If Ryan, McConnell had spent more time defending the American People from Obama’s Socialist Globalism agenda by destroying America from within, then the rise of Trump would never have happened!! After all, they made their own bed, so, let them sleep in it!!
I think we’ve had enough time to see what side of the aisle Paul Ryan is on, and with Breitbart News taking aim at Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and linking him to his Democratic counterparts after he condemned President Trump’s pardon of former Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
“Ryan’s move to throw in against the president’s decision comes along with several Democrats, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi among them, leveling similar criticisms,” the conservative news outlet’s Washington political editor, Matthew Boyle, wrote on Saturday.
Boyle’s article was published just after Ryan broke with the president on pardoning Arpaio, who had been convicted of criminal contempt after he refused to follow a judge’s order to stop racially profiling Latinos.
“The Speaker does not agree with the decision,” Ryan’s spokesman, Doug Andres, told The Wall Street Journal.
“Law-enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the United States. We should not allow anyone to believe that responsibility is diminished by this pardon,” he continued.
Trump’s decision to pardon Arpaio, who has been tough on immigration, is likely to play well with his base.
This is not the first time Breitbart, which appeals to the president’s populist base, has tied Ryan to Democrats.
It published a report during the campaign titled “He’s with her: Inside Paul Ryan’s months-long campaign to elect Hillary Clinton president.”
The news organization has not embraced Trump in recent days, however.
A senior Breitbart employee said that it is ready to help Ryan impeach Trump if he doesn’t follow through on his campaign promises, according to Vanity Fair.
Those comments came in the wake of Stephen Bannon’s departure from the White House. Bannon returned to lead ~~By Julia Manchester, a Friend of America!
The truth of the matter is the left, progressive left that is, is using political correctness, and ‘free’ stuff, to persuade all members of ‘America’s First’ common sense Party to give up America’s exceptionalism and sovereignty. I guess caring about the most envied country in the world because of its freedoms and liberties makes us deplorables look insensitive to the plight of peoples of the world, who by the way might not of had the insight for thought to make that choice when the going was good, and made the wrong decision about where their future could be better guaranteed, and the dreams that could have been realized if they worked hard enough to come to America legally, like the generations before them, to achieve it, and that’s what freedom of choice, the, American dream, and America is all about!
I guess anyone that follows President Trump is deplorable, and if you believe in the rule law, maintaining our sovereignty, enforcing our existing immigration laws, believe in maintaining our Christian heritage, believe in the rights of all legal citizens, and want to maintain our Constitutional Republic, you are, without a doubt, deplorable and uninformed!
I guess where I’m wrong is that I’m not for open borders, defending unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees who are able to hide in our ‘Sanctuary Cities’ and continue to be pardoned every time they commit a crime, just like the other 1,700 plus incarcerated individuals that Obama released, because in his opinion, weren’t violent offenders, but who am I to say we should follow the laws of the land, and who am I to say anything about the bitching of the first pardon that President Trump might grant to “America’s Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio is legit, which by the way, he just granted.
Paul Ryan acted like every Democrat’s wet dream. The massive budget he shoved down America’s throat was a wish list full of everything the Democrats could possibly want.
o He’s gave $1.6 billion to resettle illegal aliens rather than deport them.
o He fully funded Obama’s illegal amnesty.
o He fully funded Obamacare.
o He fully funded Planned Parenthood and their baby cutting tactics.
o He allowed Obama to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees.
o He fully funded the EPA’s program to shut down coal-fired power plants.
o He added hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt.
Ryan also went back on his promise to change the process and have spending bills be reviewed in committee, one at a time; this is the same fat huge omnibus budget made behind closed doors that almost no one had read or reviewed as in the John Boehner era.
It’s time for Paul Ryan to go. Republican who ousted John Boehner should launch another motion to declare the speaker’s chair vacant. But they’re not.
But unlike past fiscal battles, when lawmakers took shots at GOP leaders and tried to tank bills, conservatives held their fire. Even as they vowed to oppose the package, many still praised Speaker Paul Ryan’s handling of the $1.1 trillion spending bill and $680 billion in tax breaks. “In terms of the process, I can tell you I’ve had more meaningful conversations with the speaker and leadership in the last couple of weeks than I think I have in the last couple of years,” said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who instigated the revolt against Speaker John Boehner.
So it’s a terrible budget, but Meadows had good conversations.
Virginia Republican Dave Brat, a Freedom Caucus member who also sits on the budget panel, said Ryan has also gained support because he has been “credible on regular order” — Congress-speak for empowering committees and rank-and-file members — and had already teed up the budget process for the beginning of 2016, a starting point unheard of in recent years.
Next year! He’s no good now, but just wait until next year! Where have we heard that before?
“It’s pretty bad,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Freedom Caucus chairman. Jordan led an effort Wednesday to amend the omnibus package to strip out a cybersecurity provision that many conservatives oppose, and also include Syrian refugee language. Ryan has said the omnibus is not open for changes.
But the blame for the final product, conservatives say, rests on Boehner and Senate Democrats. Ryan just inherited the mess, they argue.
He inherited it! But Boehner was gone. There is no one who forced Ryan to pass this monstrosity.
Instead, they focused on other promises the Wisconsin Republican made when he took the job. Paul made some pretty sustainable commitments about things we’ll do in the future: a major overhaul of our tax system, welfare reform, replacing Obamacare,” [Arizona Rep. Matt ] Salmon said. “These are major things. If we do those things and define clearly what we stand for, that’s the best we can hope for.”
Next year! He promised to do better next year. Always next year.
Paul Ryan is Nancy Pelosi with a beard. And the “Freedom Caucus” are mouthing the same exact words as John Boehner did: “We can’t fight now, but just wait until next year!” A Republican with guts would call to vacate the speaker’s chair again. A pity there isn’t one.
Exit question: Reince Priebus. Scott Walker. Paul Ryan. Is there anything good that comes out of Wisconsin…besides cheese?
I have a message for Donald Trump even after winning the White House: DON’T CHANGE A THING.
Candidate Trump, from the moment he started running for President…the biased-liberal mainstream media, government bureaucrats, career politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, establishment Republicans and various corporate CEOs- who are all in bed together- have tried to damage him, destroy him, or change him.
But he stuck to his guns. he charged ahead and did it his way. He didn’t change a thing. He spoke directly to the people. He spoke over the heads of these elitists, globalists and “one world-ers.” He understood they didn’t have the best interests of America, American workers or the great American middle class in mind.
And it worked.
The Republicans who criticized him have all been wrong. He marginalized them one by one. Mitt Romney. Jeb Bush. John McCain. Lindsey Graham. Mitch McConnell, and now lying Paul Ryan, Let’s not forget commentators like Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Erick Erickson, Ben Shapiro, the Editors of National Review. They are all meaningless now.
When Karl Rove and George Will go on air, we all now change the channel! Because we know exactly what they will continue to say and think, and even though Rove is warming up a little, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him…they are anti-Trump because to them Trump finally and truly means real change…not Barack Obama’s B.S. Socialist change, but real change tied to our founding fathers and the Constitution! And they don’t want it. So Trump has rendered them meaningless.
Now it’s Paul Ryan’s turn.
He’s beaten them all. Their thinking…their language…their ideas don’t win elections…don’t appeal to middle class or working class Americans. They no longer matter. The GOP is his party now.
He tells the truth. He speaks with raw emotion, and he’s politically incorrect. He tells it like it is- even if it shocks some who’ve never heard straight talk before. It worked and still works today via tweet’s or not. He vanquished the 16 best candidates in GOP history. He destroyed them, and made them disappear.
Even more remarkably, they raised and spent hundreds of millions. He spent almost nothing. And he won! His raw truth beat their big money and clandestine attempt to transform America’s 244 years of our Constitutional Republic!
Heck, these politicians all became rich men on our money…look at U.S. Senator Harry Reid. He entered the Senate with modest means, today he is one of its richest members. How did that happen? Donald is the only one who can put a stop to it. The “test run” was beating all the big money interests and their candidates in the GOP primary.
If President Trump sticks to his guns, like he did to beat crooked Hillary Clinton, then staying the course, and exposing the corrupt ‘Swamp’ attempts to ignore and bypass the rule of law and Constitution, then the real ever growing Silent Majority will come to your aid again in the 2018 midterms just like they did for you in 2016, and give you the 60 Senators you need to control the Senate, which will allow you to complete your mission of ‘making America great again! President Trump’s brash, demanding, and ‘get’er done’ directives is what made him a Billionaire, and got him to this amazing place in time, and don’t forget it.
Now it’s Paul Ryan’s turn to become irrelevant in his own party…to become meaningless…to disappear.
Republicans have won nothing on a national basis with Paul Ryan’s image and ideas. He’s boring, traditional, moderate, vanilla and establishment. He won’t take a gamble, and President Trump has been a riverboat gambler his whole life. He’s been up and down. He’s been close to disaster, but has come out of it with $10 billion and one of the great business empires and brands in history.
I believe that the members of the ‘Swamp’ and their ‘never Trump’ constituency have no clue what it takes to be successful, don’t know what deadlines are, or don’t understand the concept that your only as strong as your weakest link when it comes to putting together a team. President Trump didn’t become a Billionaire by missing deadlines, not living up to his promises, or not living up to his commitments or giving his word to his clients, and for America to put this outsider nonpolitician in office, via an electoral college landslide, then it only goes to show you how those character positives I just mentioned, are more than just important, but important to the future of America, and the reason why he won, and the reason the American people wanted to give him the chance to serve America the way America served him!
What’s Paul Ryan built? He’s been in GOP leadership for eight long years while Obama damaged the economy and the country. He was there while Obama stuffed taxes, regulations, spending, Obamacare and outrageous illegal Executive orders down our throats- and Ryan and his GOP establishment buddies did nothing. They were powerless, feckless, impotent cowards. They allowed it all to happen. They didn’t fight like Americans. They waved a white flag like the French.
So when Paul Ryan disavows his comments about the Mexican-American Judge in his Trump University case and calls your words “racist” consider it a badge of honor. He’s the coward and appeaser who waves the white flag every time the left cries foul.
You know why they cried foul? Because he won, and right when victory was upon us…inches away…at the very moment our tactics had worked…that’s when liberals started crying foul, and hasn’t stopped since…and still to this day, especially now with the destroying of confederacy history by tearing down every statue because of the left’s perceived ‘racist’ message …and then watching the GOP establishment weaklings and cowards cry “Uncle.” That’s Paul Ryan.
Ryan is the typical Republican leader who brings a knife to a gun fight. He plays by gentleman’s rules, while liberals bring machine guns and cut us to shreds. They’re banging our brain in, and Ryan keeps playing by gentleman’s rules. He thinks its badminton with Muffy at the country club. But it’s war. And we need a wartime leader. That’s Donald Trump!
Quite simply Ryan and his fellow establishment cronies are either idiots, or sleeping with the enemy.
Trump didn’t say anything racist. He just told the truth. It isn’t his Mexican heritage that makes the judge unfit to oversee the Trump U. case. It’s his membership in a La Raza lawyers group. It’s his past statements about his Mexican heritage. It’s his handing out college scholarships to illegal aliens. This judge can’t be trusted to oversee a Donald Trump case anymore than the Democrat Mayor of “sanctuary city” San Jose and his La Raza-affiliated police chief.
That San Jose police chief clearly ordered his 250 riot police to stand down and do nothing, while Trump supporters were beaten and bloodied right in front of them. It’s time to speak truth. It’s time to call a traitor, a traitor. These people in power have an agenda. They’re not on our side. They’re not on your side. We need to call them out.
None of the people in power can be trusted anymore- whether they be white, black, Mexican or any other race or creed. They are all part of “the system.” They are all out to protect the way things are…to protect their power…their crony capitalism…their obscene pensions…the open borders that kill middle class jobs and lower our wages. They are all in on the scam to destroy America’s middle and working class, and make us dependent on government. To give the power to the elite. To leave the rest of us powerless and at their mercy.
Donald hit the nail on the head again. This case is about so much more than a judge’s race or heritage. It’s about a corrupt and biased judiciary and legal system, in bed with the DC establishment ruling class.
Here are the questions that need to be asked about Trump’s case:
Who put lawyers in charge? Who says they have our best interests in mind? Or is their only goal to protect the government and the “ruling class” and hurt people like Donald Trump who stand up against the power elite?
A judge is supposedly 100% impartial. Really? How is that possible when he belongs to advocacy groups opposed to what Donald Trump and conservatives stand for? His Mexican heritage does not matter. His belonging to a La Raza lawyer group and giving away scholarships to illegal aliens matters very much. Paul Ryan is either too stupid to see that, or too scared to be be called a “racist” to tell the truth.
Could an innocent black kid get a fair trial from a judge who belongs to a white supremacist group?
Could a white cop get a fair trial from a judge who marches in “Black Lives Matter” protests and denounces cops as “racist”?
Any judge who belongs to groups that oppose the defendant’s views must be removed from the case.
Why doesn’t the system require that both parties to any legal action agree on the judge? Why should any defendant’s case hinge on the luck of the draw? Why should a defendant have to pray for a judge who is fair…versus one with an agenda?
Donald Trump should have turned this into a teachable moment about the unfairness of the legal system. How it is stacked against anyone fighting the system and the elite DC establishment.
This is a case of big government, big business, big media, politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, judges and a corrupt legal system tilted against anyone fighting corruption, fighting big government, fighting the system.
As far as Paul Ryan, ignore him. He’s the old guard. He’s a loser, and another Mitch McConnell. Paul Ryan, along with Mitch McConnell are the reason the GOP, after winning the hearts of the voter in the 2016 elections because of outsider nonpolitician Donald Trump, are now showing all of America how they are in cahoots with the Progressive left, and moving forward with their plans to confiscate America’s assets, outsource our innovation and technology for the greater good of the world, and the reason that if President Trump doesn’t get the 60 Senators he needs to make America great again, they might actually succeed!
Job of U.S. Lawmaker Is to Put Yourself in Shoes of Foreign Citizens
Conservative activists have renewed their scrutiny of Ryan’s support for a radical Republican policy of open borders. Breitbart News has discovered yet another little-noticed video in which Ryan articulates his commitment to immigration policies that would dissolve America’s sovereignty.
Paul Ryan told a predominantly Hispanic audience that the job of a U.S. lawmaker is to put oneself in the shoes of foreign nationals who want to come to the United States, then work to discover solutions to make their lives better.
Ryan declared:
“This is the American Dream. This is the American idea. Look, put yourself in another person’s shoes, which if you’re in elected office, that’s what your kind of have to do that almost every single day. The job we have–and what we do is we take different people’s perspectives. The gentleman from India who’s waiting for his green card. The DREAMer who is waiting. We take all these different perspectives. We process it through our values and our morals and our principles. And then we come up with the answer to try and solve this problem. That’s basically what we do in our jobs.”
Ryan’s statement may strike some listeners as bizarre—many may think that the job of U.S. Congressman ought to be to put himself in the shoes of his citizen constituents who elected him, giving their needs greater priority than the desires of someone from a foreign country.
Ryan’s message, however, of prioritizing the needs and desire of foreign nationals who do not reside in the United States, is in line with the thought process of those who support the principles of open borders—i.e., a policy of allowing foreign goods and labor to freely and legally cross into and out of the country without interference.
Since Paul Ryan became a U.S. Congressman, the U.S. has added more immigrants than there were Romney primary voters in 2012 [9.8 million]. Since Wisconsin voters sent Paul Ryan to Washington, the U.S. has imported a population of immigrants that is nearly three times larger than the entire population of Wisconsin [5.7 million].
The Ryan-Rubio Republican message of prioritizing the needs of foreign nationals above U.S. citizens stands in stark contrast to populist Republican thought leader, Senator Jeff Sessions. The Alabama Senator argues that the job of a U.S. lawmaker ought to be to represent his constituents—not special interest groups, big business donors, or other nations. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot, Sessions declared:
I love America. I believe I’m an elected official. And who puts me in office? The people who should benefit from my actions are the American people. That’s who should be first. Some people seem to think they represent groups, they seem to think we represent the whole world,
Conservative House members have received no commitment from Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan that he would in any way try to curb the nation’s importation of Muslims on visas.
By the end of the year, Congress will have to pass a government funding measure to appropriate funds for all federal operations. The Boehner-Obama debt deal, backed by Ryan, established the spending levels-but Congress still has to pass the actual spending bills which contain the money. This was the last official American F**k job that Boehner did before leaving office, and Ryan excepting the position of Speaker of the House!!
Included in this package will be funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement and other refugee-related operations, thus allowing the President to carry out his resettlement plans. In order to stop the President from carrying out these plans, congress would have to include restrictions in the year-end funding bill that would be advanced by Ryan and Sen. Mitch McConnell.
Senator Sen. Jeff Sessions called for prohibitions on funding for refugee resettlement in a USA Today op-ed calling on Congress to slash visa allocations:
Congress should immediately begin to move popular immigration reforms that would be backed by overwhelming majorities of voters, including… blocking the President from using federal funds to unilaterally expand the costly refugee resettlement program.
European media sources confirm that ISIS has already infiltrated some refugee communities. President Obama’s own FBI, DHS, DNI directors admitted that we cannot properly vet Syrian refugees for national security risks. Rather than giving the Administration a blank check that puts the safety and security of the American people at risk, Congress should stand up and use the budget process to stop the dangerous and costly program.
However, a recent interview with House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan suggest that it may be an uphill climb to get the House’s new Speaker to include such a measure in the year-end funding bill. Jordan told Breitbart that the Freedom Caucus received no commitment from Ryan that he reduces visa issuances to Muslim countries.
Almost $200 Million Donated To Representatives To Pass TPA
Boehner Got $5 Million, Ryan $2 Million, McConnell $9 Million- Any Doubt why TPA Passed?
The battle over TPA became a conflict between people and money. The people won in the House but then the Republican leadership working closely with President Obama, along with key Democrats, manipulated the rules for a re-vote. But rather than a re-vote they came up with a scheme to avoid a re-vote on Trade Adjustment Assistance which they lost in the House and which stopped TPA from becoming law. Leadership created a convoluted process that now appears to be on the verge of success. It will make it very hard to stop the Obama trade agreements that will dramatically shift power over the global economy and all levels of US government to corporations.
Many think our government is for sale. However, by taking a look at the facts below provided by the Open Secrets, it is easy to understand where they are coming from. Looking back, the House voted on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the controversial bill that gives power to the executive branch to negotiate treaties. TPA limit’s Congress’ ability to better a trade deal by subjecting members of Congress to 90 days of reviewing the trade agreement, prohibiting any amendments on the implementing legislation, and giving them an up or down vote. TPA passed with a mere 219-211 vote with only 218 needed to pass. The real shocker comes from the amount of money each Representative received for a yes vote. In total, $197,869,145 was given to Representatives for a yes vote where as $23,065,231 was given in opposition.
The formula in the House seems fairly simple, at least as far as rewarding those in leadership positions. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) got a cool $5 million and change, Mike McCarthy (R-CA) half that at $2.4 million, and Steve Scalise (R-LA) half again at $1.2 million. For Paul Ryan, the price of American sovereignty was $2.2 million.
In the Senate the picture is even uglier, and much more blatant. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “acquired” $9.2 million, John Cornyn (R-TX) $5.3 million and Orrin Hatch $4.2, the third member of the Senate trio of traitors forcing this upon us.
Marco Rubio pocketed $3.9 million for voting to tie us to a bill he never read, with his fellow presidential candidate Lindsey Graham “earning” $3.4 million.
The fifth highest paid legislator is somewhat of a “hero” in comparison to others. Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) received $1.6 million for a yes vote and only $282,710 for a no vote. Despite of his high contribution from those in favor of TPA, he still voted a solid nay.
We also have other hero stories.
- Joe Crowley (D-NY) received 1.3 million for a “yea” vote and only $72,550 for a “nay” vote and he still voted against TPA.
- Patrick Murphy (D-FL) received 1.1 million for a “yea” vote and only $213,360 for a “nay” vote and still voted against it.
- Richard Neal D(MA) received $1.1 million for a “yea” vote and a mere $47,625 for a “nay” vote and still voted against it.
Democrats are not the only heroes in this voting session. GOP members spoke very loud and clear.
- Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) received $541,746 for a “yea” vote and no money at all for a “nay” vote and he still voted “nay!”
- Andy Harris (R-MD) received $254,803 for a “yea” vote and no money at all for a “nay” vote and he still voted “nay”.
- Thomas Massie (R-KY) received $250,328 for a “yea” vote and no money at all for a “nay” vote and he still voted “nay.”
- Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) received $180,832 for a “yea” vote and no money at all for a “nay vote” and [he] still voted “nay.”
Where did this kind of money come from? Those in favor of TPA were Security Brokers and Investment Companies who donated a whopping $11.3 million dollars for a “yea” vote. Or big banking companies who donated $10.1 million dollars. In other words, Wall Street hashed out millions and millions of dollars to push for the passage of TPA.
Those numbers are absolutely staggering. Corporations are taking control of what policies are approved or blocked in the U.S. We cannot sit around while corporations decide what is “good” for America or not! This is a democracy, not a plutocracy! Contact your representatives and let them know that you do not want them to vote in favor of TPA!
These slimy weasels are bought and sold like cheap whores. Sorry for the insult to all my cheap whore readers. Mitch McConnell is everything that is wrong with this country rolled into one disgusting package of shit. Kicking the can and bending over for Harry Reid and the Obamanistas are his specialty. When he was the Senate Leader the Republicans cut nothing. He added trillions to the national debt when he was in control. We are a deadbeat nation led by corrupt brain dead old men. This turtle faced douchebag needs to be crushed by a truck while crossing the road.
McConnell-Reid Deal Includes $3 Billion Earmark for Kentucky Project
A proposal to end the government shutdown and avoid default orchestrated by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Harry Reid includes a nearly $3 billion earmark for a Kentucky project.
Language in a draft of the McConnell-Reid deal provided to WFPL News shows a provision that increases funding for the massive Olmsted Dam Lock in Paducah, Ky., from $775 million to nearly $2.9 billion.
To summarize, we have 3 leaders, ‘huuuuuge’ leaders of the so called conservative right who don’t even believe or follow their own definition of what conservatism means, but continue to use that argument against Trump in an obvious attempt to conceal their own anti-American agenda and backing the Globalization of America, while accepting the monetary rewards and powers that were granted to them trough the passage of Citizens United, and backing Obama’s agenda of destroying America from within!
We have ‘Cry Baby’ Boehner who took the money to pass TPP, stepped down, and then funded the Boehner-Obama debt deal, that was also backed by Ryan, who established the spending levels. Ryan at that point took over as house speaker, and took the money for the passage of TPP. Thanks to the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, Ryan, the traitor to the conservative party, and the definition of conservatism, which he was accusing Trump of not being enough of, was in the end, his betrayal to what conservatism meant to his constituency!
With the assistance of Harry Reid and his reign over the Senate when he was majority leader, Mitch McConnell, who like the country’s biggest obstructionist Harry Reid who sat on over 350 house passed bills without presenting them to the Senate for passage, became majority leader, and continued on with his own version of Reid’s ‘Do nothing Congress!’ for the last 2 years of Obama’s reign of terror, so that Obama’s blueprint for Socialism would be left intact when Hillary’s guaranteed coronation of finalized!