When it comes to having a ‘Constitutional Crisis,’ Mueller and Rosenstein beat all comers to the finish line, and when it comes to ‘truth and honesty,’ Mueller and Rosenstein finish dead last!

It’s more than apparent that Mueller and Rosenstein are panicking because what they’re trying to prove isn’t provable, and that’s because the Russian collusion never happened! Mueller and Rosenstein thought the ‘Swamp’ had their backs, especially after trying to protect these turncoat ‘Swamp’ politicians who’ve decided to either drop out of sight or voluntarily decided not to seek reelection. Talk about being hung out to dry, the corrupt elites of the flailing and corrupt FBI, DOJ, and CIA have left town for fear of being found out once either the 1.2 million documents are finally released, or the Inspector Generals report comes out!

The ‘Swamp,’ via Obama’s ‘Political Correctness,’ had Republicans and Democrats at each others throats, and far from reconciliation if assuming a moderate role where the possibility of mutual respect through bipartisanship could rule, but as we’ve learned today, is that this possibility was never going to be in the cards because they were to busy behind closed doors working together to undermine our Founding Father’s constitutional Republic, while substituting Socialism’s need to have the masses depend on what they can provide, and what they can spend of yours on what they choose to spend your’s on!

The reason for all of these ‘Swamp’ers’ getting out of town is because the Inspector General won’t be able to question them outside of those Capitol Hill Gates because his jurisdiction only exists within the those same Capitol Hill Gates, but I’m sure when the Inspector General comes in for a landing with the report on just about every crooked thing that Hillary and company pulled off, that Jeff Sessions will be more than justified to appoint, and will, a Special Prosecutor, a 2nd Special Prosecutor, and more than likely a 3rd Special Prosecutor!

Could anyone have possibly known that this, decorated in word only, Deputy FBI agent Rod Rosenstein along with AG Jeff Sessions, would in writing, recommend that Comey, the Director of the FBI at the time, to be fired, which President Trump as a result acted upon, due to the recommendation to fire Comey, fired James Comey, which by the way could have been done without the recommendation, at any time and for any reason, which Comey himself agreed with!

Rosenstein got Sessions to wrongly recuse himself for an ‘in passing greeting that lasted a max of 10 seconds with a Russian Diplomat at a reception held for one of the committees Sessions was a part of! Next, we have Rosenstein appointing Robert Mueller who was up to hid neck with Rosenstein in the Uranium One Cover up when Muller headed up the FBI under the Obama Administration! Then we have Rosenstein filing and signing the request with the FISA Court to eavesdrop on the Trump Campaign before and after the transition of power between the the Obama and Trump Administration, and using a ‘paid for’ fake dossier by the DNC, and alleged FBI, to warrant the warrant!

How about topping this all off with Rosenstein approving the warrant to crash President Trump’s personal lawyer’s house, office, and Hotel room when nothing on the collusion accusation turned into fruition, and then turning the witch hunt over to the Progressive Southern District court, like the 9th circuit court of appeals out West where President Trump’s travel ban was illegally and unconstitutionally blocked, to take their turn into digging up something / anything at all even though it’s not related to the original intent and focus of the investigation to uncover the Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign! Finally we have Rosenstein, the author of the ‘2nd letter’ approving Mueller’s investigation to be expanded beyond the original scope, parameters, and focus of the Mueller investigation to include anything and everything as long as it nails President Trump for something, as we just witnessed with the ‘Watergate’ like break into President Trump’s personal lawyer’s Home, office, and Hotel room!

If you remember anything from this know that Mueller investigation was set in motion by Rod Rosenstein, and by far the constitutional crisis that Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, and the rest of the Progressive and RINO ‘Swamp,’ have been trying to pin on President Trump!

President Trump, because of his unorthodox, but very successful, approach to resolving the problems that the Obama Administration intentionally dumped on the American people is what the members of the ‘Swamp’ has let happen to themselves! Their ineptitude, which is proven and reinforced by the fact that the American people had given a 12.8%  approval rating to the feckless Congress just prior to the 2016 election, finally realized that Obama, because of his newly revealed but old personal mission, was attempting to take down the greatest nation in the history of world, for the good of the world, and doing it from within!

Obama’s Socialist transformation of America mission was for the sake of the greater good of the world, and the New World Order that he’s been trying to initiate, while eliminating the freedoms, rights, and liberties ‘bait’ that have created wandering eyes and unrealistic dreams from the oppressed peoples of the world that Obama, and his following ‘Deep State’ers,’ can’t be allowed to be seen! These easily persuaded and motivated oppressed people of the world, who are looking for an excuse to rise up and take back their own lives, is the exact reason why America’s Constitutional Republic, with all its perks and freedoms, has to be silenced to ensure a peaceful dominance of the oppressed masses of the world, and for the sake of the New World Order’s ‘One size fits all’ dominance of the world that’s needed to succeed!


There is no way to sugarcoat it – especially after the lawless invasion of the attorney-client privilege by fancy-suited thugs, if President Donald Trump sits down and talks to Robert Mueller and his pack of Democrat donor corruptocrats, he’s an idiot.

Instead, he needs to take his case to the people – because a blind man can see that he’s being framed.

If Trump talks to Mueller, Mueller will be laughing at him, but on the inside. On the outside, he’ll keep up that beaten beagle visage of his, roaring at how he outsmarted the man who outsmarted all the Smartest People in the World and who therefore assumes he can somehow “win” his interview.

But Trump can’t win. The fix is in. Raiding Michael Cohen’s office was the icing on an all-icing cake. This is not justice. This is an attempt to claw back power for the disenfranchised elite no matter what it takes, and no one – not the president, not me, and not you, should pretend these hacks deserve any deference or respect.

Trump committed no crime!

As we all know, because nothing indicating he’s committed a crime has leaked out of that unprofessional sieve masquerading as a bunch of professional prosecutors that Mueller assembled to do the bidding of his elite masters to both overturn the result of the 2016 election and avenge his humiliated pal James Comey. The recent report that Trump is not the “target” of an investigation should not lull anyone into complacency – it’s just another flurry in this special counsel’s blizzard of lies.

Donald Trump is their target, though they absolutely and unequivocally know he committed no crime. They don’t care.

It’s not the truth that Donald Trump has to worry about. It’s the lies. Mueller and his pack of Hillary hit-men will not hesitate, not for a second, to manufacture a crime if that’s what it takes. Think of them as all being just as honest as fired FBI bigwig Andrew McCabe, then decide if that makes you more or less confident about the process.

Hmmmm. I’ll go with “less.”

The FBI’s anti-Trump hate texts by its “nonpartisan public servants,” the DOJ’s continued obstruction of the investigation into its misconduct, the leaks and the lies – it is all part and parcel of the real scandal. A bunch of leftist bureaucrats got mad that Donald Trump beat Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, denying them the sinecures she would have granted them in gratitude for covering up her myriad crimes, and decided to frame the man the American people elected.

This is not justice. This is a coup by sore losers!

And this proposed interview is not about winding up the investigation – the “investigation” charade will go on forever until Trump finally fires that inexplicably gimpy disappointment Jeff Sessions and puts Scott Pruitt into the AG vacancy to steam clean the outhouse that is our Department of Justice. The “wrap it up” bait is just Mueller’s minions lying again in an effort to sucker Trump in.

“Gosh, if we can just interview you then we can finally finish this up. Really. Honest. Cross my heart, hope you die. I mean ‘to die.’ To die.”

What a load of Adam Schiff. Sheesh, when that nitwit stops babbling about Trump/Russia, you know it’s a dry hole.

Mueller’s only goal in this interview is to trick Trump into some innocuous inconsistency that he and his thugs can spin into perjury. But even if Trump doesn’t say anything incriminating, there is absolutely zero evidence to support the naive belief that these political hatchet men won’t just invent something. What about their behavior in this pseudo-legal abomination has provided you any evidence supporting the naïve notion that these people would hesitate to frame their quarry?

Harsh? Not as harsh as the treatment of far too many American citizens by out-of-control federal prosecutors who didn’t let mere innocence deter them from claiming their trophies.

Ask Ted Stevens’s family about the DOJ’s corruption and lies.

Ask Frank Quattrone about the DOJ’s corruption and lies.

Ask Cliven Bundy about the DOJ’s corruption and lies.

President Trump needs to get on the phone and call someone like retired federal Judge Stephen Larson out here in California (I do not know him personally, only by reputation). The president needs someone far from the stench of the swamp as his new lawyer. Since getting off the bench, Larson has made a career getting railroaded clients off from charges brought by overzealous government prosecutors in state and federal white-collar cases. That’s the firepower the president needs – and far too many top lawyers back in Swampland are either legitimately conflicted out, or want him convicted, or are simply too scared to do the job.

This is not a game. And this is more than about just one man. These kangaroo court shenanigans are designed to use fear of prosecution to permanently lock out of office anyone the elite disapproves of – and to lock in their unchallenged, unquestioned control of the reins of power. The potential consequences are much worse than just impeachment – this kind of attack on the rule of law is at the top of a slippery slope that can end with a nation split apart and even embroiled in civil conflict. Liberals are already fantasizing about winning a new “civil war.”

It’s time to get serious. There’s no upside to playing footsie with these demonstrably partisan prosecutors. Trump is never, ever going to convince Mueller and his mob that he should be exonerated. That will never happen.

As I tell my clients as I prepare them for deposition, “You are going to lose this depo.” I am always right. No one ever wins when being cross-examined.

Never, ever speak to the people who can put you in jail. No. One. Ever. Wins.

At best, through preparation, you just lose less. But you never win because they always get something they want from you. Trump faces a team of trained prosecutors who are not guided by ethics or checked by any kind of restraint. They have already trampled his attorney-client privilege. One must, in an abundance of caution, assume that they will lie, cheat, mislead, and perjure themselves if that is what it takes to attain their sole goal – Trump’s impeachment and, perhaps, criminal conviction.

Doing an interview is fighting on their ground, where they control the outcome. Instead, the president should fight on his ground. The Mueller hit squad is an ethical nightmare, and when people hear the facts they instinctively know it’s a set-up and a sham. He should talk about that. He should tweet about that. A lot.

Mueller’s team is all Democrats and Hillary donors. Come on, Bobby, name one – just one – of your prosecutors who gave a dime to the Trump campaign. Just one.

Mueller is the bestest buddy ever with leaky Jim Comey. Is it right to be heading an investigation where your buddy – who may have committed a crime – is the star witness? Hell no.

The whole thing stinks, and everyone can smell it. You don’t need a law degree to see this is a set-up!

Use the bully pulpit to beat them to a pulp!

Let Mueller spin his wheels a while longer, getting his occasional chicken scratch process crime plea from people we never heard of. The exception is the disgraceful persecution of General Mike Flynn – Trump should announce that if Andrew McCabe is not being charged with perjury, he will pardon General Flynn in order to ensure equal justice.

Mueller has nothing. Trump should not hand him something.

Sit for an interview? Hell no. Instead of playing by Mueller’s rules, the president should make Mueller play by his. ~~~

‘Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption’

By Kurt Schlichter