This President is an island, and this President does stand alone, and if you didn’t know this already, collusion is not a crime! Opposition research, is not a crime! Paying individuals who more then likely came out of the shadows to make a buck or two because of a past relationship, is not a crime! Not disclosing your tax returns when others have done it, but not required by law, is not a crime! ‘Tweeting’ and patting yourself on the back because the ‘Deep State’ run Mainstream Media refuses to acknowledge all the good you’ve done, is not a crime! Calling out an AG who should have been put out to pasture if term limits were in place, and even though a nice guy has become a legend in their own mind, is not a crime! Being one of the 60 million plus Americans who are considered deplorable because they support the idea of ‘Making America First and Great Again,’ is not a crime! Wanting to drain the ‘Swamp’ after the American People gave Congress a 12.8% approval rating, is not a crime! Speaking what’s on your mind because of the first Amendment allows you to no matter what anyone says, is not a crime!
Last but not least is that being an outsider non-politician billionaire businessman who believes in the ‘Rule of Law,’ the Constitution, and listening to the ‘Will’ of the American People who’ve not been listened to for the last 8 years before this ‘Make America First President’ launched his campaign, is not a crime either!
The real crime is how the Mainstream Media has become extremely loyal to ratings and profit than living up to their intended responsibility of informing the public about things that might threaten our Republic! Who would have ever thought that the once and proud Mainstream Media would be so easily flipped to defend and protect the anti-America unconstitutional and lawlessness side of the last Administration and it’s Socialist narrative and agenda! The reality here that every American should know is that ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media has the ability, by law, to protect their sources, but what this has created is the parading of non-existent sources being allowed to create the protected lies and narrative that they freely spew, and that we all now call ‘Fake News’ without the threat of legal action or any repercussions!
What ever happened to ‘due process?’ Whatever happened to tolerance, mutual respect, and pride? Whatever happened to our elected officials living up to their oath of office when they swore to defend and protect the Constitution, and then sat there and did nothing to reign in Obama and his ‘Deep State’ who used anything they could against America, America’s law, America’s Christian based religion, or protecting our borders?
The biggest crime that we should all be very leary of is how one of the two Political Parties that supposedly represent the American people got it’s start using the first taxpayer’s dollars idea that came about for the purpose of raising money for the Civil War effort by Abraham Lincoln, and since expanded by Democrats to buy votes by continuing to tax and spend the riches of the American People who started from scratch with just an idea and passion for something that ended up being their fully realized, and only available in America, American Dream!
Democrats took this idea and used it to buy votes, to buy power, to get rich, and to transform our founding fathers Constitutional Republic to Socialism by using political correctness and implicit bias to divide Americans, to stuff the ballot box, to implant the notion that lawlessness is OK, that encouraging non-citizens to vote is OK, to harbor criminals in Cities that declare themselves ‘Sanctuary’ is OK, and to take a knee, burn the American flag, and silencing anyone’s point of view that goes against what you believe in is OK!
What’s not OK is a whole generation known as the Millennial generation are being used as today’s foot soldiers to dismantle the American way, America’s individual rights, liberties, and freedoms, and the potential American Dream because of 911, and as a result an intentional attempt to level the ideological playing field of the world by taking America down a notch or two by a corrupt and willing ‘Swamp’ that saw power and greed in their future if they could sell the American people on Globalization through Socialism with the establishment of a ‘One Size Fits All,’ New World Order!
Being born between 1985 until today didn’t allow this generation to experience everything America has to offer and what its provided for generations, and actually delivered on, but with 911 came the insecure unknown, and the doubt of what we represented to the world, and then finding out that maybe it might not necessarily be a good thing. Now add ‘Common Core’ that through constant testing instilled the ‘Left’ agenda into our young children’s minds, and then our higher educational professors avoiding at all costs teaching the advantages and benefits of Conservatism and Capitalism to the leaders of our future generations, and the reasons why today you see the disdain toward America by this generation that’s been formed intentionally by outside interests that have no desire of having this specific group of Americans understand what being first and great again was ever about or meant!
The American on both sides of the aisle should be getting just a little tired of Jeff Sessions and this once great countries Attorney General’s position’s reputation, and when it comes to Jeff Sessions just another example of how weak the Republican Party is without this President at the helm.
Has anyone seen Ryan, McConnell, or the rest of the cowardly Republicans who bent over backwards to shell out the taxpayer’s dollars whenever Obama snapped his fingers to raise the debt ceiling and add the $10 Trillion Dollars to the American peoples ‘National Debt,’ the highest by any President by far in the history of this exceptional country? Did anyone see the Republicans go out of their way every time Obama and his Czars taxed and regulated the ‘shit’ out of our American Made companies so that would redistribute themselves around the world to help add to our supposed allies bottom line GDP while lowering their unemployment rate at the expense of the American people?
The biggest crime of all though is Jeff Sessions, a.k.a. Mr. Magoo, who might be a nice guy, but like the rest of the feckless Republican Party that doesn’t have the gumption to step up to the plate for this President as he did for them by stepping up to the plate for the Republican Party! It’s becoming very clear to me that there is no difference between the two political parties when it comes to selling this once great countries sovereignty to the highest outside bidder, and there’s no doubt in my mind after observing the unwillingness of Mitch McConnell, like the feckless AG Jeff Sessions, that making America first and great again is not at the top of their priority list, and never was!
The American people need to step up to the plate and recognize that it doesn’t matter what side the aisle you identify with, but the ‘Swamp’ has gotten you to take your ‘eye off the prize,’ and forgetting that these people we elected to go to Washington to protect and defend our founding father’s Constitution, aren’t living up to that oath of office that they took!
We had Eric Holder, Obama’s first AG advising the President when he was bypassing the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution while he illegally and unconstitutionally ran guns to the drug Cartels, which in front of Congress he wouldn’t answer the questions asked about the gun running, which earned him a contempt of Congress citation! You had Obama’s second term AG Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton on a tarmac that resulted in her abandoning her responsibility as the AG and letting J. Edgar Comey announce the findings and recommendation of her only being ‘Extremely Careless’ which there is no statute or law against when it came to her emails or unsecured server!
Now we have Jeff Sessions, the feckless AG who makes Obama’s AG’s look like hero’s to their Party, who took the oath of office to be President Trump’s AG, and then confided with his fellow members of the Justice Department, and not the President himself, his boss,
which include Rod Rosenstein, and other ‘Deep State Swamper’s’ to discuss whether bumping into a Russian Diplomat for a few seconds in a reception line while attending one of his Senate Armed Services Committee functions was enough for him to have to recuse himself so that Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein could control the investigation directive which is now prying into everything other then the Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign, which it was originally set up to look into, but now gone off the tracks to find anything and something at all, that will short circuit President Trump from looking any further by finally getting additional Special Counsels to do the digging into the corruption of the Obama Administration, and the extent of the collusion that the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA who were weaponized by Obama and past Administrations to protect the mission of the ‘Deep State’s’ Globalist through Socialism agenda!
When dealing with the allegations of collusion with the Russians and President Trump’s campaign, does anybody see that there is something definitely wrong here? Does anyone think maybe a second, third, and possibly fourth Special Prosecutor should be appointed by Sessions to look into just those actions by both Holder and Lynch for their parts in the investigation into Hillary’s emails, the meeting of Bill Clinton with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac days before the final determination on Hillary Clinton and her emails and unsecured server, and more important than that the inability of the inspector general to call upon all those involved who left government that can’t be question by an Inspector General and only of Special Prosecutor,
like Robert Mueller is, and who was appointed by his partner in the Obama Administrations Uranium One Deal that sold 20% of America’s Uranium to our number enemy who is colluding with the Trump Campaign to make sure the seller of America’s Uranium to the Russians, and the same Party President who told the President of Russia at the time to tell Vladimir Putin that after his reelection that:
“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Mr. Obama could be heard saying to Mr. Medvedev, according a reporter from ABC News, who was traveling with the president.
“Yeah, I understand,” the departing Russian president said. “I understand your message about space. Space for you … .”
Mr. Obama then elaborated in a portion of the exchange picked up by the cameras: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”
Mueller and Rosenstein along with a few others basically got their wrists slapped for treason against the American People and America for approving and overseeing the unconstitutional and illegal sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia, and the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media burying the story!
My question would have to be, especially after Obama not answering the ‘Red Line’ threat by Assad gassing his people, the Iran Nuclear Deal where the American taxpayer forked up some $1.8 Billion dollars that Iran used on sponsoring terrorists and not the Iranian People, what’s the flexibility that Obama’s referring to, and how much was it going to cost the American taxpayer, our American soldier’s lives, and America’s place on the world stage?