(Post Labor Day Series Part 5)

As many years I’ve been consumed by our political system I’ve been consumed by the possibility that with the earth being around for about 4.5 billion years, give or take 10,000 years, and how today’s level of technology is revealing, but how much more revealing could it possibly be if you compare it to the technology that you have to know existed for millions if not billions of years ahead of the just 150 to 200 years ago benefits and technical advancements that came out of the industrial revolution just back in the 1800’s?
Now we have the possibility, if even the Mainstream Media even allowed, or care to give the information of having antibodies from Covid-19 infection is better than the vaccine because people with antibodies cannot transmit the virus, but people who are vaccinated can.
I am more than sure that neither the Mainstream Media or ‘Big Tech’ informed you that on March 26, 2020, Microsoft’s patent 060606 was published. It says that Microsoft has patented a cryptocurrency mining system that harnesses human activities, including brainwaves and body heat when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chatbot and reading ads. This technology allows the people controlling it to know each person’s thoughts, emotions, location, whether they are drinking alcohol, having sex, ovulating, etc. At business meetings attended by many doctors, it was announced that this technology will soon be implemented without informing people.

I would think that after driving the public using fear at first and now back pedaling on the effects of the different vaccines percentage when it comes to actually helping in protecting humans around the world on a daily basis, and then finding out that in July 2020, that it was Bill Gates who introduced digital identification in West Africa based on vaccination records of People who were vaccinated with COVID have hydrogels (nanobots) inside them. Gates is proud that this connects to predictive policing. Dr. Madej explains that once this technology is perfected in West Africa, it will move to all developed countries. Bill Gates talks about monitoring human behavior worldwide. This is the real reason he insisted that the world receive COVID injections in a hurry, not to protect anyone from a “deadly pandemic”.
Fauci, Gates, HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, and Vaccines: Perfect Together? …NOT!!
11 June 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
COVID Injections Facilitate Transhumanism

The active ingredient in the Modern vaccine that alters our RNA or DNA is called “Luciferase”. Is it code for “Lucifer wiping out” humanity?
Dr. Carrie Madej warns in the movie that COVID injections have two purposes:
Reprogram our DNA to turn us into more easily controlled human-IA hybrids.
Implant a digital vaccine ID that will allow total control over each person.
The Warning is:

“There is a battle being waged against humanity. Dr. Carrie Madej reveals how ‘Big’ Tech is collaborating with Big Pharma to introduce new technologies into vaccines that will alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. This will end humanity as we know it, and begin the process of transhumanism: HUMAN 2.0.
The plans are to use vaccines to inject nanotechnology into our bodies and connect us to the cloud and artificial intelligence. This will allow rogue governments and tech giants to control us without us even realizing it.”

While a growing number of scientists and doctors have been warning about the dangers of COVID injections (as shown below), Dr. Madej is unique in explaining that the true purpose of the injections is to turn humans (Humans 1.0) into transhumans merged with Artificial Intelligence (Humans 2.0) without our knowledge or consent. That technology will be used to control each person to levels never before achieved. Dr. Madej explains that we are at the most crucial moment in human history. She shows that this is the third world war, a spiritual war of the mind, heart and soul. She explains how we can win now.
Four fundamental facts that COVID “health” policies ignore.
COVID-19 “health” policies ignore the following four fundamental facts:
CDC statistics show that COVID-19 poses minimal risk to most people.
There are four potential low-cost treatments for COVID.

COVID injections do not meet any of the five vaccine criteria.
There have been many injuries and deaths from COVID “Vaccines”.
COVID injections kill large numbers of people.
A world-renowned conventional physician criticizes COVID JAB-Erwocks links to an interview of Dr. Peter McCullough, deputy director of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center. The article says that Dr. McCullough “might be the best cardiologist in the world, who also has an MPH degree and is a professor of medicine. His work/expertise is totally impressive, and seems impossible for one person. …Even better, he is also world famous. I mean…he has exceptional intelligence to analyze and dissect the COVID VAX atrocity. The measured way in which he presents this bombshell is also remarkable.”
Dr. McCullough analyzes the blood clots for which J&J’s product was stopped and notes that the blood clots caused by the mRNA vaccine are “probably 30 times greater,” but it has not been stopped. Dr. McCullough says “…keep in mind that the NIH is a co-owner of the Moderna patent.”

Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits appeared in the Plandemic: ‘Indoctornation films’ that went viral last year. Dr. Martin explains why COVID injections are not “vaccines.” Dr. Mikovits warns that COVID injections can cause multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s and accelerate cancer.
What does it mean to be human?
In Alex Newman Interviewing Dr. Carrie Madej – COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism, Dr. Madej explains that she obtained this information at scientific and business meetings. She says, “The truth shall set you free.” She points out that we need to know the truth in order to make important decisions for ourselves and for humanity.

Dr. Madej says that the most important question now is “What does it mean to be human?” because challenges to our humanity are occurring at the speed of light. He explains that our genome is composed of DNA that provides the information and blueprint that makes us human and separates us from all other organisms. There are 135,000 terabytes of information in a human genome.
So, if your DNA is modified by synthetic DNA, are you still human? Changing even one protein in our DNA can have disastrous consequences. DNA is transformed into RNA that creates the proteins that make up our body. RNA is therefore a key intermediary. Dr. Madej points out that COVID-19 “vaccines” are a genetic modification technology. COVID vaccines include unprecedented mRNA technology that has never been used in any other vaccine and has not been subjected to the years of testing required for vaccines.
This is the most crucial point in the history of mankind.
Dr. Madej explains that we are at the most crucial point in human history because it is the advent of transhumanism, which is the merging of humanity with artificial intelligence.
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
What is the future of humanity?

Dr. Madej shows a National Geographic cover describing “Human 2.0” based on transhumanism. Scientists are putting nanobots in our bodies to create a global super brain, a collective consciousness or “Hive Mind.” The nanobots will connect directly to the cloud rather than to a cell phone.
Dr. Madej talks about Ray Kurzweil, a Google scientist who is one of the leading proponents of transhumanism. He believes that all humans should merge with AI by 2030 to achieve eternal life by uploading our memories and downloading them into avatars. The goal is for humans to become Avatar-like holograms by 2045.
Connecting transhumanism with COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Dr. Madej shows that, unlike normal vaccines, COVID-19 injections are not based on an identified virus. Instead, they are based on a combined DNA generated by AI. He explains how the injections teach the body to attack itself. The AstraZeneca injection is known to increase HIV incidence. Australians who injected have tested positive for HIV. No one knows the ramifications of the synthetic code that Pfizer and Moderna have put on the RNA front end. The mRNA technology can cause permanent changes. This is how genetically modified plants and animals have been created. Moderna boasts on its website that its COVID “vaccine” is like a computer operating system or application.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that humans cannot be patented. However, the synthetic DNA implanted by COVID vaccines can be patented. RNA from vaccines can change your DNA. Therefore, whoever holds the patent on that synthetic DNA owns that part or all of the people who receive COVID injections! COVID “vaccines” suppress the immune system which can cause disastrous results including cancers and many types of autoimmune diseases.
*The inventor of MRNA says stop COVID “vaccines” now.
*Many Marines, police, NFL, nurses reject COVID vaccine.
COVID-19 “Vaccines” Implant Nanotechnology
Dr. Madej says she learned at scientific and business meetings that there is another agenda to include hydrogel (nanotechnology) in COVID “vaccines”. The hydrogel can send and receive data wirelessly through your phone. It passes through 5G to a supercomputer that analyzes it and can give you cryptocurrencies based on your actions.

Dr. Madej reports that on March 26, 2020, Microsoft’s patent 060606 was published. It says that Microsoft has patented a cryptocurrency mining system that harnesses human activities, including brainwaves and body heat when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chatbot and reading ads. This technology allows the people controlling it to know each person’s thoughts, emotions, location, whether they are drinking alcohol, having sex, ovulating, etc. At business meetings attended by Dr. Madej, it was announced that this technology will soon be implemented without informing people.
This is a total loss of autonomy and privacy, with plans to use technology as “predictive policing,” as in The Minority Report. In July 2020, Bill Gates introduced digital identification in West Africa based on vaccination records. People there who were vaccinated with COVID have hydrogels (nanobots) inside them. Gates is proud that this connects to predictive policing. Dr. Madej explains that once this technology is perfected in West Africa, it will move to all developed countries. Bill Gates talks about monitoring human behavior worldwide. This is the real reason he insisted that the world receive COVID injections in a hurry, not to protect anyone from a “deadly pandemic”.
Profusa Nanotechnology

Dr. Madej says that the goal of the COVID-19 agenda is to change humans (Humans 1.0) into Humans 2.0 (transhumans). She explains that this technology can be linked to a social credit system like China’s, and that such a system was discussed for Atlanta, Georgia, where she lives. People who have a low social credit score would not be able to get a good mortgage for their home, get into a good school, or get a good meal. However, they would not know why this was happening and might conclude that they are unlucky.
Dr. Madej recommends that people learn about Profusa, which is introducing hydrogel nanotechnology as the next step after FitBits:
*Military-funded biosensor could be the future of pandemic detection.
*Profusa receives $7.5 million DARPA grant to work on implantable biosensors.
*Injectable body sensors bring personal chemistry closer to a cell phone
*DARPA-supported sensor injected under the skin aims to detect COVID-19 days before symptoms appear
*Profusa’s tiny implantable sensors continue to work on patients even after four years

This is World War III

Dr. Madej explains that we are in World War III now – a war of the mind, heart and soul. He says it is a “war of frequencies and energy” because the authorities keep most people in constant fear to make us forget who we are. These scientists believe that humanity can only evolve through Artificial Intelligence and not spiritually. Dr. Madej says they boast of being atheists and have a very satanic agenda. It is corrupt medicine and corrupt science that we should not trust.
Dr. Madej says we can win if we remember that we are powerful Light Beings and eternal souls. Our hearts, minds, thoughts and words have incredible scientifically documented power. Dr. Madej explains that Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated that our words and intentions powerfully affect the shape of water crystals. Since we are 80% water, our thoughts, words and intentions affect us and others. The video Masaru Emoto – Experiments with Water explains that water makes up more than 70% of our body and the planet. It is the source of all life.
‘We the People’ can stop this terrible agenda now if we unite and stand up for our rights!
This is the most crucial moment in human history!

Dr. Madej raises key questions about COVID “vaccines” in her interview for the Planet Lockdown documentary. Just by hiding this information, millions of Americans have volunteered to be part of this unnecessary, dangerous and unprecedented experiment. They are receiving the vaccines without the informed consent required by the Nuremberg Code. Unfortunately, some schools and employers are forcing these shots.
Catherine Austin Fitts shows that the reason COVID injections are called “vaccines” is to allow them the exemption from liability. Also, calling them vaccines allows them to be issued under the Emergency Use Authorization that can only be used for vaccines. Even if these injections were vaccines, EUAs (Emergency Use Authorization) for these injections are still illegal since there are at least four COVID treatments.
Dr. Madej shows that the injections inject nanotechnology to collect data and create proprietary personas. Who owns them? He says the technology injects biosensors that will be the basis for cryptocurrencies obtained by the personas. The “vaccinated” people will be connected to the Internet of Things, where their biometric data will be transmitted to supercomputers. This is how the authorities are putting implants in people, without their knowledge or consent. Many people would have resisted an implant like the Mark of the Beast – especially an implant that determines how they can buy and sell – because the Bible warns against it. So, by calling this technology a “vaccine,” the authorities are tricking people into getting a chip. Dr. Madej mentions Bill Gates’ ID 2020 which is a plan for every person to have an ID.

Thus, COVID-19 “health” policies have been a multi-faceted Trojan Horse that people welcomed to save them from a “deadly pandemic,” but which is not only crippling and killing people on a large scale, but also enslaving them in multiple ways. It is a campaign based on a multifaceted deception. Dr. Madej says these policies are not based on sound science and make it clear that there is a global agenda that involves surveillance and control of every human being. He says this is the ultimate in slavery because technology provides control of bodies and minds.
The battle and the hope

Dr. Madej says this is the most crucial point in human history. He says, “If we don’t have our freedom, what do we have?” He declares that we are in a Great War – the War between Good and Evil and a Great Awakening is happening now. “We are awakening now to what has been going on in the world for a long time: deception and lies, oppression and slavery on different levels. The line has been drawn-whose side are you on, what else is there but freedom and love?”
Dr. Madej encourages people to consult the Heart Math Institute, which found that the energy of the heart comes out at two meters. So that’s probably why social distancing requires people to stay six feet away: to avoid the heart-to-heart connection, just as masks undermine emotional connections.

Dr. Madej says, “We can do better. We have to remember who we are. Once we do, we will see bright, happy people, the Light coming out of everyone. What a wonderful world – but we have to go through the ugliness first to see what we’ve been hypnotized by, what we’ve been brainwashed by, what we’ve been oppressed by. It’s hard, we all know that – but the good thing is that there is a good ending. We can return to our true natural self, which is a beautiful, shining Being of Light. It’s just that little fire we have to light in everyone to remember.”

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