The key to the Progressive Democrats taking back the House of Representatives, and doing it without lifting a single finger to assist the American people in their dream of making America first and great again! The American people have two years to get it right before the 2020 elections, and how this happened was due to the Democrat’s dedication over last 4 major elections by fine tune their unconstitutional and illegal use of Voter Fraud with the help of outsiders like George Soros!
The biggest proof of this is in the fact that unqualified candidates who don’t have a clue about the basis knowledge of Government 101 or the the process but still winning, in ‘Blue’ states where the population is large, the number of Illegal immigrant living in those states is large, and the fact that these same illegals who are permitted to get driver licences legally in ‘Blue’ States are automatically being registered to vote, and now voting illegally in large numbers in exchange for Amnesty as the Democrats promised in 2016 before Trump won!
Do you remember when Democrats shut down the government due to their rejected immigration ultimatum, and then the same Democrats turning down President Trump’s generous offer of a path to citizenship for 3X the number DACA recipients! Well they’re voting now and delivering enough Illegals voting, because Democrats have abandoned using Black
and Latino American citizens who they used to offer entitlements every 2 to 4 years for their votes are now finally realized that they could make a better life for themselves and families by working hard, and living their version of the American dream! Democrats will keep doing anything and everything in their corrupt power to keep the borders open so that illegal voters will be the final determination when deciding the future path of America, which starts right now with what we’re witnessing on our southern border!
I hasn’t been a week yet and Democrats are already talking about raising taxes, keeping the catch and release immigration policies in place, and changing to rules of voting in the House, like Harry Reid did in the Senate to stuff the lower courts with Progressive Judges and Justices to promote and advance their Social Globalist agenda by using the ‘Nuclear Option, and using ‘their’ intent and interpretation of the letter of the law to do it!!
The Schumer and Pelosi led lockstep Progressive member’s ‘all for one, and one for all’ battle cry to turn down the Republican’ offer to stick with their original offer of Amnesty instead of a path to citizenship will continue! Today’s Dems will lose big time in 2020 if they can’t continue to have these voting ‘illegals’ able to jump the line of other immigrants who are following the immigration laws to legally become American Citizens while learning what it means to be and American, and doing without finding out using a ‘Cliff Note’s’ Democratic version of the ‘Socialist/Communist Manifesto!
If you think that this can’t happen because of founder’s ‘Constitutional’ checks and balances, than think again, and ask yourself why there’s 36 Democrats lining up to run for the Presidency in 2020, and doing it two years in advance? The real kicker here is that includes Hillary throwing her hat in the ring again for what I think is the fourth time! ‘Crooked’ Hillary assumed that her coronation was a lock, but when George Soros’s voting machines were discovered just a week or two before the election in 16 Swing States, and in 307 districts in those 16 states, the game was up!
Voter Fraud was a huge factor in the 2012, 2016, and now the 2018 Midterms, but what makes the perfect election stealing weapon is that it can’t be detected until days, weeks, months, and possibly years when hindsight uncovers the crime, but determines that it’s to late to do anything about it! If you think about it you have know that Democrats to win without a platform, viable message, or a perceived ‘positive’ agenda for the American people, then Voter Fraud is the only way they can achieve that, and the way they did it!
With the help of outside interests like George Soros, the Dems and their Socialist/Globalist mission have managed to iron out the kinks in their voter fraud formula to reinforce their blocking of any form of voter ID Law or verification of proving citizenship, and if they’re successful over the next 2 years when the 2020 elections roll around, than you can say goodbye to Conservationism, Capitalism, and ‘Will’ of the American people!
Let’s not forget about the credit we should be giving to the role that ‘Fake News’ plays in the formula when they back up every lie and ‘fake news’ tidbit that Progressives create using non-existing sources! Reporters know that they can create any ‘Never Trump’ story by quoting a non-existent source because they know that their so called sources would be protected by law and never having to be revealed, and if they’re called on the carpet for not revealing that source, become martyrs and the inspiration to other reporters so that they can create their own lies coming from their own non-existent sources because they basically know they can’t be touched or held responsible for the damage that’s done to trash or silence innocent people who are just using their 1st Amendment rights to voice an opinion contrary to the Progressive lies!
No matter how unfounded and unproven the allegations toward candidate Trump and than President Trump, the Mainstream Media continue to mislead the American people by using innuendos, half truths, and just plain outright lies to advance their Socialist obstruct and resist platform!
It doesn’t end there either when it comes Progressive Democrats, and their defenders against the truth Mainstream Media, but now using our once respected INTEL Agencies whose leadership are ganging up to help block the release, even after subpoenaed to do so, the documents that will prove that the real collusion in the 2016 elections had nothing to do with the Russians, but the scrambling Schumer and Pelosi led corrupt Progressive Democratic Party playing ‘hide and seek’ with the the most important information that will prove again, like when Obama said if you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and if you want to keep your plan, you can keep your plan, that they’re trying to sell those same ‘Useful Idiots’ a bill of goods that is specifically aimed at destroying America!
The real con here is Democrats a.k.a Socialists pretend that they’re defending the Middle Class with almost every breath while the Socialism they’re trying to shove down the American peoples throat, doesn’t call for the existence of a Middle class, and there is no room or plans to include one!
We must also not forget about the ‘Deep State’ Obama RINO’s that have been working non-stop to help the Democrats undermine the Trump Administration to support their same belief of open borders policies so that what’s happening to the European Union, and the once 4th richest country in the world Venezuela, can now happen here on American soil!
The recounts have ended in Florida with Broward County supposedly finishing up the recount by 3:00 on Thursday afternoon, but as it turns out forgetting to submit the results until 2 minutes after 3:00 which made that vote count rejected by the State election board! For all of you that don’t know, the total count added some 800 votes to Scott’s total in the Senate race, and changed the Gilliam totals by just 1 vote! In Georgia Brian Kemp was declared the winner over Democrat Stacey Abrams, and the recount basically resulted in no change with the same margin of 1.5% which is more than enough to not have to mandate a recount by hand.
What’s important to remember here when it comes to the 2020 election cycle when the two losing candidates in Florida, Nelson for Senator and Gilliam for governor, are using their lawyers to fight to allow illegal votes by illegal immigrants to be counted! Something else to remember is that all those Progressive Judges or Justices that Obama and Reid appointed back in 2013 when they changed the Senate rules to pass not only Obamacare, but to appoint Progressive lower court justices using the ‘Nuclear Option,’ which means instead of the 60 votes needed for passage, now only needs a simple majority of 51!
Obama’s and Reid’s instructions to these Progressive judges and lower court Justices after being jammed down the throats of the American people and our justice system was to follow the last 8 years of Obama’s example of using whatever intent and interpretation over our founders written letter of the law to advance their Pro-Social Globalist transformation of America’s agenda, and to do it, as Obama did with the help of his two term AG representatives Holder and Lynch and the Mainstream Media, and do it as many times as possible!
I’m sure that if those same Progressive Judges and Justices existed today in those courts like they do in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals when they blocked President Trumps ‘Travel Ban,’ that for sure they would have Okay-ed the counting of those illegal votes by illegal immigrants!
I thought that ‘Sticks and Stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you, really! What about the comments by President Trump that made these Progressive Judges and justices block and over rule the constitutional guaranteed rights given to every President, no matter what the party affiliation, to be allowed to make the determination about whether or not the current immigration policies are threatening our Sovereignty or putting the American People’s safety in jeopardy! Which in this case is doing more damage to America’s sovereignty and to the safety of the American people more then any other time in American History!many times over!
The ‘Deep State’ and corrupt Mainstream Media were trying to use than Candidate Trump’s comments against himself before becoming President of the United States! They used their Progressive interpretation to put a ‘Fake’ and Progressive spin on every decision that these same Progressive Justices that were forced upon America’s lower courts by Obama and Reid’s ‘Nuclear Option’ rule change before they gave up the reigns of the Senate to the Republicans back in 2013, and to stop anything and everything President Trump tried to accomplish to make America first and great again!
They were able to block President Trump’s ‘Travel Ban,’ and able through their created intent managed to label President Trump as a racist, misogynist, and bigoted President, in the same way they trashed now Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing to be added to the Supreme Court by also not giving the President the same ‘Due Process’ or ‘Presumption of Innocence’ rights that ever American citizen is granted! Their strategy didn’t work as we now know because the deplorable, misogynist, and racist American people saw right through the lies by acquitting President Trump in the ‘Court of Public Opinion,’ of all charges by electing him to the office as President!
The question we all should be asking ourselves now after the Midterm elections are over, is how in the hell is it possible for any Democrat, Republican, or Independent to reward with their votes the obstructing and resisting, the no agenda or platform to build America’s economy or military, and never planning to lower taxes but raise them, and never planning to lift regulations, but just adding more! They did win though, and more than likely with the help of voter fraud as proven while watching the Democratic Lawyers overseeing the recount of the Elections down in Florida and Georgia by insisting the the illegal votes by illegals immigrants should be counted!! WHAT??
How is it possible that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is now wanting Democrats to run against Democrats so that the Party can move further to the ‘Left’ ‘GOT’ any votes from anyone when she doesn’t have an inkling to what the hell is going on in government or knows anything about how the judicial process works? How is it possible that the first Muslim woman was able to take the oath of office by swearing to protect and defend the Constitution on the Koran when Islam believes that ‘our’ laws aren’t to be followed because they are ‘determined by man, and not by god?
The new flavor of the week is Progressive’s insisting that Whitaker, the President’s temporary replacement for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was only serving as AG as a result of Jeff Sessions unnecessarily recusing himself! Dems think that Rod Rosenstein should still be the Deputy Attorney General because they need the cover that he was already providing them to protect their own asses because they all know if Rosenstein isn’t there to stop the already subpoenaed documents from being released for the public to see, that Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the following lockstep ‘Useful Idiots’ will continue to beat that Trump interfering dead horse with the Mueller investigation, when Mueller himself has already said that his findings of the investigation would be released after the Midterm elections!
I think we all should be considering the logical facts not in evidence here, and after 2 years of having the Democrats at every turn still trying to make the American people think that the President of the United States is attempting to short circuit the Mueller investigation, while at the same time watching Democrats continue to support the withholding of the subpoenaed documents from the oversight committee and the American people so that they can’t see the real truth behind the true collusion, and who the ‘bad actors’ really are!
Is there anyone out there that thinks that there might be something in those documents that will blow the Mueller investigation completely out of the water, and reverse the perception of guilt by now pointing the finger at the Democrats? Is there anyone out there think that this investigation report into the Collusion between the Russians and the Trump Campaign should also include the reason why the FISA warrants and the Russian Dossier should now be front and center in the Mueller Investigation also?
All of this just proves to me that without holding up the President’s made up desire to stop the Mueller investigation is the reason they’re trying to make the American people think that Rod Rosenstein should still be running the show when he is still compromised but not recusing himself because he, along with and Sessions recommended in writing that President Trump should fire Comey, then called for the Special Prosecutor to look into the obstruction by President Trump for firing Comey, and then being the one person who signed the last application for the continuation of the FISA Warrant to eaves drop on American Citizens who were remotely involved in the Trump Campaign!
Oh, did I forget to mention that Rod Rosenstein was 2nd in command of the FBI under the Obama Administration when Mueller was the head of the FBI and oversaw the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to the same Russians that influenced our 2016 election without the go ahead permission of the Congress, which is illegal! Hmmm, nothing there, there, right?
It appears that Identity politics, and not the ‘Rule of Law’ or Constitution is what makes America what it is today, and now with Lawyers suing President Donald Trump over his decision to end special protections shielding certain immigrants from deportation, have decided, if you can believe it, seeking out unaired footage from his reality TV show “The Apprentice” to try to bolster their case alleging that his actions are racially motivated!
You can’t make this sh* t up unless of course your the Progressive Democrat or a member of the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media that backs up all of this made up ‘Fake’ News that’s being created to persuade the American people that our founders Constitutional Republic is not what it is all trumped up to be, and that how important it is for all Americans to know that they should believe that the caravans of illegals are coming to America for asylum purposes only, but when these illegals are interviewed they don’t mention asylum, but coming for America’s over abundance of jobs because of the Trump economy! This makes this intrusion into America an invasion and not the ‘fake’ seeking asylum that the Democrats and ‘Deep State’ run, ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is claiming it is!
If you expect the 2020 elections with the additional illegal voters who are being sponsored by George Soros’s 187 funded anti-American organizations are going to stop them from doing it again in 2020 as they did in 2018, then you too have just found out that you are one those ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin declares are the ones doing the work for the Social Globalists agenda to create a ‘New World Order that the the United Nations wants to see up and running within the next 12 years! If you don’t believe that, then look it up!!