I guess after 10 years of spending my spare time exposing what I believed to be the corruption and the deception of the Obama Administration, the bipartisan ‘Swamp,’ and Comey’s ‘Deep State’ who did everything in their power to lie to the American people about what they were supposedly doing to advance our founding father’s blueprint for the future success of America, I’m just a little more disillusioned then every member of the liberal left who doesn’t care to admit to being against everything this country stands for! Who didn’t think that, like almost every American, that the checks and balances would have prevented any chance at all of the possibility that the apparent transformation of America to Socialism by the insider ‘Deep State’ would have not been stopped by the American people let alone our elected officials who were able to some how gain control of America’s top players in the leadership roles of the FBI, DOJ,and CIA to initiate the destruction of our Constitutional Republic from within!
Who would have thought that a political party representing our founding fathers Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ would have put up two candidates (Bernie and ‘crooked’ Hillary) to run for President of the United States of America who would be pushing and selling Karl Marx’s version of Socialism in the hopes that the American people would buy into it?
Who would have thought that there might be a chance that the American people would give up the liberties, freedoms and rights that are granted to them by the ‘Bill of Rights’ that’s part of the Constitution, and then on top of that give up America’s sovereignty that’s been what our culture and history has been all about since the beginning of our Constitutional Republic some 245 years ago?
Who remembers Hillary thought that there was room for regulation for the 1st and 2nd Amendments or the Constitution? Who remembers that Hillary had no plans to lower the taxes and eliminate the unreasonable regulations on our American made companies so that they wouldn’t be forced to move out, and as a result unknowingly being forced to redistribute our country’s intellectual property and assets around the world to countries that consider themselves our allies!
I guess it’s OK for our allies to boost their own GDP while lowering their unemployment rate, and I guess it’s OK, as a result of the above that America’s GDP goes lower and our unemployment rate goes higher because that’s who we are! I guess Democrats and the Mainstream Media believe that leveling the playing field is a good thing for the world even though it affects America’s bottom line and increases our National Debt!
I know that not many people are going to believe that It took a brave, but extremely wealthy man who cared about what he saw going on behind those closed doors of the elitists who thought that they were above the average deplorable American that worked their 9-5 to give their families a better life, but expendable if push comes to shove! They believe that the average American life would be better served by the elitists if they were allowed to show these deplorables who knows best when it comes to controlling their lives, their finances, and just about everything else that makes their lives, like others in the world, to settle for an existence where one size fits all!
Our elected officials have raised their earning potential by leaps and bounds by the passage of the 2010 ‘Citizens United’ legislation under the Obama Administration which enabled the passage of the TPP Trade agreement that put more than enough cash in the pockets of our elected officials who were just out to get their fair share because of who they were!
How and why did TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) get passed under Obama’s watchful eye?
The Citizens United decision is ruining America?
Schumer and Pelosi came out of their holes before it was physically possible to read the IG’s report to set the narrative before they had the ability to understand that their effort was a lost cause? They jumped the gun again like they did for the Obamacare Proposal, the Republican Congressional findings by the committee looking into the collusion between the Russians and the Trump Campaign, and now doing the same with this IG’s report on the investigation into the handling of the Clinton emails by the FBI and DOJ!
The lies and objectivity by the Liberal ‘left’ needs to be more than challenged and questioned, and when they come out and try to spin their interpretation of the IG’s resolve by saying there was no ‘bias,’ you have to know that their credibility is blown for sure because their ‘spin thing’ is debunked by just that one text between Strzok and Page wrote to each other that proves to the American people that Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence agent who was assigned to both the investigation into Clinton’s personal email server and Muller’s probe into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russians during the election, is the real ‘Deep State’ pawn that’s front and center, and guilty of initiating the rampant collusion between the FBI, DOJ, and CIA against President Donald J. Trump, the peoples choice for President of the United States of America!
Liberals can defend their reasons for hating Trump, but they can’t spin the truth to make the American people believe that there was no bias when there was without a doubt, and big time!!!
In August 2016, the IG notes, Strzok vowed to Page that they could “stop” Trump from becoming president, although the IG did not find that political bias tainted specific investigative decisions in the Clinton probe.
Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted to Strzok.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.
The lovers exchanged numerous other anti-Trump texts during the investigation in the lead-up to the presidential election, including one in which Page calls Trump a “loathsome human” and another in which Strzok dubs him an “idiot.”
Everybody is blaming President Trump for what’s wrong with America today, but nobody seems to be bothered by the fact that the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media decided not to bother informing the American people for the entire 8 years Obama bypassed and ignored our founding fathers Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law,’ and took it upon themselves, with the help of a few outside interest’s perfectly placed dollars, that the story that they want us to believe was an honest representation of what America’s future should look like according to them!
When J. Edgar Comey and the ‘Liberals’ Tell a Big Enough Lie, and Tells it Frequently, Did the American People Buy into It?
**In part inspired By Paul Joseph Goebbels, a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany
….Hmmm, you’re going to have to ask Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rosenstein, Lerner, Strzok, Gates, Hillary, Holder, and even the smoking gun that obviously had to have given the order, Barack Obama!
The MSM failed to warn the American people about the truth of the Obama Administration’s intentional attack on our founding fathers successful experiment into the backing of the individual rights, liberties, and freedoms of individual future Americans that make up this exceptional country, but instead backing the ideological clandestine diversion away from what’s made America great in the first place, and doing it for pay for the greedy and power hungry elitists, a.k.a. the ‘Deep State’ a.k.a. the New World Order Oligarchs whose main goal is to eliminate those same rights, liberties, and freedoms so that those incentives to be self-determinate, goal oriented, and able to climb that ladder to success doesn’t exist!
What you have to understand is that the NWO’s goal has always been to divide and distract their true motives and intent by using political correctness an implicit bias to cloud the truth about what the ‘Deep State’ is looking to accomplish,
and what they’re intentional blueprint is for the future successes over other countries in the world that they want to have follow the American domino, and then using the ill-gotten gains from the first domino, a.k.a America, to fund their grand plan for the world!
Obama’s hate and disdain for America, his apology tour, his establishment of Peacetime Martial Law, his intentional dismantling of our military, his failure to enforce his ‘Red Line’ threat that ended the lives of Hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian men, women, and children to make America look bad, and to have our allies question America’s ability to be trusted like it has been in the past!
I think I’m taking a road trip this weekend while the Democrats and the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media try and spin this, and what the American people need to know is that if the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ had just lived up to the oath of office to defend and protect the constitution, Trump wouldn’t have been the President of the United States today! You had to have known that with the relentless refusal to allow the oversight committee’s constitutionally guaranteed right to see every email and text that’s related in any way to the case that they’re looking into, that Rosenstein, due to the unwarranted recusal of President Trump’s AG, Jeff Sessions, that Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein were up to no good from day one because of the fix that was in during the Obama campaign when Mueller and Rosenstein were front and center in the cover up of the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to the Russians, our number one enemy!