‘Whistle Blower’s’ Jobs are Protected, Not their Identity! Hmmm…

I have to believe that these constantly used non-existing sources are what gives the Democrats and the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media a licence to lie using their ‘Fake New’s and their made up non-existing Sources,’ etc! It’s all about the ‘spin’ that they use to create a false narrative for those ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin credits the existence of Socialism that’s failed everywhere its been tried, but still alive and well in the world today!

The Dems lie this time around is the fake and non-existent first and second Whistle Blower distraction that has nothing to do with getting to the truth, but being used again to stall as they did using the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign hoax until they could find a way, like they did in 2018 when they stole the House and Pelosi’s Gavel back, and this time to steal back the Senate and White House in 2020!

Everything that this promise keeping President does pushes the ‘Deep State’ one step further back from it’s Socialist and New World Order goal by 2030, and gives the American people that same step back up that the Obama Administration took away on a daily base for those 8 years that they were trying to destroy America from within!

Now when it comes to these 2 Whistle-Blowers I haven’t been able to find anything that protects a ‘Whistle-Blowers identity from being revealed, but only about the he or she can’t be fired from! Hmmm, just a little food for thought?

What employees are protected by the Whistle-blower Protection Act?

Technically all citizens have the authority to be a whistleblower against the federal government.  However, the Special Counsel may order investigation and require a report from the head of the agency only if the whistleblower is a “covered employee.” It is not deemed a retaliatory measure by a federal agency if the individual is not considered a “covered employee.”

A “covered employee” is, includes all current and former employees; as well as applicants for positions in the executive branch of government.  There are exceptions to the coverage.  Those federal employees whose service is deemed to include “confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character” are not privy to the protections of the Whistle-blower Protection Act.  In addition, those federal employees whose positions are deemed to be exempt by the President of the United States due to “conditions of good administration” will not receive protection.

There are also specific government agencies that do not fall within the protections of the Whistle-blower Protection Act.  These include:  Postal Service or the Postal Rate Commission, the General Accounting Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the National Security Agency, and any other executive entity that the President determines primarily conducts foreign intelligence or counter-intelligence activities.

These exceptions are put in place in situations where national security or the inner-workings of government are deemed to outweigh the value of a successful whistle-blowing campaign.

In addition, the leaking of any agency violations covered by the whistleblower act are not protected if the “covered employee” goes to the media to report on the matter. The policy behind the Whistle-blower Protection Act is to address agency misconduct but at the same time the information is to stay within the government.  The Whistle-blower Protection Act was enacted, in part, to limit disclosure to outside entities; especially the media. ~~

I don’t know about you, but did anybody see anything about protecting the identity of this ‘Whistle-Blower from being revealed?

Time for Lindsey Graham, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, to subpoena House Judiciary Committee Chairman Adam Schiff just based on his comments alone, let alone his actions! How may times have the American people heard, or should I say being set up again, because Adam Schiff told the American people that he saw the irrefutable evidence that President Trump and his Administration was guilty of colluding with Russia to fix the 2016 election?

What’s going on today in the Dems ‘Deep State’ is that Pelosi’s Dems, led by Shifty Schiff, is having their own unilateral question and answer sessions with this new and unidentified ‘Whistle Blower!’ What the American people probably don’t know is that this is happening without taking a vote in the House to have an impeachment inquiry! What this is doing is proving to the American people that the Progressive Left, with the help of the Mainstream Media is trying to negate the peoples mandate in 2016 while at the same time the Dems are denying this duly elected sitting President his Constitutionally guaranteed ‘Due Process’ and his assumed ‘Presumption of Innocence!

This isn’t a new Rodeo for the Dems, and If you recall this is the same thing they tried to pull off with President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court Bret Kavanaugh and their ‘Me Too’ movement that ruined peoples lives without allowing their constitutional guaranteed rights of ‘Due Process’ or their ‘Presumption of Innocence’ expectations! By doing this it allows the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media to keep publishing ‘Fake’ and unsubstantiated Bull Shit that will be continually fed to them by non-existing or made up sources whose identity, due to the law, can’t be revealed! Wow, you can’t make this shit up!!

This intentional farce and betrayal of the American people’s Constitutional Republic prohibits Republicans from even asking questions of the accuser, subpoenaing witnesses that could, and more than likely disprove the accusations by this Dems second attempt to Take down this President!

After the Mueller Investigation into the ‘Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign,’ which was finally put to rest after 2 1/2 long years, and cost the American taxpayer to be somewhere around $35 Million dollars, we were treated to a nail biting demonstration of rambling, and wasn’t threatening Robert Mueller whose reputation preceded his own investigation, but in the end proven to be just the figure head and barely a shadow of the man he once was! who became a legend in the Dems own minds!

How many times do the American people have to hear these Democrats cry wolf, and do it every time this duly elected President hits another home-run for America or checks off one of the promises he made to the American people during his campaign? Why have these Democrats, and some 38 Republicans who decided to either retired, not to run again, or just get the Hell out of town because they were complicit in Obama’s plan to destroy America from within before the 2018 midterm elections! We can’t forget open border bleeding heart Paul Ryan, who promised this ‘promise making’ President that if didn’t include the financing of the ‘Wall’ in the budget before the 2018 midterm elections that he would make sure the entire ‘Wall’ would be funded, but instead jumped ship before he could deliver on that promise and got out of town when he knew the going was good!

It’s beginning to look like this President is not only living up to his promises, but has been the ‘Whistle Blower’ in chief for years, and even before he came down, or should I say what made him come down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the Presidency! Candidate Trump had a ‘fence sitting’ birds eye view of the political scene and theme of the leaders of the ‘Swamp,’ and that’s because of his business’s needing permits and plans approved for his projects and properties by whichever Political Party had become the flavor of the month, donated to both sides of the aisle out of necessity and his his many businesses to survive!

Candidate and now President Trump was privy to the Globalist New World Order ambitions that Alinskyites Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, with the help of their protector ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media, who were all in bed planning to finalize, without including the approval by the American people of their plans that started with and choreographed by Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Bush 43, and then ending with Barack Obama with Hillary bringing up the rear and tying up the loose ends if needed, which she didn’t because she lost, and now because she lost exposing the corruption and the intentions by the ‘Swamp’ that, as candidate, and now President has said all along, needs to be drained!

Why do we believe that our elected officials care about honoring their oath to protect and defend the Constitution when Obama and his Administration never had any intention of having anything to do with the Constitution or the ‘Rule of Law’ for not only the 8 years, but the last three years when he was the ex-President? Has anybody noticed that Ex-President Obama and his Ex-Secretary of State John Kerry have been violating the Logan Act repeatedly? Does anybody even know what the Logan Act is, and why it makes perfect sense to why it should be enforced? … which is to prevent exactly what’s going on in America today!

The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization. Hmmm….

John Kerry has visited Iran 3 times since leaving off to advice Iran what to do after President Trump pulled the plug on Kerry’s signature accomplishment/Legacy as Secretary of State, the ‘Nuclear Deal’ with Iran!

’11 Times Obama Catered to Worst Dictators in the World!’

I hope the American people can now understand that they are being used, lied to, and why the Dems and Deep State’ Mainstream Media are trying to rob the American ‘PEOPLE’ of their right to vote in the ‘Court of Public Opinion before the 2020 elections come around!’ Dems want to impeach this duly elected President before election day 2020 because the Dems, before the 2016 elections failed miserably to get the American people to swallow their BS after parading a number of paid women accused candidate Trump for sexual assault, and if that wasn’t bad enough revealing a illegally taped private conversation between two men, with candidate Trump being one of the participants, discussing what men talk about in locker rooms! The rest is history, and after the American people didn’t take the bait and vote for Hillary, but for this outsider non-politician who was simply running on making America great again, the Dems have no interest in going back and using the ‘Court of Public Opinion is they can help it!

This new second ‘Whistle Blower’ that the Pelosi’s Dems are running up President Trump’s ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Flag pole now claims that he or she has first hand knowledge of the congratulatory phone conversation between President Trump and the newly elected President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy who was just elected in April in 2019! The 1st and 2nd Whistle Blower’s identity won’t be revealed because the ‘truth’ will never work for the Dems who have weaponize the ‘Protection’ of sources/Whistle Blower Law to advance their ‘Fake’ News, ‘Fake’ Sources, and their Socialist New World Order Agenda! How can we forget that the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is not only loving every minute of it, but taking the money that the American people aren’t willing to give to them!

These Protected Sources, a.k.a. the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media have been given a ‘license’ to lie without the source(s) ever being cross examined or even challenged to what they claim is true! There is one thing I know for sure, and that’s President Trump released the transcript of the call so what can this second, third, and fourth through One hundred Whistle Blowers have that will give the American people anything they don’t already know!

The American People should appreciate and understand just how lucky they are because Hillary lost the 2016 elections! If Hillary had won the ‘Venezuelan Syndrome’ would have come to fruition, and in a much shorter time then the 20 years it took Venezuela to go from the 4th richest country in the world to what it is today! The American people should also know that because they didn’t take the Dems bait in the election of 2016 that they won’t get a second chance to get it right in the 2020 version of the ‘Court of Public Opinion,’ by trying to remove President Trump via impeachment before the 2020 election, and if that doesn’t work, then rolling out the same George Soros inspired Voter Fraud that they used back in 2012 to get Obama reelected, tried to use in 2016 if Soros’s voting machines, the same voting machines that Chavez used in Venezuela close to 20 years ago to usher in Socialism, weren’t discovered to be in 16 ‘Swing States’ in 307 voting districts just weeks before the election, and then again in 2018 when voter fraud was used to give the desperately needed to stay relevant the House back to the Democrats and Pelosi her 2nd Gavel!

Pelosi’s over the top Progressive California came through for the Dems by stealing the election by changing the rules of voting when it comes to how the votes were submitted and when the votes are counted!

Conspiracy Theory, or just plain Common Sense using the per ponderous of the evidence?

A combination of recent changes in California election rules have lengthened the ballot counting process, and some Republicans believe, disadvantages their Party, “You think!’

A stunning 5 Million ballots, more than 40% of the overall total were counted after November 6th!!  In many places Democrats got a significantly larger portion of the late votes than those counted on election day! Those later votes helped Democrats capture a string of GOP held U.S. House seats!

The Democratic legislature approved changes allowing any-mail-in-ballots post marked by election day to be counted up to 3 business days later!

Another provision allows voters to let anyone drop off their absentee ballots rather than a family member as previously required. That has opened the door to so-called ‘Ballot Harvesting’ by campaign operatives!             

“Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant Households Are on Welfare

More than 7-in-10 households headed by immigrants in the state of California are on taxpayer-funded welfare, a new study reveals.

The latest Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by non-citizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

Illegal Aliens tell of ballot-harvesting in California to flip the House blue

In Orange County the Democrats harvested 250,000 absentee ballots—enough to kill off four members of Congress, a State Senator and Assemblyman.  Now we find out, through a technicality in the law, the harvesters in many cases were illegal aliens!!

“The Times describes how California’s famed ballot-harvesters, who flipped places such as Orange County blue in the last midterm, aren’t actually citizens. They did it by “helping” voters fill out, and turn in, and continue to turn in, ballots from otherwise uncommitted voters until they got the result they wanted. Here’s the DREAMers “helping” the voters vote the way they wanted, in action:

In California, Dreamers like Cruz phoned voters, walked precincts and protested outside Republican lawmakers’ offices, reaching people who had not been called or visited by either party. Their efforts helped boost turnout among Latinos in this year’s midterm election — 29 million nationwide were eligible to vote, according to the Pew Research Center — which is projected to surpass levels higher than in past presidential election years, political analysts said.”

The Dems are changing those rules in the same way Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and Obama changed the rules to pass Obamacare! They managed to pass it without ‘1’ Republican voting for it! Does that sound like the Blueprint for America that our founder’s intended, or the Socialist problem that these Dems have been shoving down the throats of the American people since day 1 of the Obama Administration where their say is what the government says and not the ‘Representative Democracy,’ a.k.a. Constitutional Republic that is at the heart of our Republic and the American people it serves!

Before turning over the Senate to the incoming Republican Majority who took back the Senate after the 2014 Midterms, the Dems appointed progressive judges to the lower courts to stop anyone who tried to undo anything that Obama had done to this country in the name of and for Socialism, and doing it by changing the number of votes from the once 60 vote threshold to a 51 vote simple majority known as the ‘Nuclear Option!’ It use to always be 60 votes that was needed to pass major legislation and for the confirmation of Judges and Justices to the lower courts! Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, and because of the untimely death of Ted Kennedy who was that important 60th vote they needed to pass Obamacare, changed the rules so that only 51 votes, a.k.a.,the ‘Nuclear Option’ would be needed to deliver Obamacare to the American people in a somewhat abbreviated form of its original and completed intent! What was missing could be added illegally and unconstitutionally by Obama with his famous ‘Pen and Phone,’ which he did over 40 times while changing an existing law using executive orders to make the necessary changes after the ‘Law of the land’ was passed!

A Second Whistle Blower, Really? As I said earlier about the transcript that President Trump released between the conversation between President Trump and the President of Ukraine that President Trump, why would they need a second Whistle Blower? Kurt Volker, the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine until his resignation on September 27, 2019, and who knows every aspect of what the Dems are claiming to be true is far from it, and if the American people continue to be those ‘Useful Idiots’ that Stalin claims Socialists need to advance their cause(s)! The 2020 elections as it appears now won’t be about saving America, but willingly giving up the American peoples Constitutional Guaranteed Rights with the people’s permission for the sake of the world’s 7.7 Billion people that are being intentionally deprived of those same rights don’t have those same rights, and aren’t going to if the Dems steal another election!

If you really care about the truth behind this new Russian 2.0 hoax than take the time to check out the other night’s ‘Next Revolution’ by Steve Hilton!


What the American people should also recognize is that the Democratic Party has intentionally bypassed our founder’s Constitutional ‘Due Process’ and eliminating the ‘Presumption of Innocence’ as we all witness when the Dems tried to undermine Bret Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court by telling his that it was his responsibility to prove his innocence because it wasn’t in a court of law, but in the same ‘Court of Public Opinion’ that the Dems can no longer trust to swallow the BS that they spew using ‘Fake’ News, Fake Sources, and the ‘Fake’ patriotism that they’ve replaced with corruption, colluding, and not living up to the oath of office they all took to protect and defend the Constitution!

I don’t know if any of you noticed the common denominator between, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and now Joe Biden, …give up? …LAWLESSNESS and their elitist disdain for America and the American people who only care about making America great again, which these 3 obviously don’t!

Barack Obama wasn’t a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen until Pelosi’s Dems altered his records and the election committee looked the other way! Barack Obama had no problem bypassing the 240 plus years of our founders and elected officials working out the kinks of our founder’s experiment in government that was based on ‘By the People and For the People!’ We all know it’s not perfect, but when the poverty level in America is a better life than 60% of the rest of the world’s developed countries, and every nation’s citizens are knocking down our doors to gain access, we should know that what we’ve as Americans have delivered is not something that Obama had the right to go around the world on his first international trip as President to apologize for America’s past actions, and then come home and declare to the people that elected him that America is not exceptional!

The Dems decided to take this opportunity by use world’s influx of illegal immigrants and refugees coming to America to their advantage, and doing it in the same way they lied to and bribed bribed the unconstitutional and illegal DACA recipients using taxpayer dollars to buy freebies that serve as that dangling Socialist carrot in front of their faces to lure them into their web of so that they, like I mentioned before, lied to DACA recipients who are still waiting for that Obama Administration’s promise to grant them Amnesty in exchange for voting for Hillary in 2016! Well it appears that the Dems plans for Hillary’s Coronation never happened because the Dems didn’t have a platform other than Obama’s continued transformation of America to Socialism, not enough DACA recipients voted, or the American made minorities that the Dems have always relied on in the past to bring them into office, have sought and found those greener pastures that made America great in the first place, and now what President Trump is making great again!