When are our founding fathers, our ‘Rule of Law,’ Constitution, and the American people going to get their day in court? We’ve witnessed the ‘No’ harm no foul without the appointment of a special prosecutor with about every illegal and unconstitutional action of Obama over the last 8 years because of the Justice Department, and the FBI, as we’ve learned over the last 6 months, has protected and defended Obama’s definition of ‘Change’ for the last 8 years! Now add the help of the ‘Paid to Report’ Media hiding all of these ‘Hiccups’ coming from the Obama Administration, and you have an over due ‘about time,’ for the AG Sessions to do exactly what his job description dictates, and that’s to keep the American people trusting the legal process! ~~
President Barack Obama faced a large number of scandals, many of which involved apparent violations of federal law. And yet in eight long years, Obama skated by without any serious investigations by the Department of Justice, or with investigations that were quashed from above. It seems Republican administration are held to a higher standard.
The most glaring example is, of course, the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, which is connected to broader claims of corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. President Obama told 60 Minutes in 2015 that Clinton had simply made a mistake: “I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” he said. The media bought it — and so did the Department of Justice, despite a mountain of evidence that she had been “extremely careless,” as Comey put it later.
Another example that still rankles conservatives was the IRS scandal, where there were clear violations of federal law, including the deliberate leak of confidential taxpayer information to partisan groups, as well as violation of conservatives’ civil rights. Yet the Department of Justice let former IRS official Lois Lerner, and her bosses, off the hook, saying the IRS was merely guilty of “mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia” but no crimes.
There was also the Fast and Furious scandal, where the Obama administration, under the supervision of Attorney General Eric Holder, supervised the smuggling of weapons across the Mexican border, ostensibly to trace their path through drug cartels, but more likely as a pretext for gun control. Obama tried to use his executive privilege to cover up related documents, and Holder was held in contempt of Congress — but nothing more.
In the Stuxnet scandal, where the Obama administration leaked information about a computer virus that had been created to destroy Iranian nuclear centrifuges, the White House specifically rejected calls for a special counsel or special prosecutor. Retired Marine Corps General James E. Cartwright was eventually found guilty, but benefited from a lame-duck pardon by President Obama, setting a dangerous example for future leakers of national secrets.
And there were also the numerous times Obama administration officials lied to Congress. Holder lied to Congress, under oath, about whether he had discussed prosecuting journalists. But Holder had ordered the wiretapping of Fox News reporter James Rosen. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper also lied to Congress about data collection on U.S. citizens. The Department of Justice never appointed a special counsel to investigate.
The double standard is glaring. Some Republicans feel the appointment of a special counsel in the Russia case is evidence their party lacks the Democrats’ will to fight.
But Rosenstein’s decision was not a partisan one — and, arguably, it is better that the eventual exoneration of the president will be seen as impartial, but can he be now knowing that Rosenstein was one of the main colluders with the investigation into the Uranium One deal with then head of the FBI Robert Mueller at the helm of the Obama FBI, I say no!!
Still, the imbalance remains, and might only begin to be rectified if the FBI and DOJ pursue the leakers and unmaskers causing havoc with our democracy, and with what we all know with the effort to squelch the credibility of the Dossier you know that’s not going to happen! I feel that this ‘Never Trumping’ will continue on until the week before the 2018 elections at which time the Democrats, with the help of the Agenda Journalists, will pull whatever fake news, lies, half-truths, paid sources, and innuendos they can out of their bag of tricks! ~~Partially by Joel B. Pollack, a Friend of America
As new developments come out on the feckless dragged out Russian collusion with the Trump campaign investigation something new has come to my mind, and that’s asking the question about why Jeff Session recused himself from the Russian collusion conspiracy with the Trump campaign, and why he recused himself without even discussing the options with his boss President Trump, but instead trusted the advice of his team, a.k.a. the Justice Department officials, which puts Muller’s crony in the cover-up of the Uranium One deal, Rod Rosenstein, at the helm of the decision making process when it came to finding a Special Counsel for the Russia Trump Campaign collusion investigation that J. Edgar Comey forced to come to fruition by leaking sensitive top secret information to his buddy who took it to the New York Times! Hmmmm!!
I bring this up because at the time the evidence of the Dossier on Trump came about, it was early into the investigation, and not quite known how the Dossier was used by the Obama inspired ‘Deep State’ to get the FISA court to allow the FBI and DOJ to open up an eavesdropping wiretap investigation into the Trump Campaign!
Looking back, and knowing what we now know about the Dossier and how important it was to the Democrats to spy on the Trump campaign is making me think that one of the biggest keys to pulling off this massive cover-up had to be to make sure both Nunes and Sessions were bamboozled into recusing themselves!
Now let’s check out some other obvious and common-sense plots that the Liberal Left used to get Jeff Sessions and Devon Nunes out of the way of the investigation into the collusion between the Russians and the Trump Campaign. They got Sessions to recuse himself to clear the way for the Russian investigation because he spoke to a Russian Diplomat in passing at a reception which was part of his job description, but when Sessions insisted that his statements at the hearing were “honest and correct” because his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were not related to the campaign, but to official matters related to his service as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Dems said it doesn’t matter, you lied, and hit the road Jeff!
They got Nunes because he was basically warning the White House about exactly what’s being uncovered today in the Nunes memo about how Mr. Trump or his closest associates may have been “incidentally” swept up in foreign surveillance by American spy agencies.
Back when Sessions recused himself the exposure of the Dossier really hadn’t been exposed as much as it has been today, but now that it has we can see that Rod Rosenstein, who was more than involved with the Uranium One deal cover up with Mueller, and who by the way was and is best buddies with J. Edgar Comey, was then coincidentally called upon by Rosenstein after Sessions had recused himself to head up a special counsel to look into the Dossier based investigation looks more than just a little suspicious and quite coincidental.
Now I’m seeing Trump’s AG constantly being in the company of Rod Rosenstein and company from the DOJ every time he’s in public eating dinner at high end restaurants, but not appointing a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate the FBI and DOJ! Sessions said under his breath the other day at a press conference that he would have the Inspector General, who has no subpoena power or any real indictment capabilities like Obama did, just add this little tidbit to his pile with all the other scandals under Obama’s reign of terror that never had a special prosecutor appointed!
Let’s face it that Holder and Muller during his first term, and then Lynch and Comey in his second term made sure Obama wasn’t hindered or prevented from trashing our founding fathers Constitution, and their Constitutional Republic!
Nobody will get punished for their traitorous actions against our Republic, and like before will use the Inspector General like an old Catholic School Nun from the old days who will only get their wrist slapped, but because of who they are, not done with a ruler!
I just have to wonder if the advice to Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian probe into the 2016 election with the Trump Campaign came from the fruit of the poisonous tree, and that’s Rod Rosenstein and his staff who are babysitting Sessions while at the same time strongly suggesting that Sessions ‘NOT’ appoint a 2nd counsel to look into the more than obvious illegal and unconstitutional behavior into the higher echelons of the FBI and DOJ, which they are all a part of!
Session is being forced to not his job because of the intent and interpretation of Rod Rosenstein and his team to extend the possibilities of all these other investigation as being an extension of the Russian probe that he has recused himself from, which in most experts minds, is not!
What Americans have to understand is that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, along with the Progressive leadership of the Democratic Party, will drag anything and everything right up to the week of the 2018 midterm elections just like the they did to Roy Moore running in Alabama for the vacant Jeff Sessions seat in the Senate when nothing could be done about the candidate being replaced! How about hearing now that Planned Parenthood is going to spend $20 Million dollars on targeted races around the country, but none coming from the $500 Million the government pays them to kill babies, and sell their body parts, and then who fights for gun control to prevent the killing of our ‘older’ children, and then donates through their PAC’s to only Democrats, but again, not using the $500 Million dollars of taxpayer’s money they receive from the government!
Planned Parenthood, killing America’s future!