’s game continues with the same Obama ‘Pay to Play’ for votes with entitlements, healthcare, welfare, while eliminating the regulations to collect so that they, not you, can spend America’s taxpayers’ dollars while buying the votes needed to perpetuate another 3rd world country mindset, and being happy to do so, until like Venezuela, runs out of other peoples money!
Progressive’s/Socialists have no plans of maintaining a middle class if and when they win, because they want no road to the top, or achieving the American dream, and that’s because they would loose the ability to control the masses as proven by what’s going on in Venezuela today!
I think you have to ask yourself after witnessing the past 8 years of Obama, and his disrespect for everything that made America great, are the American people on the left still going to trust the controlling old guard leadership of Pelosi, Schumer, Hillary, and Obama, who are still alive and well, but still controlling the Socialist ideological strings of the Democratic Party?
How about both sides of the aisle, because of President Trump exposing the truth about the primaries, are lying and defrauding the American people because we now know that the primaries are just window dressing for their ‘fake’ narrative about Americans being part of the selection process, and that the individual Political Parties are the ones that determine who will represent the Party in spite of who the American people want! What about the fact again, because of President Trump, that the fix was always in because they have the ability to make last minute changes to the primary’s rules, and their ‘fake’ made up as they go along illegal and unconstitutional regulations!
Obama’s agenda was his own and sponsored by the ‘Swamp,’ and that’s because the Globalist movement working from within needed someone from the outside to complete the job that these past Administrations have secretly implemented without the American people being aware of, or approving!
I guess a constitutional citizenship requirement to be President is not important enough for these members of the ‘Swamp,’ because of their agenda, to violate their oath of office and the ‘Will’ of their constituency, to make an extra buck or two on the side, and that’s why a wink or two while looking the other way when Obama walked through the Progressive front door with Pelosi’s altered docs free pass with the all knowing backing of our stellar multi Intelligence departments, and our ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s Agenda Journalist’s continuation of not informing the public of the crime that’s being perpetrated upon the American peoples trust in the political system!
When I speak of an utter disconnect with the American people, people like Curly Haugland, member of the RNC Rules Committee, make my point undeniable true.
In an interview given earlier on CNBC, he said, “The media has created a perception that the voters will decide the nomination, and that’s the conflict here.”
“Political parties choose their nominee, not the general public contrary to popular belief,” he went on to say.
We have a system that for decades has pretended to be following the guidelines that were laid out by our founding fathers Constitution and abandoned by the greed and power of these so called elected officials we call politicians. The truth of the matter is that we didn’t vote for any of this, and by all accounts the current bipartisan establishment who perpetrated this fraud can’t be allowed to continue and ousted!! We pay dues, known as taxes, to be fraudulently represented in a non-existent agenda of following the ‘will’ of the American people.
If you’re on the Liberal left and thinking that you’re loyalty to the Democratic party and our Constitutional Republic are equally important, then help drain the swamp, impose your own common sense term limits on some of these permanent fixtures who are steering America away from our founding father’s version of exceptionalism because, god knows, our elected officials won’t make term limits a reality and vote themselves out of work, and deprive themselves of believing that they are legends, but legends in their own mind!
Where are the next new ideas coming from when these ‘flash in the pan’ Socialists decide that their obstruction and resistance battle plan isn’t where their base wants to go, or be a part of, especially after the DNC has handed over the reins to two people, Keith Ellison and Tom Perez, whose views appear to be even further left then the Obama and Hillary’s Ideological points of view!
What Do You Know About Keith Ellison……?
Now that you understand why I hesitate to believe anything that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media prints or says on Television, you should know about Keith Ellison, the next probable head of the DNC/SNC! I don’t know if you’re going to believe this, but after having a President whose loyalties were with Islam and the opening our borders to their followers that didn’t have a chance in hell of assimilating, and so recognized by our elected officials back in 1952, who were doing the job that they were elected to do, and keeping America safe, and now we have……. Keith Ellison…. ta da….
Ellison embodies the identity politics on which the Democrats have staked so much of their success. As a black Muslim in a one-party town with a left-wing newspaper (Minneapolis’s Star Tribune), it has served him well. Ellison has been insulated from the kind of media scrutiny that his checkered past would have received elsewhere.
Although there are practical political grounds for doubting that Ellison is the man to lead the Democrats back to power, that is an issue for Democrats. The case against Ellison that should concern all Americans is moral. To borrow a term, he is a bad hombre.
When I speak about Ellison in the Twin Cities, I give a talk titled “The Secret History of Keith Ellison.” The title is facetious. Ellison’s history only became “secret” when he ran for Congress in 2006 and bet his campaign on three lies about his involvement with the Nation of Islam. I recounted and recalled Ellison’s “secret history” in the WEEKLY STANDARD articles “Louis Farrakhan’s First Congressman” and “The Ellison Elision.”
Yet Ellison’s history as an active member and local leader of the Nation of Islam remains a deep secret to Ellison’s constituents in his district. He blatantly lied about it when he was running in the 2006 DFL primary. He suppressed it in his 2014 memoir, My Country, ‘Tis of Thee. Indeed, in his memoir he presented himself as a critic of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.
Speaking of Farrakhan, Ellison writes in his memoir: “He could only wax eloquent while scapegoating other groups.” Ellison writes of the Nation of Islam itself: “In the NOI, if you’re not angry in opposition to some group of people (whites, Jews, so-called ‘sellout’ blacks), you don’t have religion.”
He should know. He was speaking from his own personal experience in the cult.
Ellison was not happy when the Star Tribune published my column “Ellison remembers to forget” on its opinion page. In the column, I restored some of his own history that he had left out of his memoir. He promptly sent out a fundraising letter to his fans asserting that my column represented “a new low” in the manifestation of anti-Muslim bigotry against him.
The cry of bigotry was another lie, but Ellison invited St. Paul Pioneer Press political reporter Rachel Stassen-Berger and others on his email list to fight back against his alleged victimization with a modest contribution to his campaign. I posted a copy of his fundraising letter to Stassen-Berger in “In which Keith Ellison finds me of use.”
How has Ellison gotten away with his act? It helps to be a Democrat. It helps to be black. It helps to be a Muslim. It helps to have a sympathetic press. It helps to play to a Minneapolis crowd in a one-party town. And yet Ellison seeks to take his act to a national audience. He dreams of higher office.
In his memoir, Ellison recounts his conversion to Islam as a 19-year-old undergraduate at Detroit’s Wayne State University. By the time, Ellison graduated from law school at the University of Minnesota, however, he was toeing the Nation of Islam line. When Ellison first ran for public office in Minneapolis in 1998, he was a self-identified member of the Nation of Islam going under the name Keith Ellison-Muhammad.
Ellison was still talking up “Minister Farrakhan” at a National Lawyers Guild fundraiser for former Symbionese Liberation Army terrorist Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson in 2000. By 2002, however, when Ellison was first elected to the Minnesota legislature, and 2006, when he sought the DFL endorsement to succeed Sabo in Congress, Ellison had abandoned the Nation of Islam and returned to the fold of Islam.
So far as I know, Ellison is the only convert to Islam for whom Islam has served as a way station to the Nation of Islam. How did that work? That’s one part of Ellison’s secret history that remains secret. ~~By Scott W. Johnson, a Friend of America!
What Do You Know About Tom Perez…….?
Perez Was “Among the Most Liberal Members of President Barack Obama’s Administration.” “Perez, a Buffalo native who attended Harvard Law School and now lives in Takoma Park, is among the most liberal members of President Barack Obama’s administration. Republican senators who had accused him of being overly political at the Justice Department opposed his confirmation as labor secretary. Business groups are wary of the scope of new rules and regulations he has ushered in. ‘He has pushed an ideological agenda that’s hurt workers and employers,’ said Heather Greenaway of the conservative Workforce Fairness Institute in Washington. ‘It’s almost like he was the fox guarding the henhouse, and now he could be in charge of the whole farm.’” (John Fritze, “Obama Official Tom Perez At Center Of Vice Presidential Talk,” The Baltimore Sun, 6/21/16)
The Washington Post: “Although He Prefers the Term ‘Progressive,’ Perez Is About as Liberal as Democrats Get.” He spent much of the 1990s working for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and as a senior official in the Department of Health and Human Services under Clinton-appointee Donna E. Shalala.” (Cameron Barr, “Council Chief Builds A Base In The New Montgomery,” The Washington Post , 4/3/05)
Perez Has Used Elected Offices as A Bully Pulpit to Advance His “Radical “And “Aggressive” Agenda
When Perez Ran for Maryland Attorney General In 2006, Perez Said He Wanted to Use the Office as A “Bully Pulpit.” “So, how exactly does this ‘kind of bald guy’ from Montgomery County expect to become the next attorney general of Maryland? Tom Perez posed the question one recent evening to a couple dozen people gathered at a waterfront house in one of Maryland’s decidedly red counties. The Talbot County residents sipped wine and ate cheesecake as Perez presented his vision for the office he describes as the state’s ethical compass. ‘You need someone who is willing to crack a few eggs,’ said Perez, 44, telling the Eastern Shore crowd that the top law enforcement official in the state should do much more than handle appeals and litigate on behalf of state agencies. The office, Perez said, should be a bully pulpit to, among other things, expand access to health care, increase oversight on development, deter polluters and fight gangs.” (Ernesto Londoño, “Perez Says He’d Make His Job A Bully Pulpit,” The Washington Post, 8/23/06)
“Of All the Transformations That Have Taken Place in The Obama Administration, Perhaps None Is So Radical as That Within the Civil Rights Division. Under Perez, It Is Bigger, Richer and More Aggressive Than Ever, With A Far More Expansive View of Its Authority Than at Any Time in Recent History.” Perez is playing a leading role in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona’s new immigration law. He is promising a huge increase in prosecution of alleged hate crimes. He vows to use ‘disparate impact theory’ to pursue discrimination cases where there is no intent to discriminate but a difference in results, such as in test scores or mortgage lending, that Perez wants to change.” (Byron York, “Obama’s Zealous Civil Rights Enforcer Gets Busy,” The Washington Examiner, 8/6/10)
Perez Has a Far-Left Stance on Immigration
In 1992, A Border Patrol Agent Who Shot an Illegal Immigrant He Thought Was Preparing to Shoot at Him Was Tried in Court for Allegedly Violating The “Civil Rights” Of the Mexican National. “A former Border Patrol agent thought a Mexican national was preparing to shoot at him when he made the snap decision to fire first and kill the other man, an attorney argued in the ex-agent’s civil rights trial. Michael Elmer, 30, had forgotten his bullet-proof vest that day and had been told there were a large number of possibly armed drug smugglers in the area, defense attorney Michael Piccarreta said Tuesday during opening statements in U.S. District Court. Elmer is accused of violating the civil rights of Dario Miranda Valenzuela, of Nogales, Mexico, whom Elmer has admitted shooting in the back on June 12, 1992 near Nogales, Ariz. He is also accused of violating the civil rights of an unknown man who was with Miranda, by shooting at the man as he fled across the border.” (Richard Ruelas, “Border Agent Trial Opens,” The Associated Press, 1/19/94)
Perez Was the Lead Prosecutor Against the Border Patrol Agent. “During his opening statement, prosecutor Tom Perez said Elmer has a history of firing warning shots at aliens along the border and disregarded the warnings of at least one other agent. ‘This will be a case about a defendant who decided to act as the police, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner all in one evening,’ said Perez, an assistant U.S. attorney.” (Richard Ruelas, “Border Agent Trial Opens,” The Associated Press, 1/19/94)
Perez Served on The Board of Casa De Maryland, Which Was Founded to Help Central American Refugees. “Perez, a Takoma Park resident since 1995, had a record of community involvement that was more limited: He served on the board of Casa de Maryland, which was founded to help Central American refugees, but it was crucial in helping draw Latino voters. ‘Nobody, nobody thought the Hispanic community could be mobilized to the extent it was,’ Sternbach says.” (Cameron Barr, “Council Chief Builds A Base In The New Montgomery,” The Washington Post, 4/3/05)
Casa De Maryland Is Partially Funded with Public Money and Received Donations from Venezuela’s Dictator Hugo Chavez, Prompting Criticism That “The Connection Between the South American Strongman and A Top DOJ Appointee (Perez) Is More Than Unsettling.” “The group is based in the state’s Tacoma Park area and proudly advertises its day laborer centers-in Baltimore, Wheaton and Silver Spring-which are all partially funded with public money from counties and cities. A few years ago, Casa de Maryland received a $1.5 million donation from Venezuela’s ardent anti-U.S. leader, socialist Hugo Chavez, who is a close ally of State Department terrorist nations like Iran, North Korea and Cuba. The Chavez-controlled Citgo Petroleum Corp. made the donation to support illegal aliens in the U.S. and the connection between the South American strongman and a top DOJ appointee is more than unsettling.” (“Casa De Maryland To Raise $10 Mil for Campaign To Defend DREAM Act,” Judicial Watch, 12/29/11) June, 1/27/17)