Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
Today Judge Garland is going to be questioned by the Senate about his nomination to be the President Elect Joe Biden’s Attorney General! What’s to follow is what you probably don’t know, what you should know, and what you need to know!
Judge Garland going from Obama Supreme Court nominee to Biden’s AG nominee should tell you all you need to know about Scalia’s perfectly timed death, and that Judge Garland was not a centrist, and never was, but the left thought, because Republicans allowed two progressive justices, who have damaged America enough, was trying to pass Garland off as another judge that won’t follow the Constitutions ‘Rule of Law’ or Constitutional rights it grants, especially when it comes to gun control!
In reviewing Garland’s decisions, this Times piece placed Judge Garland to the left of Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, way to the left of Justice Stephen Breyer and minimally to the right of Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg.
FLASHBACK: 4/4/2017
We are witnessing the Obama agenda unravelling right before our very eyes, and while the dominoes keep falling, Obama is nowhere to be found! At the center of this is the untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, and the attempted takeover America’s Justice system and the Supreme Court by the progressive Left, and their agenda, that’s been perpetrated by the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ and the support of ‘Agenda Journalist’s’ trying to force feed Socialism and Globalism down the throats of the American people!
With only 10 months to go before the next president was going to be sworn in, Obama couldn’t take the chance that Hillary Clinton, and her failing and abandoning constituent’s support, would deliver America to the ‘New’ World Order, and with a few things left undone, Obama decided he needed to do whatever had to be done to fulfill his Alinsky promise to his backer, George Soros, and other outside globalist interests.
On 13 October 2016, the web site RedStateWatcher reported that e-mail published by WikiLeaks revealed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been assassinated by Hillary Clinton operatives:
According to new WikiLeaks emails, three days before Justice Scalia died this email was sent, using the term “wetworks” — exclusively used in Military meaning “assassination!”
The item referenced a leaked e-mail sent on 9 February 2016, four days before Justice Scalia was found dead in his room at a Texas ranch. E-mail in that chain was presented in reverse chronological order (with the most recent reply first) — sender John Podesta initiated the chain at 4:36 PM, and recipient Steve Elmendorf responded at 8:56 PM:
From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 4:36 PM To: Steve Elmendorf elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com Subject: Thanks, Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard.
From: elmendorf@teamsubjectmatter.com To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2016-02-09 20:56 Subject: RE: Thanks
I am all in Sounds like it will be a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down!
Based on Wikipedia’s definition of the term, RedStateWatcher claimed that the “wet works” phrase used in the otherwise vague e-mail was incontrovertible proof it referenced a literal assassination: Claims that Scalia was assassinated were not novel, as within a day of his death conspiracy theories about the manner in which he died swept social media. And the newly-leaked document was contemporaneous to Scalia’s sudden passing, heightening concern about the use of the term “wet work” (or “wetwork”).
However, dictionaries present a broader picture of the term and its applied uses: Click here> SCALIA’S JUICES SHOW THE REAL STORY BEHIND HIS DEATH!
The Common-Sense Show reports I was a day late and a dollar short in terms of my timing in weighing in on the death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia. On the first day following his death, I just did not feel that there was enough evidence to fall in line with many others who were calling this a murder as opposed to death of natural causes. At least that is how I felt until I discovered that Scalia did not have an autopsy and his body was cremated.
At the end of the day, I will not be a day late on the motive behind the murder of a Supreme Court Justice. Once the facts supporting that there should have been a murder investigation complete with a full autopsy, I immediately knew the motive because I had extensively written about this over several years ago.
An Investigation Should Be Held on the Death of Any Senior Government Official – It Only Makes Sense!
A senior government official, a Supreme Court Justice, is dead. And how is it being treated? The body and subsequent investigation into the death of Justice Scalia has been handled with all the professionalism of putting a rabid dog to sleep. Despite being found by John Poindexter, dead on his bed, with a pillow over his head, there will be no investigation.
A Judge Who Thinks They Are Really a Doctor!
Under these circumstances, how could an autopsy not be performed on a senior government official? And to add insult to injury, Scalia’s body was moved to Sunset Funeral Homes and was promptly cremated. But the body was not cremated until Judge Guevara determined that Scalia died of heart attack.
Did I say Judge Guevara, or Dr. Guevara? And Guevara, a judge, determined that Scalia died as a result of a heart attack, with an autopsy, and a doctor present, or an RN in attendance……Originally, Scalia did meet up with his would-be hunting companions. When found by Poindexter, Scalia was still in his daytime clothes from the night before. Shouldn’t Supreme Court Justices have body guards?
Against All of His Personal Beliefs, Scalia Was Cremated!
One of the most amazing facts surrounding this “mystery death” is that Scalia’s body was cremated before an autopsy could be performed. Cremated? Wasn’t Scalia a Catholic?
The last time I heard, Catholics do not sanction cremations. The regulations against cremation is one of the strongest within the Catholic Church. However, criminals with something to hide frequently burn the body after the commission of a crime.
This fact, alone, should have triggered a major murder investigation. Where is Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, when she is needed the most? Did Obama send flowers to the widow yet? Charred bodies yield no autopsy clues.
Scalia’s Death Marks the End of the Constitution As We Know It!
Scalia was the Supreme Court’s staunchest opponent to the progressive agenda. He demolished last summer’s gay marriage ruling in a scathing 9-page scathing report authored by Scalia.
With Scalia out of the way, limits on free speech will be restored; “the Supreme Court will render the Second Amendment meaningless by reinterpreting the right to bear arms as a non-personal right; freedom of religion will be made subservient to same-sex marriage and abortion priorities; the death penalty will be ruled unconstitutional; unions will be allowed to continue confiscating the dollars of people who disagree with them politically.” However, these are not the reasons that Scalia was murdered.
The Real Reason That Scalia Was Murdered!
Like it or not, I completely agree with Michael Savage that Scalia was likely murdered.
“We had a razor-thin savior of the conservative, or, shall I say traditional, ways in America, Antonin Scalia, who was found dead under suspicious circumstances,” he said. “And now this character in the White House who nobody with a rational mind should trust is trying to railroad Loretta Lynch down our throats … as his number one choice. Can you believe this?”
Obama was put into office for one reason and one reason only. He was put into office to end capitalism, private property ownership and the individual’s right to self-determination.
This is all accomplished through Agenda 21 and ultimately what Patrick Wood calls technocracy. Technocracy is the takeover of all energy use, thus, ultimately, all finance, through programs such as capping CO2 emission, Cap and Trade, etc. Carbon credits, under this system is destined to become the new currency.
When Obama was first elected, he attempted to introduce legislation into the Senate which would have reduced energy output for the United States by 80%. Even the then liberal Senate promptly rejected his proposal. That defeat set Obama into another strategy of implementation, it would have to happen piecemeal and some of the change would have to be implemented at the local level (eg California’s Cap and Trade program).
However, the change for this President’s ego did not come fast enough because we are in the final year of Obama’s presidency and he has not completed his main task and HIS ENTIRE CLIMATE CHANGE INITIATIVE WAS REJECTED BY THE CONSERVATIVE MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT BY A 5-4 DEFEAT!!! Scalia was the main opponent.
This defeat of Obama’s entire climate change initiative should not be overlooked as it puts the United States in direct collision course with the United Nations’ recent COP 21 agreements in Paris, which was blocked in a 5-4 vote by the Supreme Court, only last week. Again, Justice Scalia was the main opponent. This fact alone should have provided the impetus to conduct an INDEPENDENT autopsy on Scalia’s body.
But as they say in the infomercials, there’s more….Following the Gulf oil explosion in 2010, I wrote a seven-part series entitled The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust. It was in that series that I discovered the unmistakable reason that Obama was made president.
Obama (when he was still a still a State Senator in Illinois), Valerie Jarrett and Al Gore headed a group known as the Joyce Foundation. The Joyce Foundation was designed to promote acceptance for carbon trading schemes which could be linked back to George Soros and Al Gore.
The intent, as I have previously mentioned was to gain control over the entire economy. The Joyce Foundation eventually set up the Chicago Climate Exchange which was nation’s first bona fide carbon trading company. When Obama’s original carbon trading scheme was rejected in the Senate in 2009, the organization collapsed financially. But Obama’s dream of technocracy did not die with it.
The Joyce Foundation was also instrumental in bringing together NALCO, Goldman Sachs and the EPA in allowing the oil dispersant, Corexit, to be used in the Gulf even though, for health reasons, it had been banned by virtually the entire G20 nations. The conspiracy trail is mighty when it comes to Obama and his pre-presidential years and his complicity into the climate change issue. It was when Obama first became involved in the Joyce Foundation that George Soros, David Rockefeller and company backed this relative unknown for President.
By the way, the late Bob Chapman and I both covered how Obama benefited from the use of Corexit through his Vanguard Investment funds (I and II). The link to this claim is listed above.
After I read volumes of material on the Joyce Foundation, it was easy to conclude that Obama was chosen to be President because he would virtually hand over the entire economy to a few wealthy bankers under the guise of climate change.
The historical parallel matches why the banksters in 1912 backed Woodrow Wilson for President. The following year, the nation’s banking system was handed over the Rockefellers and their merry gang of banksters and the rest is history.
Scalia was the major impediment to Obama completing his legacy of ushering in technocracy. This, alone, is motive for murder. And when an autopsy is not conducted on a Supreme Court Justice, and then his “Catholic” body his cremated, we should all be more than suspicious. ~~ By Jennifer Johnson, a Friend of America!
Common-sense should tell you that the reason for Harry Reid stacking the lower court using the ‘Nuclear Option,’ was to flood the appeals courts with unvetted progressive minded judges! This was a way to stop outsider nonpolitician Trump and accomplishing his list of promises he made to the American people.
What Reid thought would happen is that 4 to 4 vote by the 8 remaining Supreme Court Judges, who were more than likely going to be voting along party lines, would then revert to the Lower appeals court and that courts final decision on the matter!
What does this mean? Well It means that any action Trump takes will and can be challenged, then blocked by an unvetted Obama appointed progressive judge via the ‘Nuclear Option,’ and after getting the more than likely 4 to 4 party line standoff at the Supreme Court again, will revert back to the ruling of the lower court, ….again!
So, when appointed progressive Judge via the ‘Nuclear Option,’ Derrick Watson stopped Trump’s Executive Order to ban immigrants from 6 countries, and the same 7 countries, minus 1, that Obama had on his list that have a record of supporting terrorism and terrorist threats, you have to use a little common sense, and see how this Alinskyite puzzle is coming together to reveal the true picture of the corruption and deception that the Obama Administration had been subjecting the ‘Will’ of the American People to for the last 8 years!
Knowing that the model I outlined above will continue until Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch is approved by either the conventional 60 vote ‘old’ mandate, or the ‘Nuclear Option’ is what’s paramount to the survival and continuation of our founding fathers constitutional vision for America!
To have America’s highest Court of the land continue to vote along party lines, then having another 4 to 4 decision revert to, and follow the Progressive lower court’s ruling through their ideological interpretation and intent of the law via Harry Reid and Obama’s unvetted Progressive judges, who got their position via the ‘Nuclear Option,’ should show you the general hate for the Constitution and rule of law that Obama’s Administration has displayed since day 1 of his first term!
If you believe that the excuse for blocking Neil Gorsuch by the Progressive left, was because of the way Obama’s ‘CENTRIST’ candidate judge Garland was treated, then you haven’t checked out the past rhetoric of both Joe Biden and the ‘Biden Rule,’ and Chuck-e Schumer’s own words when stopping any of Bush’s nominations for 19 months before Obama came to office!
Judge Garland was not a centrist, and never was, but the left thought, because Republicans allowed two progressive justices, who have damaged America enough, was trying to pass Garland off as another judge that won’t follow the Constitutions ‘Rule of Law’ or Constitutional rights it grants!
By their own accounts, the liberal media lied in describing Garland as a centrist. And the more research one does, the bigger this lie appears.
The mainstream media — that is, the liberal media — share all the views and characteristics of the left. Among these is the left’s view of truth. There are honest individuals with left-wing views, and dishonest individuals on the right. But truth is not a leftist value. Everything the left believes in is more important than truth: social justice, economic equality, reducing carbon emissions, expanding the power of the state, battling sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, and above these, destroying its conservative opposition.
The media’s coverage of President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court should serve as one of the most blatant examples of both the left-wing orientation of the news media and their willingness to play with truth.On March 16, the day after Garland’s nomination, every major mainstream news outlet, both print and electronic, depicted the judge as a centrist.The first sentence of The New York Times front page read: “WASHINGTON — President Obama on Wednesday nominated Merrick B. Garland to be the nation’s 113th Supreme Court justice, choosing a centrist appellate judge.”
Similarly, the Los Angeles Times front-page headline said: “Obama’s choice of popular centrist Merrick Garland for Supreme Court puts GOP to the test.”
Another headline, seen in the Washington Post, read: “Merrick Garland’s instinct for the middle could put him in the court’s most influential spot.”
That same day, the Post published a second article mentioning how “Garland’s deep resume and centrist reputation appear to have positioned him well to earn the president’s nod.”
Two days later, the Los Angeles Times featured a news analysis on its front page, in which a reporter wrote that Garland may be “the most moderate Supreme Court nominee anyone could expect from a Democratic president.” The reporter also calls Garland “a superbly qualified judge with a cautious, centrist record.”
There is no truth to any of these reports — something easily proved by both Judge Garland’s decisions and, amazingly, by the newspapers’ reports themselves.
Take the Los Angeles Times’ front-page “news analysis,” for example. After describing the judge as a moderate and centrist, the LA Times reporter writes: “If the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a staunch conservative, is replaced by a moderate-to-liberal Justice Garland, the court would tip to the left on several key issues, like abortion, affirmative action, the death penalty, gun control, campaign spending, immigration and environmental protection.”
In other words, the very same author who describes Garland as a centrist believes that Garland votes left on essentially every major issue confronting the nation and the Supreme Court.
Additionally, that very same day The New York Times headlined that Garland is a centrist, it published an article on the nomination noting that “If Judge Garland is confirmed, he could tip the ideological balance to create the most liberal Supreme Court in 50 years.”
In reviewing Garland’s decisions, this Times piece placed Judge Garland to the left of Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, way to the left of Justice Stephen Breyer and minimally to the right of Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg.
By their own accounts, the liberal media lied in describing Garland as a centrist. And the more research one does, the bigger this lie appears.
In a column in The Wall Street Journal, Juanita Duggan, President and CEO of the National Federation of Independent Business, wrote that Garland is so anti-small business and so pro-big labor, that “This is the first time in the NFIB’s 73-year-history that we will weigh in on a Supreme Court nominee.”
What worries the NFIB, she explains, is that “in 16 major labor decisions of Judge Garland’s that we examined, he ruled 16-0 in favor of the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board).”Elsewhere in the Journal, the editorial board wrote that they can’t think of a single issue on which Garland would vote differently from the four liberal Justices that already sit on the bench.Tom Goldstein wrote in the SCOTUSblog that Garland favors deferring to the decision-makers in agencies. “In a dozen close cases in which the court divided, he sided with the agency every time.”Another source reads that “Judge Garland would be a reliable fifth vote on these legal issues.”Those are all the fundamental issues that divide the left from the right.So, the entire left is lying about Judge Garland, who, for the record, seems like a truly decent man who possesses a first-class mind. They do so because getting a fifth left-wing vote and weakening the Republicans is far more important than truth.
And believe it or not, there is an even worse lesson here, namely the media’s effectiveness in saturating society with its mendacious version of reality. Unless an American makes the effort to study the issue — and most do not — they take the news media’s version as truth. The terrible lesson, which has been affirmed time and time again since the 1960s, is that a free society can experience brainwashing as effectively as a totalitarian state.

For information on ‘The ‘End Game’ and viewing the articles since the Manuscript was submitted, then click the link….