Today’s election has nothing to do with Democrats vs. Republicans, but Progressive Liberalism vs. Traditional and Classical Liberalism in their fight to make America first or great again! What we have today are Independents like myself that can choose between parties and candidates that have the right message for America, but die-hard Democrats that don’t have that option and won’t vote for a Republican, but instead choose between the different branches of the Democratic Party to help assist in the direction of the Party’s path and legacy moving into the future.
We all know that the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is going to, if Democrats do well in the elections today, credit the ‘Progressive’ Democrats for their vision, and ignore the plight of the Traditional/Classic Democrat that believes in what President Trump believes in when he talks about making America first and great again, but with their two-cent bipartisan Democratic twist, which has been the way it’s been ever since I can remember my parents doing and believing in the same!
Things that should concern the average political neophyte observer from a distance is the number of registered voters through the accusation of a driver license in California are going to be voting in this election illegally and unconstitutionally and then given the green light to do so by their elected officials who are already putting the needs of illegals in front of the legal citizens in need for the sake of their vote, and then to see how important that statistic is when the 2020 Presidential election comes rolling around knowing how that vote can effect the sovereignty of America and its future!
I personally believed that the 2016 Presidential elections were the most important election in the history of our founding fathers America, but now understand that it wasn’t, and to sit back and not bothering to turn out to vote in this midterm because you assumed that your work was already done is a crime, and an open invitation for the “End justifies the means” Progressive branch of the Democratic Party to undermine our founding father’s America again, and give them another chance to destroy America from within via the ‘Deep State!’
There is only one thing that’s actually going on in the hearts of all legal and ‘want to be’ Americans, and we all know it without having to say anything, and that’s wanting to return to a government that’s made up of elected officials who are working together to make America first and great again! The problem with this though is that America has been under attack because they’ve been using the opposite approach intentionally for the last 8 years under the oversight of Obama’s corrupt Justice Department, the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and the overhauling of the once reliable Mainstream Media that decided that ratings and profits were more important then delivering the truth to the American people so they would have known what was going on, when it was going on, and why it was going on so that they could of headed off this coup to bring down the greatest country in the History of the world from within…….
I keep hearing about how energized and motivated the Democrats are when it comes to showing up and voting, but voting for whom, and for what branch of the Democratic Party? With Progressivism being the cancer in today’s Democratic Party that’s not willing to work through bipartisanship, mutual respect, or the willingness to work towards the people’s mandate with opposition Republicans, or is that drive to vote to make the Democratic Party tolerant and whole again?
Are Democrats out to take back its own party from the Progressive branch? Are Democrats looking to transform its Party back in time to what I remember growing up with my parents as being those Classical/Traditional Democrats who believed in working together to make America a better place to live and raise their families? Do Democrats care about the Progressive cancer that has moved their ‘Party’ so far to the left that its once loyal and dedicated constituency has decided to throw in the towel and work hand in hand with the right to make America first and great again? Are the illegal immigrants and refugees who were brought under false promises of amnesty for their vote still believe the Democratic Party represents the America they dreamed about for decades, but now because of the Democrats bait and ‘Ideological switch has changed that mission from coming to a country that our founding father’s dreamed of, to the same country that they’re running away from that Karl Marx dreamed of?
I think Democrats believed at one time that the Democratic Party was the party for the people and by the people, but now have finally decided that enough is enough, and that these deeply entrenched over the hill leaders of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party who should have been long gone if term limits were in place, are out of touch with today’s America, but still pushing their out of touch Globalist through Socialist reform! The real sin here is that these self-centered politicians think that their job is to, and on their own because the American people have no clue about what they need to control their own lives, but could care less about the collateral damage it will do to the ‘Bill of Rights,’ America’s sovereignty, and our Constitutional Republic, which I have to believe no body from either side of the aisle want to happen!
I have to believe that the membership of the once proud Democratic Party are no longer accepting the obstruction and resistance philosophy that’s been their ambition for the last 500 days when it comes to everything this outsider non-politician President is doing for America, and that’s because, do to their dismay, is working for America, working for the future of American, and it’s working because of the promises that this president, who’s not a member of this do nothing ‘Swamp,`’ can deliver on while showing the American people how far out of touch the Democratic leadership of today’s Democratic Party truly is!
Schumer, Pelosi, and George Soros backed Adam Schiff’s rein of Socialist reform is over, and the once proud members of the Democratic Party are tired of being forced to the sidelines for eight years to watch the intended attempt by an elected President to destroy America from within, and they’re not going to sit by and let it continue, especially when being shown the right way to govern by an outsider non-politician whose only goal is to make American first and great again by following the ‘on the books already’ ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution!
Democrats and Republicans are tired of both political Party leaders using interpretation and intent instead of the letter of the law to lead this country down the wrong path, and doing it with the bipartisan leadership’s blessings! Has anybody ever asked why does the leadership of this country think it’s OK to advance lawlessness, Sanctuary cities, open borders, anti-police and military funding, and supporting the lies of America’s leadership when they took their oaths to defend and protect the Constitution, and at the same time their unconstitutional President decided to weaponize the DOJ, FBI, and CIA to help usher in their behind the scenes transformation of America to Socialism agenda, and doing it for the good of the world, but never once for the advancement of America or its people who elected them to office!
What Democrat out there actually believes that they’re Party has America’s best interest at heart, and what Democrat doesn’t want America to be first and great again like it was prior to the attacks on 911? Progressivism has hijacked the Democratic Party, and did it because of the attacks of 911 exposed this great nation’s Achilles Heel, which we’ve all learned and understand now is that compassion that America always feels when called to action to defend another country in their hour of need, but when the attacks of 911 were at our front door, Americans began to think that maybe what we represent to the world is not exactly as what we believe it is, and maybe we should reconsider our position and status on the world stage?
The pushers of the New World Order saw an opening and opportunity to attempt to take advantage of this countries moment of weakness by having its leader, George Soros, place a student and backer of Socialism’s Ideological platform in a position of power where he could possibly deliver the most improbable and not willing country into the depths of Socialist ‘Hell,’ and as a result becoming that first domino in a chain of many once independent countries that would follow suit, especially if America were to lead the way!
Now at this point in time George Soros was already on board with backing Hillary for the run to be President in 2008, but with the opportunity knocking decided to change horses and went with the first Black possibility to be President instead of the first female President. Barack Obama was that horse and he did take it across the finish line. Hindsight is 20:20 and was Obama being half Black and educated through the hand me down teachings of Saul Alinsky via his disciples at Columbia University’s Cloward and Piven professors whose main mission was to teach Obama the ins and outs of how to transform America to Socialism!
Did the fact that they didn’t realize that Obama’s citizenship would prevent him from running for the highest position in the land, and more than likely in the world, and was Obama allowed, because the fix was in to bypass the Constitutions citizenship requirement to be President of the United States, and did Nancy Pelosi’s altered Documents be accepted to make Obama appear to be a ‘Natural Born’ citizen when in actuality he wasn’t,
and that’s because his father was a British Citizen which only made Obama a ‘Naturalized’ citizen which the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media immediately changed to a racist issue to divert the attention away from the real disqualifying issue that they labeled the Birther’ issue, that actually had nothing to do with race, but the constitution’s citizenship requirement to be President that our founding fathers wisely added to the Constitution, and after 8 years of Obama illegal unconstitutional actions, we all know why! My question is, and so should yours be, is why was this deception of this man to the American people a top priority if there wasn’t something bigger planned for American, and for all that matters, the world?
Check out the links below to get the real story behind the driving force behind the Progressive Democratic leadership of Schumer, Pelosi, and George Soros funded Adam Schiff……
The Democratic Party has become America’s Socialist Party!
The Grand Delusion of the Progressive Left!